God-level Base

Chapter 1185: Take control of Bonan

Shu Feng curiously asked: "Qinglang, are you famous?"

A hint of surprise passed through the green wolf's eyes and said in a deep voice: "You are not ours? You are a demon hunter? No, how can a demon hunter have such a strong defense force?"

At this moment, in a shadow behind Shu Feng, a three-meter-long weird spider with a human face suddenly appeared, opened its hideous mouthparts, and bite towards Shu Feng like a ghost.

"Even playing shadows in front of me, looking for death!"

Shu Feng smiled sensibly, punched his backhand, and blasted on the body of the human-faced spider.


The body of the human-faced spider burst open in an instant, and was shrouded in a black magic light, losing all its vitality.

After practicing [Yeyuan Demon Art], Shu Feng already possessed the extraordinary power to restrain these monsters in his body, so he could kill them directly with one blow.

A cyan light flashed slightly, and the green wolf appeared in front of Shu Feng like a ghost, opened a mouth full of jagged blood basin, and madly bit down Shu Feng fiercely.

"That guy is dead. I'm dead too!!"

Scar Wolf saw this scene, his face became extremely pale, his whole body was trembling constantly, and the color of fear flashed in his eyes.

The strange aura that the green wolf exudes is very terrifying, making people fearful and difficult to move. This is the horror of these monsters.


Shu Feng's fist blasted out like lightning, directly on the body of the blue wolf, the body of the blue wolf burst open, and countless pieces were scattered all around.

Scar Wolf immediately took a breath: "I was killed! It is the monster Han Guangming that is stronger."

Shu Feng glanced at Scar Wolf and said faintly: "Scar Wolf, do you want to die or live?"

Scar Wolf puffed and knelt on the ground, begging, "I want to live!! Captain Han, please give me a way to survive!"

Shu Feng said: "Very good! From now on, you will be the leader of the Longteng Gang. I want you to control the Longteng Gang and work for me!"

Scar Wolf was happy at first, and then said with a bitter expression: "My lord, although I am the deputy leader of the Longteng Gang, but I only have 20 younger brothers. There are also six deputy leaders of the Longteng Gang. It is difficult for me to completely control Longteng. help."

Shu Feng said lightly: "There are still six deputy gang leaders? Then kill them."

Scar Wolf was frightened by hearing it. Although he is also a ruthless character in the arena and has several lives in his hands, he is still very scared in the face of a murderous monster like Shu Feng.

"However, your strength is too weak! I will teach you an extraordinary martial arts! When you are successful in your cultivation, it will be very easy to control the Dragon Gang."

Shu Feng stretched out his hand and pointed at the center of Scar Wolf's eyebrows, a little black light plunged into Scar Wolf's head, and planted a power seed into Scar Wolf's body.

"Thank you adults for giving me strength. I will definitely work for adults.

A scorching color flashed in the eyes of Scar Wolf, knelt on the ground, swearing loudly.

Shu Feng smiled faintly. He knew that a guy like Scarwolf was an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf and couldn't be loyal to him. However, he had already moved his hands and feet in that power seed. Once Scar Wolf betrayed him, he would definitely lose all his power and be tortured to death.

With the cooperation of Scarwolf, Shu Feng killed all the other six sub-gang leaders of the Longteng Gang overnight.

With the group of dragons headless, Scar Wolf came forward to preside over the overall situation and barely maintained the situation of the Dragon Gang.

It's just that Scarwolf couldn't control the situation at all, and the Longteng Gang quickly fell apart.

Those Longteng Gang cadres with split brains were quickly wiped out by Shu Feng, and they were all arrested and thrown into prison.

Scar Wolf stabilized the situation of the Longteng Gang, and then quickly expanded outwards to fight with the rest of Bonan City's gangs for territory.

As long as the other gangs in Naponan are enemies of the Longteng Gang, their cadres will suddenly die strangely in various forms.

Under the leadership of Scarface, the Longteng Gang smashed the gangs and swallowed them into a behemoth.

In less than a month, the Dragon Gang had annexed all the gangs in Bonan City and became the overlord of the underground world in Bonan City.

The police station has also been completely penetrated by Shu Feng and is firmly in his hands.

The strongest forces of the Black and White Dao are in the hands of Shu Feng, and he is the uncrowned king of the entire Bonan City. When he continued, both black and white began to move and began to vigorously crack down on various illegal and criminal activities.

All kinds of criminals lurking in Bonan City were picked out one by one and thrown into Bonan City Prison, causing the Bonan City Prison to be overcrowded.

Later, in order to reduce the burden on Bonan City Prison, Shu Feng kindly ordered that those serious criminals be directly killed.

After killing more than one hundred serious criminals, the various criminals who were originally lurking in Bonan felt that the ecological environment was too bad, and they fled and left Bonan City, making the entire city of Bonan more public. Very good.

Bonan City was originally a crime city. I don't know how many villains and criminals hide in this city. However, under Shu Feng's cruel blow, the city's crime rate plummeted.

Within the base space.

"Bonan City has finally become the safest city!"

Shu Feng sensed that Han Guangming's soul in his own soul began to melt, and the corners of his mouth suddenly rose slightly, revealing a smile. His efforts for this period of time finally achieved results.

As soon as Han Guangming’s soul merged into Shu Feng’s soul, his soul’s origins changed drastically. Numerous high-level source energies and traces of the source of true demons were submerged in his body, making his cultivation level steadily rising.

Ten days later.

A big egg split open, and Shu Feng immediately walked out of that big egg, his eyes flashed with incomparable light, and his body was filled with powerful aura. With a thought on his mind, rows of data emerged directly.

"Shu Feng."

"Source of Power 7 (+5)."

"Characteristic of the source of great power: increase the power of great power by 32 gai. (4*8).

"Strength 2,000 (+500) million yuan, Agility 2,000 (+500) million yuan, Defense 2,000 (+500) million yuan, Physique 2,000 (+500) million yuan, Intelligence 2,000 (+500) million yuan, and mental power 2,000 ( +500) million yuan, 600 (+500) trillion yuan for the mighty power."

"The charm is 300,000 yuan, and the soul of power is 20 points."

A scorching color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "My source of power has increased by 5 points in one breath, and it has been comparable to many powerful tens of millions of years of penance. The source of true demons is indeed the best resource for cultivation. "

Every powerhouse of great energy levels is a tianjiao among the arrogances. After they advance to the great abilities, their cultivation speed will become extremely slow. Any increase of 1 point of the source of great power is calculated in units of tens of millions of years.

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