God-level Base

Chapter 1167: Kill Han Guang the Great

"It's a pity, you have no chance!!"

Ripples gleamed, and the corpse lord surrounded by corpses suddenly exploded. A magic sword surrounded by countless corpses appeared out of thin air, tearing the sky, and a sword sealed the retreat of Emperor Han Guang.

Emperor Han Guang's face changed drastically, and a ruthless claw blasted out, containing a strange and unpredictable mood of ruthlessness, and blasted towards the Lord of the Corpse.

Boom! !

With a loud noise, Emperor Han Guang retreated violently, with a long sword wound on his body, blood spurted out, and corpse energy surged.

"Emperor Han Guang, if you dare to break into our Northern Lie Empire, then die here!"

Shu Fengsen smiled and took out a token inscribed with a round of the sun.

Rays of light gleamed, the earth shook for a while, countless flames tumbling, one body was more than 10,000 meters long, exuding terrifying flames, and the dilapidated Da Ri Jinwu corpse emerged directly from the ground.

The Great Sun Golden Crow is a terrifying beast that is infinitely close to the heavenly monarch, and it is also the source of power for the royal family in the Northern Lie Empire.

His Majesty, the first emperor of the Northern Lie Empire, obtained the remains of the Great Sun Golden Crow, and with his extraordinary talents, he cultivated all the way to the realm of God.

The top powerhouses of the Northern Lie clan in the past will pour their power into the remains of this big sun golden crow before they fall, nurturing and refining it.

Only the emperors of the past dynasties of Beilie holding the Lieyang token can control the remains of this big sun golden crow.

The remains of the Great Sun Golden Crow are hidden under the imperial palace and are the heritage of the Bei Lie clan.

The reason why Bei Lie Xuan Kong was hit hard by the leader of the God Sect of Ten Thousand Corpses was because he left the imperial city and was betrayed by someone close to him.

As soon as the big sun golden crow appeared, a fierce light flashed in his eyes and a claw blasted out.

Countless flames churned, forming a world of flames, purging everything, and blasting directly towards Emperor Han Guang.

"Break it for me!"

Emperor Han Guang couldn't avoid it, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and his body twisted strangely, waving his claws again and again, layers of strange and twisted vigor surrounding his body.

Boom! !

The Great Emperor Han Guang spouted a mouthful of blood under the full blow of the Great Sun Golden Crow, but took the opportunity to use his strength to flee to the side frantically.

"Emperor Han Guang, you are so careless!! You dare to be an enemy of my lord, then go to death!"

The leader of the **** of corpses emerged directly like a ghost and slammed at Emperor Han Guang with one claw.

The Great Emperor Han Guang directly confronted the leader of Ten Thousand Corpse God Sect, spouted a mouthful of blood again, and was shocked to fly back.


The fierce light flashed in the eyes of the master of the corpse, the power of urging the corpse, and the sword controlled the endless corpse, and cut it down frantically.

Emperor Han Guang once again swung his claw barely one block.

Boom! !

Emperor Han Guang's right paw was instantly shaken off, and a bone-bearing wound appeared on his body, and a large amount of blood was sprayed out and spilled on the ground.

Black rays of light gleamed, and Shu Feng appeared behind Emperor Han Guang with a wing flash, and blasted out with a punch, a ghost of a demonized King Kong dragon appeared, and slammed into Emperor Han Guang's body.

The Great Emperor Han Guang spouted a mouthful of blood, twisting his body continuously, unloading nine points of his strength.

The big sun golden crow opened its mouth and sprayed, and a golden flame column tore through the sky, and hit the body of Emperor Han Guang who was forced to retreat with one blow.

Emperor Han Guang was swallowed by the golden flame column and fell into the earth.

The terrifying flames spread throughout the imperial city.

Those Lieyang Guards of the Heavenly Realm series urged their energy, absorbed the spreading flames, and barely protected the main part of the palace.

Many eunuchs and court ladies with low cultivation bases were turned into ashes under the terrifying flames.

Neither Emperor Han Guang nor Shu Feng deliberately curtailed their strength. Because the other party is their major enemy in their lives, whoever converges their strength is seeking their own way of death.

"Emperor Han Guang, this is my territory! You can't escape!!"

A cold light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes, and a phantom of the demonized King Kong dragon elephant appeared behind him, and he stepped on the ground fiercely.

A wave of terrifying power burst out underground, and a demon claw burst out suddenly, containing the ruthless devil energy, and the claw blasted out, directly smashing the phantom of the enchanted King Kong dragon elephant in the sky.

"Emperor Han Guang, you are weak! Surrender! You surrender now and surrender to me. I can also give you a way out! Let you enjoy the glory and wealth in your life!"

Shu Feng's figure swayed slightly, looking down at the scorched emperor Han Guang, whose body was constantly bursting with sun **** flames, and said lightly.

"Bei Liebo, I have lost countless times since I debuted! But even in the most desperate situation, I have never surrendered to others! The world is so big that no one has the right to let me Han Guang surrender!!"

Emperor Han Guang smiled sharply, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, urging his momentum.

A mysterious, burly, ruthless demon with a weird aura suddenly emerged behind Emperor Han Guang, suddenly violent, and rushed towards Shu Feng like lightning.

Emperor Han Guang has so rich experience in combat. At a glance, he can see that Shu Feng is the first of all, and he is also the weakest among the several powerful men who besieged him. Only by capturing Shu Feng alive can he survive.

"Good judgment! Unfortunately, you are too weak!"

A ray of ripples shone, the Lord of the Corpse suddenly appeared in front of Shu Feng, and the sword of the corpse in his hand slashed frantically, and a terrifying sword light slashed towards the ruthless demon god.


The Great Emperor Han Guang let out a sharp roar, the ruthless demon **** burst open, and the terrifying shock wave instantly swallowed the ruler of the corpse and Shu Feng.

The Great Emperor Han Guang abandoned the ruthless demon god, his body flickered, turned into a stream of light, and fled madly in the direction of the lord of the corpse.

when! !

At this moment, the weird master emerged from the side, and the weird bell above his head rang directly.

Strange and unpredictable bells rang all at once, spreading in all directions.

Emperor Han Guang was stunned by the bell, his eyes suddenly lost, and he was dizzy for a moment.

"caught you!"

The leader of the Divine Sect of Ten Thousand Zombies smiled sensibly, and slammed his claw on the body of Emperor Han Guang.

Boom! !

The Great Emperor Han Guang spouted a big mouthful of blood and fell from the sky. He was seriously injured, and his body was filled with corpse energy and sun **** flames.

"Then we shall die together!"

Emperor Han Guang smiled sensibly, his body exploded, and the terrifying explosion instantly swallowed the leader of the **** of corpses.

When the light of the explosion dissipated, the right arm of the **** cult leader was shattered and fell to the side, with a trace of strange ruthless aura permeating his whole body, and he was slightly injured.

The Great Emperor Han Guang was injured too badly before, and even if he desperately killed him, it only caused minor injuries to the leader of the **** of corpses.

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