God-level Base

Chapter 1235: Primordial God Gold

The Totem Era has disappeared with the destruction of the previous universe. However, around the Void Demon Realm, there are still various totem secrets circulating in some worlds.

However, those totem secret methods are fine before they reach the Demon God Realm. Once they have cultivated to the Demon God Realm and enter the Void Demon Realm, they will suffer from bad luck, and they will fall if they are not careful.

Even if he is a peerless genius with extraordinary luck, he can only advance to power at best by practicing totem secrets, and it is almost impossible to advance to the realm of ancestors.

Shu Feng's goal is a true demon, so naturally he will not go against the trend and practice the totem secret stupidly.

Shu Feng stepped out in one step, crossing a distance of 100,000 miles to a magnificent and huge palace with countless mysterious totems but dilapidated.

That palace was called Tianhu Palace, and it was the treasure of the tribulation created by the evil Tianhu Ancestor God who spent countless treasures of the heavens and the earth.

It was precisely by virtue of that Tianhu Palace that the wicked Tianhu Ancestor God had only nine deaths in the first place, and barely survived the final catastrophe of the destruction of the universe.

Even so, the Evil Tianhu Ancestor God lost his body and suffered damage in that great catastrophe, and he could only hide here and wait for the days of recovery.

If the evil sky tiger ancestor **** can continuously absorb the power of the Void Demon Realm Heavenly Monarch to restore the original injury, there may be a slight chance of recovery. Of course that may be extremely small.

Shu Feng glanced at Tianhu Palace's quiet analysis: "This Tianhu Palace can also be regarded as a broken true magic-level artifact. However, in order for it to exert its power, it must undergo countless transformations and consume massive resources. It's not a good deal, it's better to let the base space decompose it!"

That Heavenly Tiger Palace also possesses incomparably powerful power, and can even withstand some weaker real demon blows. But for Shu Feng, it doesn't make much sense. After all, in order to repair the broken palace of Tianhu Palace, the resources that need to be consumed may be enough for him to refine a new true magic secret treasure.

With countless magic lights shining, a totem of the Evil Tianhu ancestor **** appeared directly beside Shu Feng, and he immediately walked into the Tianhu Palace.

As soon as Shu Feng entered the Tianhu Palace and came to the gate of a dark treasure house, he chanted the mantra and stretched out his hand.

A totem of the Evil Tianhu ancestor **** emerged directly above the gate.


Accompanied by a burst of noise, the door of the treasure house opened directly.


As soon as Shu Feng stepped into the door of the treasure house, his eyes lit up, flashing with excitement.

There are countless treasures of heaven and earth that can be transformed into high source energy in that treasure house. In addition, there are many true demon gold that can refine true demon-level secret treasures.

"This is the primordial **** gold! The **** gold that was born when the universe was just opened, is also the top material for refining true magic-level artifacts. It seems that the Evil Tianhu Ancestor God has also harvested a lot when the universe opened up. benefit!"

Shu Feng looked at a piece of one hundred meters high, with countless **** patterns intertwined by nature, like a hill-like **** of the early days, with a scorching color flashing in his eyes.

Many of the true magical treasures are just a piece of the primordial **** gold the size of a thumb and a fist. The **** gold of the early beginning that was as high as a hill was only in the hands of those true demon powerhouses who were born after the creation of the world.

If the one-hundred-meter-high primordial **** gold falls into the central demon realm of the imaginary world, it will even cause many real demons to fight for it, and a battle of real demons will erupt.

"My three core powers are shadow, immortality, and flame! Of those three powers, the one that I value most is the power of immortality! As long as I don't die, everything is possible."

"This piece of God's gold from the beginning, when I advance to the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, I will use it to condense the true magical secret treasure of immortal power!"

Shu Feng is proficient in countless secret methods, and naturally also proficient in the art of refining tools.

However, it is almost impossible for a supreme heavenly monarch to refine a true magic-level secret treasure, but Shu Feng can engrave various immortal curses on the primordial **** gold, and forge that piece of primordial **** gold into one piece. Tianjun-level secret treasure that grew up with him.

After Shu Feng advances to the True Demon, you can also advance the Heavenly Monarch-level Secret Treasure to the True Demon-level Secret Treasure.

"Please let the host absorb half of the primordial gods' gold to the base, and the base will become more powerful!"

From the central analyzer, a line of information emerges directly.

That primordial **** gold was a rare treasure of the world in the central demon realm of the imaginary world, and only a few remained in the caves and treasures left by some ancient primitive demons.

The base space also looked at God Jin from the beginning and issued a request for absorption.


Base space is Shu Feng's foundation and his greatest support. The stronger the base space, the more benefits Shufeng can get.

Shu Feng threw the primordial sacred gold to the resource dissolving pool in the base space, and a blue light gathered to form a blue magic knife and slashed on the piece of primal sacred gold, dividing the piece of primal sacred gold into one piece. two.

Half of the primordial **** gold was submerged in the resource dissolution pool, and countless mysterious and unpredictable laws emerged directly.

One after another mysterious and unpredictable curse imprints surfaced, the entire base space madly absorbed massive amounts of high-level source energy, and an additional ring of curse imprints was created on the tower of true demon, making the tower of true demon even more mysterious and powerful. , The speed of refining the true spirits of the Nine Plains God Emperor has skyrocketed again.

"This is the inheritance of the ancestors of the Totem Era, and it has no great value! However, let's accept it! This totem secret technique still has a certain reference value."

Shu Feng glanced across the treasure house, and immediately found the four sets of Totem Era's ancestors' inheritance. The inheritance of those ancestral gods is a great fortune for ordinary people, but it is tasteless for Shu Feng.

Shu Feng’s eyes flashed with a flash of excitement, and he reached out and grabbed a star bursting with the brilliance of various stars in his hand: "This is the source of ten thousand stars! Only when the heavens and the earth are first opened, when the stars are born, The peerless divine treasure that will only appear. Blessed is the ruler of the stars."

Shu Feng has been cultivating the master of stars in the base space, but even though he has obtained countless stars of heaven, material and earth treasures, he still has not evolved into a powerhouse with a large energy series, which is not useful. Shu Feng didn't let him take action either.

However, after obtaining the source of ten thousand stars, the master of the stars can advance to the power, even the heavenly monarch, and have the possibility of advancing to the true demons in the future. It became one of Shu Feng's most important combat power!

After all, the Source of Ten Thousand Stars is a real demon-level heavenly material and earth treasure, which can be used to create a true demon secret treasure that contains the power of stars.

There are countless treasures of heaven and earth in the treasure house of the evil Tianhu Ancestral Gods, among which there are no less than ten of the peerless gods of the true demon series. However, the one that has the greatest effect on Shufeng is the source of the **** of gold and the ten thousand stars.

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