God-level Base

Chapter 114: Break through

The Naresman Empire badge envoys armed with long swords besieged the eight giant defilers.

As soon as a giant polluter rushed into the crowd, it was cut in his legs by two badges, and two wounds with deep bones were cut.


The giant polluter swept a huge stone pillar and blasted the two badge messengers one by one, and the two badge messengers were blasted into two **** of meat sauce and hit the wall.

The two badgers took the opportunity to slash their swords on the calf of the giant defiler, and once again cut two holes, almost severing the legs of the giant defiler.

The muscle tissue at the feet of the giant polluter squirmed and began to heal crazily. Another stone pillar swept through, blasting the two badges directly into meat sauce.

A badge with an extreme physical fitness took the opportunity to step forward. The sword was like a shooting star. A sword pierced the heart of the giant polluter, pierced its heart, and barely killed the giant polluter. .

The giant polluters are infinitely powerful, fierce, and fearless of death. They are the most terrifying enemies. The ordinary badge is not its opponent at all.

However, among the badge envoys of the Rathman Empire, there are four badge envoys of the Great Spiritist rank. After other badges paid the price of their lives, they took the opportunity to directly slay those giant polluters.

After paying the lives of twenty badge envoys, the four giant polluters were killed by the elites of the Lethman Empire.

A badge of the Great Spiritist rank caused the long sword in his hand to pierce the heart of a giant polluter, and under the innumerable acid jets, his body retreated violently.

call out!

An arrow resembling a dark moonlight shot like a shooting star and blasted on the head of the badge of the Great Spiritist rank, penetrated the armor of the badge, sank into his head, and nailed him directly to the ground.


The remaining badges of the three great spiritual master ranks made his gaze fall on Camilla in the distance, and his heart was full of vigilance.

On the battlefield, a hero-level marksman like Camilla is the first target for everyone to eradicate.

The badges of the three psychic ranks made them no longer pay attention to the giant defilers who were slaughtering their companions, and their bodies flashed, rushing towards Camilla like three sharp swords.

The ten giant polluters threw vigorously, and ten huge stone pillars, like meteors, threw them at the badges of the three great spiritualists.

The three badges made the figure sway, very sensitively avoiding the stone pillars one by one.

call out!

A black moonlight pierced the void, blasted on the head of a badge envoy, and directly penetrated the head of that great spiritualist rank badge.

Shu Feng waved his hand, thirty devils and two hundred black dogs and phantoms emerged directly, forming a phantom legion, rushing directly towards the remaining two great spiritualist rank badges.

"Despicable bastard!"

The badge of a great spiritualist rank made his eyes red, and his long sword in his hand was like a storm. After a craziness, the three-headed spiritist rank was chopped into pieces by him, and blood was splashed.

call out!

A black moonlight reappeared, blasting on the head of the badge envoy of the Great Spiritist rank, and penetrated the head of the badge envoy.


The surviving badge of the last great spiritualist rank transformed into a heavy epee shadow, madly beheading ten lifesavers who threw like tarsus maggots, but desperately found that there were two hundred black The dog virtual demon rushed towards him.

If there is no Camilla looking at him, the badge of that great spiritualist rank makes it completely possible to fight in and out of the army of black dogs and phantoms as if the Wushuang mowing mode was turned on. But now he needs to split a part of his mental defense against Camilla with every strike, which consumes much more power than ordinary combat.

"Magic Blade Claw!"

Suddenly, ten life-stealing demons waved their claws, and ten black magic blade claws blasted towards the badge of the great spiritualist rank.

The badge of the Great Spiritist's rank caused the long sword in his hand to be chopped ten times in succession, and the ten magic blade claws were scattered one by one.

A black moonlight suddenly appeared, shooting towards the head of the badge of the great spiritual master.

"Break it for me!"

The badge flashed a cold light in his eyes, and the long sword in his hand slashed fiercely on the black moonlight like a poisonous dragon.

The black moonlight collapsed, and an arrow was shaken to the ground. The badge envoy was also shaken back a dozen steps.

Camilla held [Dark Moon Bow], her right hand trembled, and a look of exhaustion flashed in her beautiful eyes.

"The power has been weakened! There is a chance!"

The badge brightened his eyes and flashed with excitement.

Almost at the same time, a life-stealer slammed its claws on the back of the great spiritualist rank badge envoy, and forcibly tore the badge armor of the badge envoy into a long hole.

"Go to hell!"

The badge made a slash with a sword, and a sword directly slashed the lifestealer.

call out!

An arrow shot from the direction of Camilla, towards the badge.

The badge envoy was very keen, and his sword contained a hazy black light, directly smashing the arrow into pieces.

Almost at the same time, another arrow shot out very secretly, and one arrow pierced through the eyes of the badge envoy, causing him to let out a terrible scream.

"I shot the first arrow, idiot!"

Shu Feng put down a alloy bow and smiled lightly.

The first arrow was shot by Shu Feng, and the second arrow was shot by Camilla. The badge maker was a little careless and was shot blind in one eye.

Those lifestealers, black dogs and imaginary demons madly rushed towards the badge of that great spiritualist rank.

A burst of sword light flashed, and countless pieces of flesh and blood spattered around.

Not long after, a screaming scream came from the direction of the badge of the Great Spiritist rank. He was directly torn to pieces by those lifestealers and black dog phantoms who rushed over.

Killed all the badge envoys of the Great Spiritist rank, the remaining giant polluters slaughtered the remaining Lethman Empire badge envoys frantically.

From that building, many remnants of the Reysman Empire escaped at once, and dispersed in all directions.

"Damn it! Get out of me!"

Tagmurris roared, and Ye Mingxi shook back with a sword, her figure flashed, and several ups and downs disappeared into the building.

Ye Mingxi raised her eyebrows and shook her figure, chasing in like a spirit bird.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Those giant polluters are like terrifying humanoid bulldozers, blasting the building out of big holes, and rushing into it abruptly.

Inside that building, in an extremely spacious hall, there is a beautiful idol wearing a light black gauze, exposing large areas of skin, plump and sexy, with a trace of charm and sanctity between the eyebrows.

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