God-level Base

Chapter 1205: Ape ancestor

Originally, Shu Feng's strength was far superior to that of the Scorpion Emperor of the North Desert. He used a sneak attack, and he succeeded in a single blow, killing the Scorpion Emperor of the North Desert directly.

Shu Feng looked at the corpse of the Northern Desert Scorpion Emperor thoughtfully: "The ancestor of the original plus demon? That is the original plus demon of the SSSS level! The whole world only has no more than ten births. Sure enough, there are still a few alive!"

The ancestors of the original plus demons were the first ten original plus demons born in this world. The rest of the original plus demons were implanted into the human body with part of their flesh and blood, and they used all kinds of evil desires of mankind and the rivers of true demons to multiply the original plus demons.

All the original plus demons in this world are descendants of the ancestors of the ten original plus demons. In the legend, each of the original ancestors of the magic plus demon is a SSSS-level horrible existence.

The ten Primordial Demon Progenitors also fought against each other to fight for world hegemony. In the end, several Primordial Demon Progenitors fell, and the rest of the Progenitor Demon Progenitors have disappeared behind the scenes, becoming the masters behind the world.

"The ancestor of the SSSS-level original plus demon! I will continue to hunt the rest of the original plus demon, and to improve myself is the kingly way."

Shu Feng pondered for a while, and then gave up the idea of ​​dealing with the ancestor of the original plus demon, scoured the treasure house of the Northern Desert Scorpion Emperor, and continued to hunt the remaining SSS-level original plus demon.

After the Northern Desert Scorpion Emperor fell, Shu Feng easily hunted two SSS-level primitive plus monsters. The rest of the SSS-level original magicians got wind, and hid them one after another.

As soon as those SSS-level original plus demons were hidden, Shu Feng could hardly find them. He can only absorb all the magic rivers that contain the power of true magic.

The demon rivers containing the power of true demon are not only the source of the demon hunter's holy sword, but also the source of the birth of the powerful original plus devil.

If there is no such magic river, the original plus magic can also be implanted into humans by splitting flesh and blood or reproducing naturally. However, it would be very difficult to evolve into an A-level original magic, let alone an S-level or higher original magic.

As soon as the original plus demons hid, Shu Feng immediately returned to the Demon Hunter headquarters, hid in the base space, and practiced. After beheading King Ape Kong, he absorbed Han Guangming's soul, his potential soared, and he needed to transform it into his own strength.

On a large mountain deep in the Xuanyu Mountains.

"Wan Luo Snake Emperor, you are here!"

A tall, handsome, middle-aged man with a domineering brow and eye looks sideways.

A tall, sexy, blond, blue-eyed, skin-smooth like milk, and a peerless beauty with amazing charm all over her body, walked over here.

A cold light flashed in Wan Luo Snake Emperor's beautiful eyes: "Dark Sky Leopard Emperor, Han Guangming, the president of the Demon Hunter United Headquarters, is too cruel! Only when the ancestor takes action, we can completely kill him."

A burly figure, **** long hair, and the **** wolf demon emperor with a gloomy eye flashing coldly said: "Han Guangming must die. This world is our original demonic world. It's not the world of those **** races! "

The remaining nine SSS-level original plus demons gathered here also slightly nodded.

"You all come in!"

A flat voice came from the hut on the mountain, and all the ten SSS-class original plus demons stepped into the hut. Inside the room, sat a tall, unusual-looking young man.

"Have seen Ancestor Ape!"

As soon as the ten SSS-class original plus demons saw the young man, they immediately lowered their heads and said respectfully. That young man was the ape ancestor, one of the original ancestors of the demon.

Ancestor Ape said indifferently: "What can you do when you come to see me?"

The blood wolf demon emperor said: "A top powerhouse was born among the human demon hunters, and his name is Han Guangming. His strength is so strong that he is not like a human being. Several SSS-level original plus demons have already died tragically in his hands. First ancestor, please take action and kill him!"

A flash of cold light flashed in the eyes of Ancestor Ape: "How can the human race compete with my original demonic clan? Interesting, okay, I promise you!"

"Thanks ape ancestor!"

The ten SSS-level original plus demons were overjoyed and bowed to the ape ancestors.

The Feiliu Mountain Range is where the new Demon Hunter Joint Headquarters is located.

"These demon hunters are all good, and they must be delicious."

The Ape Ancestor walked among the Demon Hunter's United Headquarters, and the elite Demon Hunter was busy but turned a blind eye to him.

A scolding voice came from the side: "Who are you? This is the retreat of the president! You can't enter without permission!"

Ape Ancestor followed the scolding sound somewhat unexpectedly, and he saw Zhang Qingyao, who was extremely beautiful and beautiful.

Yuan Zu smiled slightly and said, "Can you see me? Interesting!!"

"Yuan Jiamo? Enemy attack!!"

Zhang Qingyao was extremely smart, her face changed suddenly, and she instantly drew out the SSS-class magic sword [Ice Mountain Sacred Sword], swiping the sword and sternly shouted.

"The sword is a good sword! It's a pity, people are too weak! You didn't use the power of this Sacred Demon Slayer at all!"

Ancestor Ape smiled indifferently, flicked his fingers, and pointed on the [Iceberg Sacred Sword].

when! !

Accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, Zhang Qingyao immediately flew out with the sword and the man, hitting the wall on the side, spouting a mouthful of blood, and his face became extremely pale.

Almost at the same time, one SSS-class Primordial Magician appeared one after another, and they commanded a massive amount of Primordial Magician to attack the Demon Hunter Joint Headquarters and slaughter the Demon Hunter in the headquarters.

"I will never allow you to go there!!"

Zhang Qingyao spouted a mouthful of blood, a touch of determination flashed in her beautiful eyes, and a trace of white light burst into her eyes, breaking through and becoming an SSS-level demon hunter in one fell swoop.

Ancestor Ape’s eyes lit up, and a flash of excitement flashed: "You are the key!! Let me finally find you!!! You are the key I have been pursuing for countless years!! Haha, great!!! I finally found you! !"

As soon as Zhang Qingyao advanced to become an SSS-level demon hunter, the [Ice Mountain Sacred Sword] seemed to have become a part of her body, and ice and snow sword lights pierced from all directions, madly stabbing towards the ape ancestor.

Ape ancestor pressed his five fingers, a huge demon claw directly grabbed, and countless ice and snow sword cyclones collapsed one after another.

A weird claw flew out of the void very abruptly, pressing towards Zhang Qingyao's back.

Zhang Qingyao spouted a mouthful of blood, [Ice Mountain Sacred Sword] dropped out and fell to the ground, her beautiful eyes filled with despair.

A scorching color flashed in the eyes of Ancestor Ape: "Finally let me find you! Don't worry, I won't kill you. As long as you obediently use it for me. I promise you that you will be rich and prosperous and enjoy endless!"

At this moment, from a shadow in the corner, Shu Feng appeared like a ghost, and a sword stabbed towards the ape ancestor silently.

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