God-level Base

Chapter 1151: Smash (addition to the rewards of the Longbow Brothers)

"Xiao Nineteen didn't even die, and he was in the eyes of the father! He is really not easy!"

In a palace, a handsome prince with a handsome appearance and five points similar to Beilie Xuankong smiled indifferently.

The handsome prince said with some regret: "You can't shoot him now. Otherwise, once you let the father know, it will be dangerous."

Ten days later, after a coming-of-age ceremony, Shu Feng was officially awarded the title of General, moved out of the palace, and lived in the General's Mansion on the side.

At night, Shu Feng walked alone in the back garden, and sighed slightly: "Unfortunately, I only learned one set of Tiger Demon exercises. It would be great if I could learn some other powerful magic techniques."

"His Majesty, you are your majesty's child. Your Majesty will naturally not forget you. This is the [Dragon Elephant Skill], one of the strongest magical skills in the world! Every time you complete one layer, you will have the power of a dragon elephant. This is Your Majesty I give you the supreme power of enlightenment."

Zhuo Shendiao smiled slightly and walked out of the void like a ghost, holding a piece of King Kong dragon elephant skin in his hand and handing it to Shu Feng.

Shu Feng bowed to Zhuo Shendiao and said, "I have seen Mr. Zhuo! On that day, I would like to thank Mr. Zhuo for speaking up, otherwise I am afraid I still can't even eat meat today."

"The old slave was also telling the truth that day! Your Highness, I will explain the [Vajra Dragon Elephant Technique] for you now. If there is anything you don't understand, just ask!"

"According to your majesty's order, the old slave can only explain to you for ten days! Do you understand?"

Zhuo Shendiao said with a solemn expression.

Shu Feng said: "I understand!"

"The first step is to visualize the King Kong Dragon Elephant!"

Zhuo Shendiao pressed the animal skin in his hand, and a burst of dazzling divine light shone, transforming into a huge, incomparably huge, like a horrible giant dragon statue made of diamonds.

When Shu Feng saw the King Kong Dragon Elephant, he immediately remembered his figure.

Only then did Zhuo Shendiao begin to explain the various cultivation methods of [Vajra Dragon Elephant Gong].

Zhuo Shen said: "Do you understand?"

Shu Feng said: "I understand!"

Zhuo Shendiao frowned slightly, and he also saw many people who like to pretend not to understand and pretend to be garlic in front of him. However, since Shu Feng didn't plan to cherish this opportunity for guidance, he wouldn't persuade him more.

Zhuo Shendiao nodded slightly, and immediately disappeared from the spot.

Shu Feng calmly thought: "[Dragon Elephant Skill] is not the highest inheritance of the royal family [Wanyang Supreme Skill]! However, this is normal. After all, I am not the candidate for the prince of Beilie Xuankong."

[Vajra Dragon Elephant Art] is a peerless divine art that can be cultivated to the fifth stage of the heavenly realm. If it is placed on the rivers and lakes, it will definitely cause countless strong fights. However, compared to the highest inheritance of the royal family [Wan Yang Zhi Zun Gong], it is still slightly inferior. The [Wan Yang Zhi Zun Gong] is a peerless secret method that directly points to the gods, and only the emperors or princes of previous generations can practice.

In the following days, Shu Feng hid in the general's mansion, cultivating frantically, and his strength would soar every day.

Yanshan Academy is the first academic palace of the Northern Lie Empire. In this academic palace, famous teachers from all fields of the Northern Lie Empire gather.

"His Royal Highness, Yanshan Academy is here!"

A luxury carriage stopped, and a groom respectfully said.

Shu Feng walked out of the luxurious carriage, looked towards Yanshan Academy, a strange light flashed in his eyes: "This is Yanshan Academy, I hope it won't let me down!!!"

After Shu Feng was cultivating in the General's Mansion for a month, when Bei Lie Xuankong came down with the imperial decree, he could only rush to Yanshan Academy to study.

"This Xiongtai, this is Zhou Haishan, are you also studying at Yanshan Academy?"

A tall, handsome young man dressed in a purple brocade robe walked towards Shu Feng very enthusiastically. Beside that boy was a beautiful iceberg girl and a somewhat obese boy wearing goose-yellow clothes with crystal clear skin like jade.

Shu Feng said: "I am Bei Liebo, and I am also studying at Yanshan Academy."

The beautiful iceberg girl looked curious and said, "Bei Liebo, are you the 19th prince who wants to eat meat?"

Shu Feng's allusion of wanting to eat meat has spread throughout the upper layers of the Northern Lie Empire, and Shu Feng has also been given the title of a meat-eating prince.

Shu Feng said lightly: "It's me!"

Zhou Haishan apologized and said, "Sorry, Bei Liebo. This is my friend Zhang Yuru, and she has no intentions. That one is my friend Liu Zheng."

Shu Feng said: "It's okay."

The four of them chatted all the way and walked towards the Yanshan Academy.

The origin of Zhou Haishan and his entourage, Shu Feng, also made it clear during the chat.

Zhou Haishan is the third son of Panshihou in the Beilie Empire, Zhang Yuru is the third daughter of Zhang Shang, the minister of rites, and Liu Zheng is the second son of Liu Hai, the prefect of Beiyang County.

Zhou Haishan likes to make friends very much, which connects everyone together.

"I'm Qian Ning! You can call me Senior Brother Qian, come with me! You have to take a test, and then be divided into classes. Your strengths are different, and the courses you can accept are different."

A withered face, a young man in a green suit walked out of the Yanshan Academy and glanced at Shu Feng and his party coldly.

The four Shu Feng immediately followed Qian Ning to a huge square.

On that huge square, hundreds of geniuses from all over the Northern Lie Empire have gathered.

An ordinary-looking middle-aged man pointed to a crystal pillar 20 meters thick and said: "I am the instructor in charge of this test, Sheng Quan! You attack this crystal column with the greatest strength, and we will follow your advice. Performance to be rated. Let’s get started!"

"I'll come first!"

A burly teenager with a height of two meters gave a soft drink, and slammed his fist fiercely on the force measuring crystal column.

boom! !

A counter-shock force came, and the burly boy fell directly to the ground.

"Wang Tuan, Ding wait! Next one!"

Sheng Quan said coldly.

The burly boy retreated with a look of shame.

One after another young men and women went up, most of them got a Ding class, a small number of geniuses got a C class evaluation.

"Zhang Yuru, B wait!"

A burst of light flickered above the force measuring crystal column, and envious eyes focused on Zhang Yuru's body, and she also walked down like a proud peacock.

Liu Zheng looked envied and said, "Yu Ru, you are really amazing!"

Zhang Yuru smiled reservedly, his eyes flashed with cheerfulness: "It's okay!"

Sheng Quan said lightly: "North Liebo."

Before Shu Feng came to the force measuring column, he slapped a palm on the force measuring column.

A virtual shadow of a King Kong dragon elephant emerged directly.

Boom! !

The force measuring crystal column split in an instant, turning into countless pieces and sputtering in all directions.


Everyone present was dumbfounded and couldn't believe their eyes.

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