God-level Base

Chapter 1246: Identity exposure

Under the burning of the spiritual fire, countless mists turned into strange smoke and rose up.

In the thick fog, a weird tree and vines engraved with countless mysterious curses emerged, entangled a great power, a burst of light flashed, and then the great power was forced into the ground abruptly.

Long Xing Tianjun sternly shouted: "Be careful! The attack comes from the underground!"

Jingshi Tianjun stretched out his hand to grab the place where the great power disappeared, and the ground cracked a thousand meters deep, but nothing appeared.

"You will all die! Hee hee, you all will die!!"

"Hehe, haha!"


Waves of weird and distorted voices echoed in this area, exuding a creepy feeling.

The remaining twenty-nine great powers also changed greatly, and they used secret methods, opened a heavy defense enchantment, and used various secret investigation methods to look around.

It's just that no matter what secret techniques those mighty and heavenly monarchs used, they couldn't find the trace of that weird tree and vine.

"We keep going!"

After an hour of vigilance, Long Xing Tianjun said immediately.

If the weird existence hidden in this woods keeps hiding and does not show up, even a supreme heavenly monarch like Longxing Tianjun can't help it.

Shu Feng and his entourage left the woods and moved on.

Shu Feng and his entourage had just stepped out of the woods, in the woods bursts of twisted weird light emerged, forming a weird and twisted human face, and weirdly smiled towards Shu Feng: "Tianjun Jin, who are you? ?"

As soon as this remark came out, one after another focused on Shu Feng's body.

Long Xing Tianjun also looked at Shu Feng with a vigilant face and said, "Tianjun Jinxue, who are you? I want to know this question too!"

The eyes of the remaining six heavenly monarchs and twenty-nine mighty powers also fell on Shu Feng, full of vigilance.

The infiltration of a heavenly monarch of unknown origin into them is a very dangerous thing for any heavenly monarch and great power.

"Mantra twists the ancient tree, this kind of monster is really a headache."

Shu Feng smiled slightly, his body blurred, and a human form suddenly appeared.

"Storm King! Isn't he a super power?"

"Tianjun!! The Storm Emperor, he has already advanced to the Supreme Heavenly Monarch!! His cultivation speed is too terrifying!!"


As soon as those heavenly monarchs and mighty people saw Shu Fengzhen's body, everyone's complexion suddenly changed.

A strange light flashed in the eyes of the three gods Tianjun: "So, he is the Storm Emperor, no, it should be the Storm Emperor now!! No wonder he will help tomorrow Luo."

Southern Star Tianjun looked at Shu Feng quietly and said nothing.

Long Xing Tianjun's eyes narrowed slightly and said: "Storm Tianjun, what do you want to do when sneaking into our team?"

Shu Feng said indifferently: "Naturally it is for this true magic site! I also want to get more resources from this true magic site, and get further opportunities."

Long Xing Tianjun pondered for a while and then decisively said: "In this case, let's move on!"

Regardless of whether Shu Feng is Tianjun Baofeng or Tianjun Jinwu, Tianjun Longxing has only one purpose, which is to explore this true demonic site. After all, there is not much friendship between Longxing Tianjun and Jinwu Tianjun and Southern Star Tianjun.

The eyes of those great abilities and heavenly monarchs flickered, and they all continued to move forward.

After walking for hundreds of kilometers, there were rustling sounds from all directions, and countless strange monsters with human faces formed a cloud of worms and rushed towards Shu Feng and his party.

"Huh! An ant-like existence! All die!"

Jingshi Tianjun smiled sensibly, with five fingers, and a twisted black hole emerged in his right hand.

The countless weird face monsters were immediately enveloped by a burst of terrifying suction, and they were instantly sucked into the right hand of Tianjun Jingshi.

Within a few breaths, the face of the Demon Insect that had more than 100 million human faces that could swallow the Great Demon God was swept away by Tianjun Jingshi.

After killing the group of human face monsters, the group moved on.

Along the way, everyone encountered more than a dozen kinds of strange existence attacks, but those more than a dozen kinds of strange existences were wiped out one by one under the joint attacks of the eight great heavenly monarchs such as Shu Feng.

"Found it, that side is the True Demon Monument!"

The three gods Tianjun suddenly brightened his eyes and pointed forward, his eyes flashing with scorching heat.

I saw an incomparably broken heritage palace in front of him, and in the incomparably broken heritage secret law hall, there was a 10,000-meter-high heritage jade monument engraved with countless mysterious curses.

A trace of power fluctuations of true magic series emerged from that side of the inherited jade stele, making everyone's eyes flashing with scorching heat.

A true demon inheritance cannot allow a heavenly monarch to advance to a true demon, but a true demon inheritance can also give a heavenly monarch great benefits, allowing them to see how to go at the end of a road.

After the original era of demons, basically more than 95% of true demons had seen various true demons before they advanced. After all, standing on the shoulders of their predecessors, they can go further and become stronger.

Suddenly, the earth cracked open, and the corpse ape of the Heavenly Monarch rank suddenly appeared, and one claw was directed towards a great power.

"help me!"

The face of that great power changed drastically, and with a sharp roar, he opened a heavy barrier.

The corpse ape of the Heavenly Sovereign rank smashed countless enchantments with one claw, and grabbed on that mighty body.

That mighty body fell apart at once, turned into countless pieces and disappeared.

"Sure enough, a foolish fool!"

Shu Feng smiled sensibly, with five fingers, urging the shadow power.

Numerous weird and twisted shadow tentacles erupted directly from the shadow behind the corpse ape, and pierced directly towards the corpse ape.

The corpse ape punched out with a backhand, and the light of corpse energy fell down, shattering the shadow tentacles one by one.

The earth cracked, and that weird Heavenly Monarch-level corpse snake appeared, opened its mouth and sprayed, and a pillar of corpse energy that seemed to destroy everything burst out instantly, hitting the one who had just escaped the corpse ape. Above the mighty body.

"Do not!!"

The mighty screamed, completely corroded by the pillar of corpse energy, his soul collapsed, and it fell to the ground as a corpse.

"Kill them!!"

Long Xing Tianjun screamed, holding the [Star Dragon Spear], the human spear united, and driving the incomparable starlight, it directly rushed towards the Tianjun-level corpse snake.

Those great abilities and heavenly monarchs all shot one after another, and directly attacked the heavenly monarch-level corpse snake.

Suddenly, a weird tree and vine exploded from the earth, entwined around a mighty body, and broke the barrier of that mighty body one by one, pulling it forcibly. Into the ground.

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