God-level Base

Chapter 1239: Meet the deceased again

The middle demon **** wearing a star armor is the son of Nan Xing Tianjun, the lord of the Southern Star Demon City-Nan Xing Luo!

"Yes! Gui Ye Ji is a more fun toy in my eyes. But even if he is a toy, he is also my toy. I want him to live, and he can live! I want to let him die, and he will Must die!"

"Tomorrow Luo, since you, the second day arrogant of the human race, snatched my toy, you should treat it as my toy!" A cruel smile appeared on Nan Xing Luo's face.

Tomorrow Luo gritted his teeth and crushed a jade medal.

A series of mysterious and unpredictable space curses surfaced, covering all Luo and his party tomorrow.

Nan Xingluo smiled coldly and said: "Space teleport secret method? Six eyes hands!"

"Yes! Young Master!"

One with six eyes and a short stature, like a dwarf, the upper demon **** straightened his body and smiled sensibly. The six eyes were distorted, exuding waves of strange and unpredictable spatial fluctuations.

The space curse encircling Luo and his party tomorrow collapsed one by one.

That spatial disorder caused a backlash from terror to penetrate the bodyguard enchantment of Luo and his party tomorrow, piercing their bodies with blood and blood.

Mu Lili spouted a mouthful of blood and shouted: "Young City Lord, my ancestor is the powerful xylophone monarch of the human race. For the sake of my ancestors' face, let us go!"

Nan Xingluo smiled contemptuously: "The human race is mighty? Except for that majesty, the rest of your human race are all rubbish. Mr. Xylophone is nothing more than an existence like a chicken. If he dares to come to me, Nan Xing Magic City, just be a concubine for my father!"

The human race is weak, and in the eyes of the top powerhouses, the entire human race is the only one who can be called a peerless overlord and cannot be provoked. The rest of the human powers are all **** and vulnerable.

Tomorrow Luo vomited blood, his face was pale and gritted his teeth and said: "My master is Haiye Tianjun!! Young City Lord, is it possible that the City Lord also doesn't put my master in his eyes?"

"Haiye Tianjun!!"

Nan Xing frowned slightly.

Any powerhouse of the Heavenly Monarch rank is a terrifying existence far surpassing other mighty powers. The Southern Star Tianjun is powerful but he is not willing to provoke a strong man of Tianjun rank for no reason.

"Haiye Tianjun, I remember. Although he is a heavenly monarch, he is not an absolute heavenly monarch. Moreover, there are more than one hundred direct disciples of his widely harvested disciples. Tomorrow Luo, even if you are his direct disciple, if you die Anymore. He won't avenge you either."

"Furthermore, tomorrow Luo Ruo will be my slave voluntarily. Haiye Tianjun has nothing to say. If you are not my slave, I will draw out the souls of these friends around you one by one and light them directly as soul candles."

Nan Xingluo suddenly smiled slightly.

The three-headed six-armed middle demon arm Gu Leng said: "What about the Stormwind Emperor? Tomorrow Luo is a friend of the Stormwind Emperor! If the Stormwind Emperor knows that you will take action against his friends, he will definitely not let you go."

"Storm King!!"

A solemn color flashed in Nan Xing Luo's eyes.

Many ordinary demon gods don't necessarily know the name Storm Emperor, but Nan Xingluo has a Tianjun father, and he naturally understands which one the Storm Emperor is referring to.

Long Xiang Tianjun, the supreme Tianjun, was besieged and killed by Shu Feng and others. The supreme power of Zui Antianjun was also forced to flee from the True Devil Kingdom of Water because of Shu Feng.

At this time, Shu Feng had already opened his mansion in the Saint Profound Realm. Under his command, there were two generals, Nan Luo Tianjun and Kong Lei Demon Emperor, who were far above the Southern Star Demon City.

Nan Xingluo said indifferently: "The Storm Emperor is indeed very strong! However, if he dares to come to my Southern Star Magic City, someone will naturally deal with him."

"What about me? I want to protect them. What are you going to do with me?"

Rays of golden light gleamed and fell on the ground, turning into a golden skeletal giant, exuding a trace of heavenly majesty, looking down on Southern Starfall coldly.

"I have seen Tianjun Jinwu!"

As soon as Nan Xing Luo saw the bone giant with brilliant golden light, his face changed drastically, and he lowered his head respectfully.

Tianjun Jinwu is a Tianjun, a great figure with the same fame as Tianjun Southern Star. If he shot, the entire Southern Star Devil City would be turned upside down by him.

Nan Xingluo put away all the jealous and domineering and respectfully said: "Tianjun Jinxue, if you protect them. They can go!"

Shu Feng said lightly: "Let's go!"

"Thank you Jin Wu Tianjun, I will never forget your kindness."

Tomorrow Luo bowed to Shu Feng with a grateful look, and wanted to leave here.


A voice suddenly sounded in the void, and a trace of weird and twisted light emerged from the void. A man with magic horns and a height of two meters, with a grimace, a human face, and a skeleton face on his body. The strong emerged at once, exuding a trace of terrifying power fluctuations of Tianjun series.

"I have seen the Three Gods Heavenly Lord!"

Nan Xingluo respectfully saluted the strong man who appeared. Even though he is the son of Heavenly Monarch, he must remain respectful in front of Heavenly Monarch. Otherwise, even if he is killed by Heavenly Monarch, he will be self-defeating, and Southern Star Tianjun will not avenge such an idiot.

The three gods Tianjun arrogantly said: "Tianjun Jinwu, just the others. Tomorrow Luo and Mulili, I must take away. Give me a face!"

A cold light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "Give you a face? Three gods, Tianjun, give you a face, then where is my face? Get out of me! Otherwise, you don't go away!!!"

"Tianjun Jinwu is really cruel!!"

Upon hearing this, Nan Xingluo suddenly sweated from his back and stepped back quietly. Heavenly King Jin Bule was so rude to another Heavenly King, let alone his son of Heavenly King. He just walked around the ghost gate.

The three gods Tianjun sneered: "Tianjun Jinxu, your brother Nanluo Tianjun was willing to fall and became the running dog of the Storm Emperor of the human race. Could it be that you also became the running dog of the Storm Emperor? Otherwise, why do you have to work so hard? Protect them these two friends of Storm Emperor?"

"Why do you need to explain to others when I acted by Tianjun Jin? Three gods, Tianjun, you trash, dare to talk to me like this! That's death!"

A fierce light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and a brilliant golden divine light burst out all over his body. He punched out, suppressing the void, and blasted toward the Three Gods Heavenly Monarch.

The face of the Three Gods Tianjun changed slightly, and the grimace on his body squirmed and turned into a ghost engraved with countless mysterious curses. He opened his mouth and bit towards Shu Feng.

Boom! ! !

Accompanied by a loud noise, the ghost head instantly collapsed, and the Three Gods Tianjun was knocked down to the ground by Shu Feng's punch, blasting out a terrifying cave.

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