God-level Base

Chapter 1231: Arena

Tianjun can easily destroy small worlds with a single blow.

Under Jin Xutianjun's full blow, the bones and flowers began to collapse and twist.

In the entire Six Endless Valley, there was a wave of weird and unbelievable, deadly silence, and disillusioned weird aura.

A twisted and weird, weird totem of the Devil Tiger with six faces appeared.

A strange and unpredictable power barrier spreads in all directions, covering everyone in it.

Shu Feng's expression suddenly changed: "Oops! I miscalculated! How could such a change happen here?"

In the memories of the seven hundred-armed heavenly monarchs, once those heavenly monarch-level powerhouses touch the restriction of Liujue Valley, they will be directly killed by the various restrictions hidden in the Liujue Valley.

One after another, weird like snakes, with the head of a demon tiger, rushed directly towards Shu Feng and the big powers.

"Go to die!! Go to die!!"

Jin Xu Tianjun's eyes flashed crazy, he laughed wildly, and the sharp golden bones pierced in all directions.

Boom! ! Boom! ! Boom! !

The entire Liujue Valley was constantly trembling under the attack of Tianjun Jin Bukuro, one after another weird existence like a snake pounced on Tianjun Jin's body, pulling him crazily toward the ground.

"Storm King, I am waiting for you in hell!! Hahaha!!!"

Jin Xu Tianjun laughed wildly, and was dragged into a mysterious place by those weird and snake-like creatures.

"This lunatic!!"

A cold light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, urging the power of Heavenly Sovereign, and a group of Lan Yao divine flames erupted directly, sweeping towards the weird existences like snakes.


The weird existences that were as weird as snakes were burned by Shu Feng's Lan Yao Shenyan, and immediately made a belching sound, turning into bursts of weird and incomparable smoke.

Shu Feng used the True Devil Secret Technique to flash in the air, turning into sharp black blades, tearing the void and flying towards the distance.

Powerful masters such as the weird master and the corpse master were summoned back to the base space by Shu Feng in an instant.

Compared to hunting down the Sky Thunder Demon Emperor and his party, protecting the weird and dominating them is more important.

On top of the weird totem, the six-faced devil tiger's face was distorted, and two mysterious and unpredictable space curses appeared on both pupils.

A wave of twisted and strange spatial fluctuations shrouded Shu Feng's body, and a trace of terrifying aura of true magic series permeated.

Shu Feng disappeared from the spot.

A twisted and weird light flashed, and Shu Feng appeared.

"Where is this place?"

Shu Feng instantly regained consciousness, looked around and found that he was in a totem cage.

A huge and boundless arena, filled with countless filthy blood, exuding the smell of blood that cannot be removed, and extremely wide, appeared in front of Shu Feng's eyes.

There are tens of thousands of seats in the vast arena, and a trace of horror with a powerful energy level remains on each seat.

In that arena, there is a small high platform floating on that small platform, there are four jade seats that are 10,000 meters high, and each jade seat exudes a trace of terrifying aura of true magic series.

In that huge arena, there are countless mysterious ancient totems inscribed, many of which are mysterious totems that Shu Feng has never seen before.

Nanluo Tianjun, Jinwu Tianjun, Great Jade Man God, and Kong Lei Demon Emperor all fell into a totem cage and couldn't move.

"Ats, fight together!! Use your blood, wailing, and death to please the great evil ancestor God!!"

A weird and distorted voice filled the huge arena and pierced Shu Feng's mind directly.

The totem cage where the great jade barbarian **** and the empty thunder demon emperor were located collapsed, and the two powerful men walked out of the totem.

The evil twisted voice shouted: "Fight together, only one of you can survive."

"What do you say, am I going to do what? What are you?"

The Great Jade Man God is an unruly and supreme power. As soon as he left the totem cage, a fierce ray of light appeared in his eyes. It suddenly changed into a jade with a body size of thousands of miles and a fierce light radiating from the whole body. The giant will blast out with a punch.

In an instant, a terrifying force that could destroy all together, immediately blasted toward the Konglei Demon Emperor like lightning.

Boom! !

The big jade barbarian god's full blow that can destroy a world easily penetrated the body of the empty thunder demon emperor, blasting on the earth, only making the earth shook slightly, not even a crack appeared.

"The defense of this arena is terrible, and even the strong of the Heavenly Sovereign rank can't destroy it!!"

Seeing this scene, Shu Feng and his party felt a little bitter in their hearts.

"Dayuman God, we are allies! You actually made me sad!!"

The empty thunder demon king sighed slightly, thunder pattern gleamed all over his body, and a set of powerful level artifacts [Thunder God Armor] engraved with countless mysterious thunder and lightning curses appeared. Holding a thunder blade, he fought wildly with the big jade barbarian god.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Constantly trembling in the void, the Great Jade Man God and Kong Lei Demon Emperor fought each other, and various terrifying attacks blasted across the arena without even a single ripple.

The Sky Thunder Demon King tried to fly out of the wall between the arena and the audience several times, but stopped when he approached the wall, and continued to fight wildly with the big jade god.

The two supreme powers of Konglei Demon Emperor and Great Jade Man God were still testing the reality of the arena before. When they tentatively discovered that they could not get out of the arena, they immediately began a cruel and frantic fight.

Shu Feng quietly watched the two superpowers fight, one after another invisible and transparent tentacles diffused out of his body, pierced into the arena, and quietly analyzed everything in the arena.

The Sky Thunder Demon Emperor and the Great Jade Man God are both extremely powerful, and their strengths are not far apart. In addition, the powers of the Void Demon Realm are super strong in regeneration. They fought for an entire hour, still undecided.

"Time is up! The seriously injured party loses!"

The weird and distorted voice suddenly sounded, and in that arena, the phantom of a six-faced demon tiger emerged directly and glanced at the big jade god.

A twisted and weird light shone on the body of Da Yuman God.

"Do not!!"

The Great Jade Man God screamed, and the body of the terrifying giant he transformed into splits, began to fall apart, and his vitality was wiped out. The blood was scattered on the ground, and the ground was stained with blood.

"The victorious party will be rewarded!!"

A blood-colored beam of light descended from the sky, shining on the body of the Kong Lei Demon Emperor.

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