God-level Base

Chapter 125: Siege

Brute force is also a terrifying master with a top psychic rank. Even though he was defeated by Tagmurris, he escaped calmly. Now he was easily shot to death by Camilla, showing the strength of Camilla's archery skills.

Seeing Brutality and his party fled in embarrassment, the morale in the City of Steel improved a lot.

But not long after, a mighty, invisible army appeared in the distance, like a dark cloud covering the sun, rushing towards the city of steel.

On the walls of the City of Steel, many soldiers showed fear on their faces when they saw the invisible army appear.

However, most of the soldiers recruited by Shu Feng were veterans who had experienced wars and had combat experience, so they didn't fall apart.

Li Xuanyi looked at the army that couldn't see the edge, his eyes slowly and slowly said: "A hundred thousand army, it is really covering the sky! Shu Feng, are you sure your trump card can defeat this army?"

As a son of a family, Li Xuanyi has read many books, in which he even records the key battles of millions of armies fighting and decisive battles. But in reality, the sense of oppression of that 100,000 army is hard to describe in books.

Ma Jue and the others looked at the one hundred thousand army below, their expressions couldn't help changing slightly, and a trace of fear was involuntarily born in their hearts. But fortunately, each of them was very smart, and they didn't say anything to shake the morale of the army.

"The wall of the city of steel is thirty meters high, and there is a moat outside! The wall alone has blocked most people. Our true opponent is the elite of the four generals, with only 8,000 badges. "

"Those eight thousand badges make them strong and powerful, but it is equally difficult to climb the walls of the City of Steel. After all, this is the city of steel that claims to be the most defensive."

"The army of 100,000 looks like a lot, but it's nothing more than a chicken! As long as we don't mess inside, it's impossible to be breached!" Shu Feng said with a confident expression on his face.

Seeing Shu Feng's confident and indifferent look, everyone calmed down and quietly looked at the 100,000 army outside.

The center of the one hundred thousand army suddenly separated, and four generals riding different mutant beasts appeared more and more, coldly overlooking the city of steel.

"[Phantom General] Arthur!!!"

As soon as Tagmurris saw a giant white tiger riding a giant white tiger among the four generals, the handsome [Magic General] Arthur, his eyes flashed red, and a terrifying murderous intent shot in his eyes, and he was very difficult to suppress himself from rushing out. desire.

Arthur Yang said: "I am [General General] Arthur under the seat of the enchantress, please come to see you, Lord Shu Feng of the City of Steel!"

"My lord Shu Feng is a great **** of the sun, and his status is equal to that of the Charm Witch. You are just a dog under the Charm Witch's seat. What qualifications do my lord have to come and see you?"

Wearing black long-barrel knee socks and black and white lace maid outfits, the stunningly beautiful girl Eve Lei walked out of a high tower above the city wall, and looked down at [Magic General] Arthur Dao coldly and arrogantly.

Arthur raised his brows and glanced at Evely and said, "Who are you?"

Evrei looked proud and proud and said: "I am Evrei, a maid serving the great sun god! [General Magic Magic] Arthur, what can you say to me? I can tell it to the great sun god. "

Arthur said lightly: "Shu Feng, our Tandu Empire's 100,000 armies have surrounded the City of Steel! You still have time to surrender, and I can give you and your companion the courtesy of the nobles of the Tandu Empire. If you don't surrender. , When the city breaks, it is the death day of you and your companions."

Evrei said: "Arthur, my lord has something to say! If your four generals surrender now, serve for our lord! Except for you, the other three generals can receive the forgiveness of our lord and leave a life. If you are No, today is your death day!"

After speaking, Evely retracted very decisively.

[General of Magic Magic] Arthur is proficient in illusion, and his illusion skills are very terrifying. Evely also wore an extraordinary badge on her body, but she was also worried about Arthur's illusion.


A trace of blue air appeared on Arthur's face, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he shouted sharply.

Among the army at the rear, dozens of catapults were pushed out, and blocks the size of a millstone were blasted toward the city of steel like cannonballs.

Most of the boulders blasted on the walls of the City of Steel, and immediately burst apart, turning into countless pieces and splashing around. Only two boulders hit someone, smashing the two defenders of the City of Steel into meat sauce.

After two rounds of shooting by the trebuchets of the coalition forces of the four major generals, from the city of steel, a hundred boulders flew out from the city of steel, and blasted into the trebuchet positions of the coalition forces like meteors, smashing the trebuchets of the coalition forces one by one.

Among the coalition forces, there was a sudden commotion. Numerous ordinary people in ragged clothes and unarmored rushed towards the city of steel with bags of dirt on their backs.

Ye Mingxi saw this scene, her eyes were red, her silver teeth bitten, and she roared in anger, "These **** beasts!!"

A touch of unbearable flashed in Qi Ning's beautiful eyes: "These are ordinary people!! The remnants of the Kangen Empire and the Lethman Empire!! It is a vicious method to drive the people of the enemy country into siege."

"Let's release the arrow!"

As soon as the ordinary people approached the City of Steel, Tagmurris immediately ordered coldly.

Countless arrows are like shooting stars, shooting towards the crowd below.

The ordinary people below who were trying to fill the moat suffered heavy casualties, their morale collapsed, and they fled madly towards the rear.

The supervising team of the four major coalition forces in the rear went forward with a frenzied slash, killing all the remnants of the two empires who had written about it.

There was red hair, the hair was tied into small braids, and the awkward [General Blaze] frowned slightly and said: "The opponent's guard is cruel and wants to break the city. It's very difficult!"

With long blue hair, handsome appearance, and a cold color between his eyebrows, General Lei Ya said coldly: "The City of Steel is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it reserves a huge amount of war resources. Just rely on it. How can these wastes conquer the city of steel?"

The bald head, two meters tall and full of muscles, looked like a muscular weird [Sora no Grand General] Popocata complained: "It’s all due to the trash of silver art, and he died when he died. It's a headache!"

If it hadn’t been for the 30-meter-high wall of the City of Steel and the surrounding moats, surrounded by a hundred thousand army, even the powerhouse of the Spirit Venerable Realm would be surrounded and killed alive if they didn’t escape. Die.

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