God-level Base

Chapter 1153: Assassinate

Shu Feng turned his head and looked concerned and said, "Senior Sister Zhao Rou, what's wrong with you?"

At that moment, the withered bone sword aura broke out in an instant, and the black magic sword in his hand contained an endless withering and dead aura, containing the terrifying power of slashing everything, and slammed towards Shu Feng frantically.

The Withered Bone Sword was one of the top assassins in the black building. There were countless masters who died in his hands, and even the top masters of the Second Heaven Realm died tragically under his sword. He has full confidence that he can kill the boy who is less than sixteen years old with a single sword.

After all, Bei Lie Xuan Kong, the most terrifying monster of the Bei Lie clan, was only 18 years old before he advanced to the first heaven! !


Almost for an instant, the Withered Bone Sword saw Shu Feng's **** gently pinched, and the magic sword that had assassinated countless masters was immediately pinched by Shu Feng, unable to move.

"I've been waiting for you a long time ago, you are finally here!! It made me wait so hard!!"

Shu Feng smiled slightly, and printed a palm of his backhand directly on the body of the Withered Bone Sword.

boom! !

A phantom shadow of a King Kong dragon elephant appeared directly, and the sternum of the Withered Bone Sword was immediately shattered, hitting a big tree like a dregs, and smashing the big tree directly.

Zhao Rou stood up from the ground, her beautiful eyes flashed with shock and said: "Junior Brother Bei Liebo, you are amazing, you are definitely the first genius of our Yanshan Academy!!"

Back then, Beilie Xuankong, the first genius of the Northern Lie Empire, only entered the Heaven Realm One Heaven after he was 18 years old. Shu Feng had already advanced to the Heaven Realm One Heaven before he was 16 years old. This kind of cultivation speed is simply rebellious. day.

Shu Feng smiled gently: "Senior sister, don't you have anything to say about this assassin?"

Zhao Rou's eyes were tearful, and Chu Chu pleaded with pity: "Junior Brother Bei Liebo, I don't know anything. Really, this is just a coincidence. I don't know anything!!!"

"It doesn't matter! I will find out the truth! After all, I am a detective!"

Shu Feng smiled slightly and printed a palm on Zhao Rou's chest.

boom! !

Zhao Rou's chest sank, and she didn't know how many bones were broken, and she fell to the ground with only one breath.

Shu Feng stretched out his hand, and threw the Withered Bone Sword and Zhao Rou into the base space for transformation.

"I have seen the master!"

An hour later, the Withered Bone Sword and Zhao Rou, who had been transformed, immediately appeared in front of Shu Feng.

Shu Feng said: "Who are you? Who asked you to assassinate me?"

Dry Bones Sword said: "Master, I am the Black Building Gold Medal Killer Dry Bones Sword! The original poster sent me to assassinate you! Only the original poster knows who the employer is!"

Shu Feng glanced at Zhao Rou: "What about you?"

Zhao Rou smiled bitterly: "Master, someone is offering a reward at the Caiyun Club at a high price. Let me take you away from the mountain. As long as I take you away from the mountain, I will be able to obtain a huge fortune. And Caiyun will guarantee my life."

Bei Liebo is a prince who has no mother and is destined to be unable to inherit Datong. Zhao Rou has no psychological burden when he sells it.

Shu Feng said: "Tell me everything you know about the black building!"

Withered Bone Sword: "Yes! Master!"

Heilou is a terrorist killer organization that runs through the Northern Lie Empire, the Jinman Empire, and the Hanguang Empire.

The black building organization is divided into four types: bronze medal killer, silver medal killer, gold medal killer, and purple medal killer.

A killer who can assassinate a mortal with more than seven levels is a bronze killer. The one who can assassinate the strong in the realm is the silver medal killer, and the one who can assassinate the strong in the heaven is the gold medal. The strong man who can assassinate the fourth heaven and above is the purple card killer.

The posters of Heilou in all dynasties were powerful men above the fourth heaven, and they were mysterious and unpredictable. Many masters in the three major empires died tragically in the hands of the black building, which is frightening.

After Bei Lie Xuankong ascended the throne, he also tried to flatten the black building. However, the black building shrank directly, not directly confronting Bei Lie Xuankong at all. After Bei Lie Xuan Kong killed dozens of black towers' gold medal killers, he was also helpless.

Of course, after Beilie Xuankong's attack, the Black Tower's power in the Beilie Empire has become much smaller, and it is no longer rampant before.

Withered Bone Sword said: "Master, I still know one piece of information. The black building host will appear in Shenyue Lake in ten days."

Shu Feng curiously asked: "How did you know this information?"

Withered Bone Sword: "My teacher, the purple card killer Mingwaijian, accidentally revealed it during a drunkenness."

Shenyue Lake is a beautiful lake in the Shenyue Mountain Villa of the Northern Lie Empire. Every night when the moon is full, the bright moonlight will scatter from the sky, which is so beautiful.

"Young owner, the owner has ordered that Shenyue Lake will be sealed tonight and no one is allowed to enter!"

At the entrance of Shenyue Lake, two guards stopped a handsome and magnificent young man.

"Go away! This is the territory of my Shenyue Villa. If you don't let go, I will cut off your heads!"

The unruly young man drew out his long sword at once, pointed at the two guards and said coldly.

The two guards smiled bitterly, and directly gave way.

The Young Master of Shenyue Villa, the famous Hunshi Demon King, had more than ten guards who died in his hands. They didn't dare to stop this Hunshi Demon.

"Huh! A bunch of trash!"

The young master of Shenyue Villa snorted coldly, and walked in aggressively.

"What a nice view!"

As soon as the young master of Shenyue Villa came to the side of Shenyue Lake, his eyes brightened and his eyes fell on the heart of Shenyue Lake.

Above the center of the Shenyue Lake, there was a leaf of a flat boat. On the flat boat, sitting on the flat boat was a peerless beauty with black hair, crystal clear skin, exquisite features and no flaws.

"Could she be the woman of her father Jinwu Cangjiao!!"

The young master of Shenyue Mountain Villa stared at the peerless beauty with black hair and waist, and the flame of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that mysterious and unpredictable, the legendary host of the black house turned out to be a woman!!"

Accompanied by a calm voice, a tall man wearing a silver mask slowly walked out from the side.

"Heilou host? Heilou? Could it be the legendary killer organization?"

The young master of Shenyue Villa suddenly changed his face, and there was a trace of fear in his heart.

After Bei Lie Xuankong swept the black building, the power of the black building was already much worse than before. Even so, the host of the black building is still one of the most terrifying top powerhouses in the arena.


The eyes of that peerless beauty with black hair and waist was retracted from the moon, and her slender finger flicked lightly on a jade sword placed aside.

A strange sound wave spread in all directions.

boom! boom! boom!

The head of the young master of Shenyue Villa exploded.

The humans and animals surrounded by hundreds of meters around Shenyue Lake and the people and animals within a radius of ten miles burst into corpses under the terrible sound wave impact.

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