God-level Base

Chapter 1217: mutation

"Shu Feng, die!!"

Dark corpse Long Tianjun's eyes flashed fiercely, and a claw blasted towards Shu Feng.

Countless dark chains emerged from the void, rolling Shu Feng from all directions.

The sheep-head Demon Emperor smiled sensibly, and took out a dark as ink, painted a Tianjun-level secret treasure [Eight Faced Demon Picture] with eight faces and a distorted face.

A burst of weird and twisted rays of light gleamed, and an eight-faced demon with eight faces and a twisted and weird aura suddenly appeared.

That [Eight-faced Demon Picture] is a magic picture painted by a demon with the skin of a Daotian Monarch from a family of demons, and then painted by a demon of the Heavenly Monarch level with despair and evil in eight worlds.

That eight-faced demon is fierce, boundless and weird, it is one of the most terrifying and weird Tianjun level secret treasures, and its power is not lost to the [corpse man sword] of the corpse dark sky.

It's just that the strength of the Goathead Demon Emperor is not as good as the Dark Sky Monarch Corpse, and that [Eight-faced Demon Picture] can only display part of its power.

The ten great powers also used their own secret methods of attack and killing, blasting towards Shu Feng.

A sliver of ripples flashed, and Qingyan suddenly appeared, urging the power of the earth, with five fingers, and one sacred mountain rose from the ground, blocking the attack of the ten powers.

"Dark Corpse Dragon Tianjun, you are really seeking your own death!"

Shu Feng smiled, urging the supreme monster, and a shadow curse appeared all over his body. He swung [Shadow Demon Sacred Sword] to cut directly, and a shadow sword light directly cut out.

The Dark Corpse Dragon Tianjun blasted the shadow sword light with a claw, and instantly shattered the shadow sword light.

Numerous weird and unpredictable shadow threads suddenly emerged from the shadow behind the Dark Corpse Dragon Tianjun, and pierced the Dark Corpse Dragon Tianjun's body fiercely.


Dark corpse Long Tianjun's eyes flashed fiercely, and the dragon wings behind it flickered, and the dark blades cut off the shadow threads one by one.

A **** light flashed, and the blood dominator Su Mi emerged from the void, holding a big blood sword, fighting with the eight-faced demon.

Every blow of that eight-faced demon contained countless weird and terrifying demon powers.

Su Mi tried her best to barely block the blow of the eight-faced demon.

If it hadn't been for the giant crane enchantment above Heyu Mountain to continuously weaken the power of the eight-faced demon, Su Mi would definitely not be able to stop the blow of the eight-faced demon.

Shu Feng stepped out, wandering in the void, appeared behind the Dark Corpse Dragon Tianjun like a ghost and cut it down with a sword.

A shadow sword light slashed fiercely on the body of the Dark Corpse Dragon Tianjun, slashing the back of the Dark Corpse Dragon Tianjun into a huge wound, and a large amount of corpse blood splashed all over.

"That's awesome!! He's fighting Tianjun!! Shu Feng is so strong that it's too bad!!"

Amidst the clouds in the distance, Master Xylophone saw this scene, and a shocking color flashed in his beautiful eyes.

"So strong!! This guy Shu Feng can fight Tianjun now!! That's Tianjun!!"

Tomorrow Luo will stand on a big mountain, cast a secret technique, peering at everything that is happening here, and there will be waves in his heart.

At first, Tomorrow Luo Ke was the demon **** of the same level as Shu Feng, but now Shu Feng can already fight the high heavenly monarch. Let Luo, who has always been open-minded, set off a slight wave in his heart.

"Tianjun!! The Storm Emperor was able to fight Tianjun!! Too bad!!"

"That's Tianjun!! Even if the Dark Corpse Dragon Tianjun is slightly weaker, he is also a genuine Tianjun!! It is terrifying that the Storm Emperor can fight the Tianjun!"

"If the Storm Emperor is immortal! It might really be possible to advance to the True Demon!!"


Those who are far from Heyu Mountain's True Demon Kingdom saw this scene, and everyone's eyes showed a trace of shock, and they talked a lot.

The great abilities of the True Demon Kingdom of Water were very optimistic about Shu Feng's future, but they did not expect that Shu Feng could now fight the Heavenly King.

We must know that in the True Demon of Water, there are only the five heavenly monarchs who have taken refuge in the Water God Emperor. Of course, the Water God Emperor is a true demon, and his heavenly monarchs are naturally more than the five heavenly monarchs.

The True Demon of Water is vast and boundless, and there are also many heavenly monarchs who are extremely proud and have not taken refuge in the Water God Emperor.

Even so, that respected heavenly monarch is the most powerful existence below the true demon. It was incredible that Shu Feng could fight Tianjun.

The Dark Corpse Dragon Tianjun roared, and countless dark blades broke out directly, slashing towards Shu Feng.

The dense dark knives slashed on Shu Feng's body and instantly cut him into pieces, then turned into a distorted shadow and disappeared.

In the shadow behind a sheep-headed demon tribe, Shu Feng appeared like a ghost, and the [Shadow Demon Sacred Sword] directly penetrated the sheep-head demon tribe's body like a ghost.

Countless shadow sword qi exploded in an instant, and instantly chopped the body of that goat head demon tribe into countless pieces.

Lines of shadow after another crazily cut the fragments of the power of the goat head demon clan, instantly beheading the power of the goat head demon clan directly.

A sword slashed the sheep head demon clan power, Shu Feng waved the [Shadow Demon Sacred Sword], and the shadow thread crazily pierced towards the remaining nine powers.

The remaining nine great powers used all kinds of secret methods to attack and kill at once, directly smashing the silk threads of the sky full of shadows.

In the shadow behind the dark corpse Dragon Tianjun, Shu Feng appeared like a ghost.

"Little beast, go to death!"

A fierce light flashed in Dark Corpse Long Tianjun's eyes, and his backhand slammed Shu Feng's body fiercely.

Shu Feng's body collapsed, turning into countless shadows and disappearing.

"I am here!!"

A Shu Feng suddenly emerged from a shadow, and sneered at the Dark Corpse Dragon Tianjun.

"I am here!!"

In another shadow, Shu Feng also appeared, and smiled strangely.

From the shadows, Shu Feng kept appearing, smiling at the Dark Corpse Dragon Tianjun, strange and creepy.

The dark corpse dragon Tianjun urged the secret method, and countless dark blades poured in from all directions, cutting towards the Shu Feng that emerged from the shadows, one after another Shu Feng was chopped up, turned into a shadow and disappeared.

"Do it!"

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Lord of Dark Sky and a sharp roar.

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the Great Demon God Wind Snake who was hiding in the deepest part of Heyu Mountain, and a jet black dagger appeared in his hand, which pierced the Great Demon God Crane Shuang like lightning.

"Young Master!! You..."

The Great Demon God Heshuang had an unbelievable face, his body trembled, and black energy surged up, swallowing him instantly, turning him into a corpse and fell to the ground.

With a press of the five fingers of the Wind Snake Great Demon God, within the Heyu Mountain, among the ground vein nodes, there were bursts of earth-shattering explosions.

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