God-level Base

Chapter 1133: Jinlong Tianjun

A vague river of time emerged on the corpse of the Golden Dragon Tianjun, and countless corpses emerged in the river of light at that time, forming a path of corpses.

In the path of the corpse, the remnant soul of Jinlong Tianjun, who was completely broken and full of wounds, walked towards this side step by step.

Suddenly, Jinlong Tianjun's corpse glanced at the Golden Demon God Child, and a faint light flashed in his pupils.

"Do not!!"

A horrified look flashed in the eyes of the Golden Demon God Child, and he screamed, and the blood of his body was instantly drawn away, turning into a corpse in painful struggle.

"help me!!"

A scream of despair flashed in the eyes of the Golden Devil God Child.

In the eyes of Da Neng, all existences under the power are ants, although the golden devil **** child is comparable to the great devil god. But in front of Jun's body that day, he was still vulnerable.

The pretty face of the succubus changed. After a while, a dark ancient lamp appeared directly, and countless mysterious curses shone, forming a black curtain. As soon as the black curtain appeared, he immediately disappeared. .

Five Xuanhe fingers stretched out their hands, and an ancient bronze mirror appeared at once, bursting with cyan gloomy light towards him. He disappeared from the spot immediately.

The weird master suddenly appeared, fully urging the weird powers, a weird bell slowly emerged on his forehead, and in an instant, Shu Feng disappeared together with Thousand Claws and Qilin Haiye.

"No! You bastards!!!"

The Golden Demon God Child struggled and roared, and all the spirits of the body flew out of the body, turned into a **** light and fell into the mouth of Jinlong Tianjun.

After Jinlong Tianjun absorbed the spirit of the Golden Demon God Child, the remnant soul on that bone path suddenly became a little clearer.

The corpse of Jinlong Tianjun's eyes flashed towards an empty place.


The ancient bronze mirror split open at once, and five hanging rivers came out of it at once, and all five heads were chanting mysterious mantras.

In an instant, a 10,000-meter-high statue with five heads, a monster constructed from countless curse seal barriers all appeared to sit on the ground, firmly resisting the gaze of Jinlong Tianjun's corpse.

"Fantasy Succubus, Huang Ye, you two will take action and seal him!! Otherwise, if I die. It will be your turn next!!"

One of the heads of the Five Heads Xuanhe slowly became shriveled, and the body was shrouded in a layer of pitch-black enchantment, and roared bitterly.

The corpse of Jinlong Tianjun was too terrifying, and the Five Heads Xuanhe couldn't match it at all. However, the corpse of Jinlong Tianjun has fallen, and the trace of remnant soul has not completely returned. The Five Heads Xuanhe can resist the power in it a little bit.

"Come Sealing Curse!!"

The phantom succubus appeared at once, and with a bite of his silver teeth, he chanted the mysterious mantra and pointed at the corpse of Jinlong Tianjun.

A jet black like ink composed of countless curses instantly sank into Jinlong Tianjun's corpse, causing his eyes to darken, hesitating for a while, and his eyes began to slowly close.


In the vaguely long river of time, the trace of Jinlong Tianjun's remnant soul took a step forward and snorted coldly.

The corpse of Jinlong Tianjun immediately opened his eyes and glanced at the Succubus.

The phantom succubus was struck by lightning, and the dark barrier of its body collapsed instantly, spouting a mouthful of blood, and falling to the ground, the essence and blood on his body was immediately pulled away frantically.

Five Xuanhe screamed: "Huangye, are you still watching the show? We are dead, and you can't live!!"

"That's not necessarily! You are all dead. I can still survive!!"

A weird voice came from all over this square.

Jinlong Tianjun's corpse stared wide and turned around, but he didn't find Shu Feng's trace, and he couldn't help showing a hint of surprise.

The phantom succubus and the five hanging rivers are all terrifying geniuses who can challenge higher levels and are comparable to the ranks of the Great Demon God. Their secret method of concealing their bodies is also the top secret method.

Even so, the two powerhouses couldn't escape the eyes of Jinlong Tianjun's corpse, but he couldn't find Shu Feng, which naturally surprised him.

"You two killed that human being, and I will let you have a way out."

Jinlong Tianjun's body slowly said.

The ubiquitous vitality of suction disappeared, letting the ghost succubus and the five-headed hanging river breathe a sigh of relief.

"Yes! Your lord!!"

The phantom succubus silver teeth bit and activated the secret method. Nine eyes appeared on his face. The ninth eye was located at the center of his eyebrows, bursting with the power of disillusioning insight, and looking around.

The five heads Xuanhe also performed secret techniques, and a vertical eye appeared on the five heads, looking around.

"Can't find it! How is this possible?"

There was a hint of horror in the hearts of the two powerhouses, the Five Suspension River and the phantom succubus. Both of them are the top powerhouses at the upper Demon God level and can compete against the Great Demon God. It is incredible that Shu Feng can disappear from their detection and perception.


Jinlong Tianjun's corpse gave a cold snort, his pupils flickered, and he looked towards the five-headed hanging river.


One head of the five heads of Xuanhe burst open directly, and all the blood, soul, and power were ejected from this head, turning into a **** light which was directly absorbed by the corpse of Jinlong Tianjun.

As soon as the corpse of Jinlong Tianjun absorbed the power of the five heads of the hanging river and everything, the ghost in the long river of light became clear again at that time, and he walked towards his body.

Shu Feng’s voice echoed in the void: “Golden Dragon Heavenly Monarch, you set this game. If I’m not mistaken, it’s for resurrection. We can come here smoothly, it’s the resurrection place you chose for yourself. The introduction needed!! Am I right?"

"Yes! I deliberately released those maps so that you, the geniuses of the imaginary world, can gather here. Only with your flesh and blood souls as a guide can I be truly resurrected."

"Huangye, I am very optimistic about you. As long as you help me and help me to resurrect. I will accept you as a direct disciple and let you run through the entire imaginary world. As long as you don't look for death to provoke the real demon, the world is great, and you are free. !"

In the vague long river of time, the remnant soul of the Golden Dragon Tianjun, who had begun to become more and more clear, smiled proudly.

A Heavenly Monarch placed in the Central Demon Realm of the Void Demon Realm is also the top existence. A direct disciple of Tianjun is enough to cross the imaginary realm, and not many people dare to provoke it easily.

Shu Feng smiled slightly and said: "Your promise is very tempting. Unfortunately, I already have a master! And I am not interested in becoming your personal disciple. Do it!!"

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