God-level Base

Chapter 1189: Join

"There's a clue! It was an SS-level original plus demon named Ape Kong King who caused the killing of the door in the Red Oak Villa. When the SS-level Ape Kong King came to visit the Night Snake King, he was greedy for a while, Han Guangming was eaten all over the house."

Shu Feng browsed the memory of Night Zero Snake King, and finally found the truth about the massacre of Red Oak Villa.

"However, Sarukong King is a strong master of the Sacred Ape Demon Race, and he is the son of the SSS-level original plus demon Holy Ape Demon Emperor. Once I deal with him, I will face the SSS-level original plus demon Holy Ape Demon Emperor. Nothing. It’s better to forbear it for the time being."

Da Neng is also divided into three, six or nine grades, and Shu Feng is now only in the middle and lower ranks among Da Neng. He was not sure of the victory of the SSS-level Holy Ape Demon Emperor.

Even if Shu Feng could beat the Holy Ape Demon Emperor, it would not make much sense if he could not kill the Holy Ape Demon Emperor.

"My lord, Miss Zhang Qingyao, please see me."

Bina, a beautiful butler with a **** body and gorgeous appearance, came to Shu Feng's body.

Shu Feng said: "Let her in."

Not long after, Zhang Qingyao, who looked youthful and beautiful in casual clothes, walked in and sat down opposite Shu Feng.

Zhang Qingyao is very familiar: "Han Guangming, I didn't expect you, a criminal police captain, to live in such a luxurious villa. Say, did you make a lot of black money?"

Shu Feng smiled slightly and said, "Of course not! Since I became the captain of Bonan Interpol, the crimes of Bonan City have been cleansed by me. Now Bonan City is already the safest city in the Republic of Ryan. ."

Purification? You killed all those criminals, right?

Zhang Qingyao slandered in her heart.

Ethereal River wants to absorb Shu Feng, and naturally also to find out his details. Zhang Qingyao already knew that the man sitting in front of her was a cruel-hearted man who used all means to achieve his goal.

In order to improve the security of the entire Bonan City, at least three thousand people died tragically under Shu Feng's order. The entire Bonan city prison is full of criminals.

Each of those criminals became disgusted when they heard about Bonan City, and did not dare to commit crimes in this city.

"The Void River has approved your application. This is a contract! If you think there is no problem, please sign on it."

Zhang Qingyao handed a document to Shu Feng.

After reading the various clauses carefully, Shu Feng immediately signed the name on it.

Zhang Qingyao handed a silver magic ring to Shu Feng: "This is your empty river ring! With this empty river ring, you can come back to the headquarters with me. Let's go!"

Shu Feng followed Zhang Qingyao out of the villa, and a silver military armed helicopter appeared in front of him.

The silver gunship flew with Shu Feng and two people all the way to a deep mountain and old forest.

After getting off the plane, Shu Feng and the others came to a huge rocky mountain.

Zhang Qingyao took out the silver empty river ring and pressed it on the huge rock wall.

Silver ripples flashed, and the huge rock wall opened a big hole, exposing the way to the inside.

After walking hundreds of meters along that road, a small town full of modernity and spaciousness immediately appeared in front of Shu Feng.

Zhang Qingyao took Shu Feng to the most luxurious building in that town.

A handsome and elegant middle-aged man smiled at Shu Feng and said, "You are Han Guangming? I am Zhou Ling, the president of the ethereal river. I am very happy that you can join our team."

Shu Feng said: "Chairman, hello!"

Zhou Ling's double pupils turned into snake-like vertical pupils, took a deep look at Shu Feng, and immediately said: "Han Guangming, you really haven't practiced the secret method of a demon hunter. I will teach you the secret of inheritance of our ethereal river. Ethereal magic!"

After finishing the words, Zhou Ling immediately began to explain to Shu Feng the various cultivation methods and tricks of ethereal art.

Only then did Shu Feng understand how the ethereal river inheritance secret technique ethereal art should be practiced.

In addition to a special breathing method and a method of refining power, the most important thing in the cultivation of the secret technique of the ethereal river is the ethereal secret medicine.

Ethereal art is the method of refining Ethereal secret medicine.

Zhou Ling taught Shu Feng the ethereal art, but he didn't tell Shu Feng the most crucial ethereal secret medicine refining method.

Zhou Ling said: "Do you understand?"

Shu Feng said: "I understand! It's very simple!"

Zhang Qingyao frowned and reminded: "Han Guangming, refining ethereal secret medicine is a very dangerous thing. You should not pretend to understand. There is a mistake in the link, which may cause you to be eroded and demonized by the ethereal secret medicine. Become a monster!!"

The demon hunters in this world use secret medicine to evolve. In addition to the original magic, their enemies are demonized and transformed into demon.

Once those demon hunters become demons, their minds will degenerate and become a terrifying monster that feeds on humans. Every year in the Void River, many demon hunters are eroded and turned into monsters.

Shu Feng smiled lightly: "Don't worry, I'm a genius! I only need to listen to all the secrets of cultivation to understand!"

"hope so!"

Zhang Qingyao gave Shu Feng a white look. It was the first time she had seen such a proud and arrogant person. However, Shu Feng's strength was terrifying, and she could hardly believe Shu Feng this time.

"This is the ethereal secret medicine! You can receive a bottle every month. In addition, you can also hunt the original magical and use the original magical corpse to exchange for the ethereal secret medicine. You can take it here now, We are here to protect the law for you."

Zhou Ling handed Shu Feng a palm-sized crystal bottle.

Shu Feng picked up the crystal bottle and opened the cork. A completely invisible tentacle quietly sank into the crystal bottle, and the central analyzer began to analyze the ingredients of the empty elixir in the crystal bottle frantically.

Even though Shu Feng is already invincible, the poison that can kill him is very rare, but he is still very careful.

Because of the vastness of the universe, there are countless treasures of heaven and earth, and even some of them are peerless treasures that can be seriously injured and weaken the combat power of true demons.

In the Central Demon Realm of the Void Demon Realm, there used to be several true demons, who were conspired by the strange poison of heaven and earth, and eventually fell.

"Well, this ethereal secret medicine is indeed poisonous. But this toxin is because the secret medicine contains the flesh and blood essence of the original magic. The main material of this secret medicine is the flesh essence of the original magic. In addition, the ethereal secret technique There is no problem with the ethereal secret medicine."

After the analysis, Shu Feng swallowed the bottle of ethereal secret medicine in one mouthful, and then ran the ethereal secret technique.

A faint blue light surrounded Shu Feng's body. As soon as he opened his eyes, a snake-like vertical eye appeared in his eyes.

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