God-level Base

Chapter 1126: Kill the Great Demon God (Additional rewards for the decadent Zhichen brothers)

"Stop, Huangye!! I can pay the ransom!!!"

"Huangye, we can talk about it!! I know the secrets of many treasures!! As long as you let me live. I can tell you all those secrets!!"


The pile of flesh and blood fragments transformed by the big corpse night ink unicorn demon **** was constantly being cut off, and they were constantly regenerating, making waves of incomparable screams.

The top powerhouses of the Great Demon God series all possess terrifying incomparable regeneration ability and immortality characteristics.

After all, Qilin Haiye is only a high-ranking demon god. With the help of the power of [Royal Sea Saber], although his attacks can hurt the big corpse Yemo Qilin Demon God, it is still difficult to kill him.

"It's really hard to kill!! But, fortunately, you are a powerful corpse clan!!"

Shu Feng smiled slightly, waved his hand, ripples shone, and the ruler of the corpse appeared directly.

The engraved corpse curse on the forehead of the corpse ruler flashed light, and opened his mouth to suck.

A piece of Qilin Sea Leaf's corpse was immediately sucked by the Lord of the Corpse, and began to be refined by the Lord of Corpse inch by inch.

"My power! My original power has been absorbed! What kind of monster is this? How could this kind of monster appear? Huangye, you should have this kind of monster, and the corpse clan will definitely not let you go. Heavenly Lord, will surely break your corpse into thousands of pieces and destroy your clan!!"

Among the fragments transformed by the big corpse night ink unicorn demon god, there were waves of fear. He felt the threat from the body of the lord of the corpse.

In the central demon domain of this imaginary demon world, there are many monsters that can swallow the evolution of his people. However, there are only a handful of monsters that can cross a great realm and swallow the power of the great demon **** as a higher demon god.

From the body of the corpse master, the great demon **** of the corpse night ink unicorn felt the terrifying potential possessed by the corpse master, that is the terrifying power that can destroy the corpse race.

"Then let him know!"

Shu Feng smiled slightly, chanted the mantra, and stretched out his hand.

With bursts of incomparable light shining, a star enchantment emerged directly, directly sealing a radius of thousands of miles.

The weird master suddenly appeared next to Shu Feng, urging the weird power to block all the power of communication.

"Do not!!"

After the corpse night Mo Qilin great demon **** persisted for a quarter of an hour, he was eventually swallowed by the lord of the corpse and completely fell.

"Higher source energy +10 trillion, Great Demon God-level Demon God's source +2, Great Demon God-level Demon God's soul +2."

The corner of Shu Feng's mouth raised a faintly excited smile: "Yes!!! It's great!! Killed a great demon god! I actually killed a great demon god. I'm so amazing!!!"

That great demon **** is a terrifying existence at the apex of the virtual demon world, and many powerful forces generally only have the guardian of a great demon god.

In the Central Demon Realm of the Void Demon Realm, Da Neng is generally unable to retreat, and the dragon can't see the end. Walking in the world, the strongest person who presides over all kinds of things is the Great Demon God.

"Synthetic corpse night ink unicorn big demon god? No, let's take everything about him as the nourishment of the ruler of the corpse. From now on, all my resources should be tilted towards the ruler of the corpse. Once he advances to the Great Demon God, he will be better than that The Great Demon God Ye Mo Qilin is even stronger."

After weighing a little, Shu Feng immediately gave up his plan to synthesize the corpse night ink unicorn big demon god.

After all, the evolution potential of the corpse night ink unicorn great demon **** is limited, and the lord of the corpse has terrifying evolutionary potential, and can evolve into a terrifying monster of great power.

The lord of the corpse bowed to Shu Feng, his figure shook, he entered the source energy evolution tower, turned into a big egg, and began to crazily absorb the power of the big corpse night ink unicorn demon god.

"Zieye Moqilin Great Demon God is also dead! This human monster called Huangye, there are too many strong men around him, too scary?"

A hundred thousand nautical miles away, Qilinba hid on the corpse of a giant turtle and sea beast, trembling all over, his eyes full of fear and disbelief.

The Great Demon God of Zoe Ye Mo Qilin is a great demon God, extremely fierce. There were no fewer than twenty upper human demon gods who died in his hands. There are no fewer than a hundred races that have been annihilated by Him.

Even in the corpse clan, the corpse night black unicorn demon **** is also the top big man, second only to the powerful corpse clan. The beheading of such a great demon **** was definitely a major event that shocked the entire corpse clan.

"This news must be sent back to the clan!"

Qilinba did not dare to use any force, lying on the giant turtle and sea beast, motionless, without any abnormalities, closing his eyes at once, as if it had become a corpse.

"[Yuxinghai Demon Banner], this is also a top-level high-ranking Demon God-level secret treasure. Yes, with this secret treasure, I also have a powerful means of attack in this North Sea Star Ruins. It is a pity that Qilin Haiye It is impossible to absorb this [Yuxinghai Demon Banner], otherwise it is the best policy to make him stronger."

Shu Feng held the [Yu Xing Hai Demon Banner], a look of regret flashed in his eyes.

After all, the Kirin Sea Leaf cannot infinitely integrate various secret treasures, and the integration of the [Royal Sea Sword] is already his limit. Of course, if there are some treasures of great power level, he may not be able to integrate [Yu Xing Hai Demon Banner].

But for those great power-level treasures, Shu Feng of course used it by himself. He is the king to become stronger.

Qilin Haiye's figure flickered, and he came to Shu Feng's side, and directly entered the space of the base, consuming higher source energy to recover.

[Royal Sea Saber] Fusion can burst out the terrifying destructive power of the Great Demon God, but it will also burn the life of Qilin Haiye, leaving him in a state of weakness.

Shu Feng waited on the spot for an entire hour, and when the Qilin Haiye completely recovered, he urged Thousand Claws to sneak cautiously towards the place where the corpse clan might have fallen.

As soon as Shu Feng stepped into the fallen land surrounded by pitch black and dead silence, eight sharp and extremely sharp tentacles, covered with countless jagged tentacles, burst out from the pitch black ground, directly piercing towards the eight claws.

The eight tentacles on Thousand Claws twitched directly, and a terrifying shock wave directly blasted to the ground.

The middle demon **** level strange monster with eight tentacles collapsed and turned into countless pieces and fell on the ground.

Shu Feng frowned slightly: "It's weird! According to the memory of the Dead Night Golden Dragon, this should be a safe route. How could there be such a powerful monster?"

The corpse night golden dragon is just a corpse clan powerhouse of the middle demon **** rank. Even if he brought some secret treasures containing ocean power, in this North Sea Star Ruins, he would not be the opponent of that weird monster.

If it weren't for Shu Feng's adequate preparations, with Thousand Claws, the high-ranking Demon God level star sea beast, I am afraid that he would be successfully attacked by that strange monster.

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