God-level Base

Chapter 1191: Spike

"Han Guangming, you are really stupid!! The power of the S-level Demon Hunter is really not what you can imagine!!"

An extremely cold murderous intent flashed in Mu Han's eyes. He smiled sullenly, turned his hands, and two SS-class [Shadow Demon Sacred Swords] immediately appeared in his hands.

Mu Han urged the secret technique, and the [Shadow Demon Sacred Sword] in his hand burst into a weird and unpredictable light, and a burst of shadowy light flashed, and nine weird and incomparable shadows appeared on the square at once.

"Han Guangming, how do you want to die?"

The nine weird and incomparable shadows gave out bursts of creepy and weird laughter uniformly.

Shu Feng's eyes narrowed slightly and said: "Nine shadow clones! No, they are the incarnations of eight shadows! [Shadow Demon Sword] really deserves its reputation!"

"Let me think about it and cut off your hands!! After all, I can't kill people yet!"

Mu Han smiled swiftly, and the nine people shook their bodies. They lifted their swords from nine positions and pierced Shu Feng directly like lightning.

"Although there are nine shadow incarnations, there is only one deity of yours!!"

Su Feng suddenly showed a weird smile, with one foot like a pretty elephant, and stomped fiercely towards a small hole in the ground.

Boom! !

Accompanied by a terrifying loud noise, the earth cracked, an afterimage burst out from the ground, bleeding from seven holes, it was Mu Han.

The nine shadow incarnations still held the sword of shadow, stabbing towards Shu Feng.

Shu Feng stretched out his hand to grab Mu Han, and swept toward the nine shadow incarnations like a shield.

The nine shadow incarnations collapsed and turned into countless afterimages, disappearing with the wind.

"You want to break my arms, then I'll just report back to you like this!"

Shu Feng smiled indifferently, tearing his hands at random, Mu Han's hands were immediately torn off, and he threw them aside.

Mu Han screamed, and screamed: "No!! I gave up, I gave up!!"

"That newcomer is so strong and cruel!!"

"Mu Han is defeated!! He is the most promising top powerhouse of our Ethereal River to advance to the SS-level Demon Hunter. He was defeated in Han Guangming's hands, and Han Guangming is really terrible!!"


There was a look of jealousy in the eyes of the rest of the demon hunters in the ethereal river.

"[Shadow Demon Sacred Sword] Not bad, it suits me! How about giving it to me? Mu Han!"

Shu Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed Mu Han's head, smiled cordially, squeezed his five fingers slightly, and five handprints appeared on Mu Han's head.

"Give it to you, give it to you!"

Mu Han screamed in horror.

[Shadow Demon Sacred Sword] It is one of the SS-level holy swords in the ethereal river. Mu Han usually regards it as a treasure, but compared to his own life, it is nothing.

Shu Feng smiled at Zhou Ling and said, "Chairman, I won! Give me my trophy!"


Zhou Ling smiled faintly, and threw to Shu Feng a ring of bones made from the bones of the original demon.

Shu Feng took the ring of bones, swept away his mental power, and revealed a satisfied smile. Inside the ring of bones, there were more than five hundred bottles of ethereal secret medicine.

"My ethereal secret medicine! Damn, my hands are cheap, why can't I control my hands."

"In the past few months, I'm going to eat soil!!"

"It's over, I lost miserably!! I'm going to eat dirt in a year!!"

"In a team, who will team up with me to hunt the original plus monsters? If you don't hunt again, I will die!!"


In the auditorium of the martial arts venue, there were bursts of screams.

Mu Han is one of the top five players in the top five of the ethereal river, and he holds the SS-level Demon Slaying Sacred Sword [Shadow Demon Sacred Sword], and he is sure to win the newcomer Shufeng.

The demon hunters in the Void River have put heavy bets on Mu Han's body, but they are all miserable now, and all of them have become paupers.

The two medical staff quickly came to the martial arts field, carried the seriously injured Mu Han on a stretcher, picked up his hand, and directly connected it.

A burst of black light flashed, and Mu Han's torn hands immediately began to automatically pick it up.

Because of the different laws of the world and the cultivation of secret methods, the regeneration ability of the human demon hunters in this world is far inferior to the strong ones in the imaginary world.

In the Void Demon Realm, most Demon King-level powerhouses can automatically regenerate if their heads are cut off. And the strong human race in this world will die if the head is cut off. The only advantage is that the various limbs that have been cut off can be quickly retrieved.

"Hi handsome!"

As soon as Shu Feng walked out of the martial arts arena, a tall, sexy, blue-haired, blue-eyed, and extremely glamorous beautiful woman walked over with Zhang Qingyao.

Zhang Qingyao said, "Han Guangming, this one is my good girlfriend Eliza. She presided over this bet."

"Hello there!"

Shu Feng handed the bone ring to Zhang Qingyao: "Zhang Qingyao, this is your share!"

Alyssa glared like silk, flirted with her blue hair in a charming manner, and said with a charming smile: "Han Guangming, it's getting late, why don't we find a hotel for a good chat."

"No time, I want to practice! Goodbye!"

Shu Feng stiffly left a sentence, turned and strode away.

Alyssa's smile froze slightly, her eyes filled with shame and annoyance. She looks very beautiful and moving, and she is also one of the best beauty in the ethereal river. Although her appearance is not as exquisite as Zhang Qingyao, her figure is better than Zhang Qingyao.

In the ethereal river, there are more men pursuing Eliza than Zhang Qingyao.

Alisha gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "This straight steel man, I'm sure he has absolutely no girlfriend."

Zhang Qingyao chuckled. It was the first time she saw her girlfriend squash on a man: "You guessed it. He really doesn't have a girlfriend, a proper steel straight man."

Alisha said: "However, this straight steel man is quite attractive. I see many young girls in the organization are moved by him."

Zhang Qingyao said lightly: "It's normal. Han Guangming is a genius and a cultivator. In this dangerous and crazy world, only the strong can give people a sense of security. Even Mu Han has many It is normal for people to love Han Guangming."

Ethereal River, the demon hunters in these demon hunter organizations don't know how many human tragedies they have seen, they all understand that the strong in this world are respected.

Many women in Mu Han took the initiative to come to the door in the ethereal river. It's just that the only women he wants are top beauties like Zhang Qingyao and Alisha.

As soon as Shu Feng returned to his residence, he immediately absorbed the ethereal secret medicine and continued to evolve crazily.

"Damn Han Guangming!! You are so damned!! I want to kill you, I absolutely want to kill you!!"

Mu Han was lying in his room, eyes filled with endless resentment.

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