God-level Base

Chapter 1114: Kill the corpse night golden dragon

"3 Source Middle Demon God?"

The corpse night golden dragon urged the secret method, and the dragon's eyes flashed, swept towards Shu Feng, and felt Shu Feng's cultivation base at once. A sneer flashed in his eyes, and he smiled sensibly: "Okay, I promise you! Let's go. Go to the arena on the Sea Dragon for a life and death duel."

The corpse night golden dragon is a true tianjiao, possessing the body of a high-ranking demon god-level true dragon. Although he is only a 1st source middle-ranked demon god, he has absolute confidence to fight against the 3rd source middle-ranked demon **** among the human race.

Tomorrow Luo frowned slightly and said, "Brother Huang Ye, the Dead Night Golden Dragon is a wise and intelligent monster born from the corpse of the upper Demon God-level true dragon. You must never underestimate the enemy."

Shu Feng smiled confidently: "Don't worry, the mere corpse night golden dragon is vulnerable to a single blow!!"

Tomorrow Luo wanted to persuade again, but Shu Feng had already gone to the arena with the Dead Night Golden Dragon.

Hu Lier pulled and said, "Tianluo, it's useless. That person is full of self-confidence and self, and won't listen to your advice. If you persuade him, it's just annoying."

An apology flashed in Luo's eyes tomorrow: "Even so, I don't want to see him die in the hands of the Dead Night Golden Dragon. After all, he was implicated by me."

Hu Lier bitterly said: "Involvement! Speaking of involvement, you are affected by your good brother Shu Feng. If it weren't for him, how could you have suffered so much trouble? When he is fine, he will come to Jun Heyu's sect. After that, I couldn’t go out and let you good brothers be forced to this point.”

At the beginning of the Qionglin Banquet, Shu Feng almost wiped out the geniuses of the Corpse Race and the Sheep Head Demon Race. And he offended countless geniuses when fighting for God's Orb.

Those people can't help but have been apprentice to the Shu Feng of Jun Heyu and can't get out of retreat, so they can only target Luo and Mulili tomorrow.

Tomorrow Luo Zhengshen said: "Li Er, needless to say! A Feng has done nothing wrong, but because my human race is weak, I will be bullied."

Hu Lier pouted her lips: "Yes!"

In that [Sea Dragon], there is also an extremely spacious arena, in that arena, with a powerful enchantment open, the entire arena can even accommodate the most apex of the upper demons.

Thousands of demon gods have gathered around the arena, all of them are full of excitement looking at Shu Feng and the corpse night golden dragon in the center of the arena, and there are many more gambling tickets in their hands.

Tomorrow Luo saw the Shu Feng and the Dead Night Golden Dragon who were already in the center of the arena, he could only sigh slightly, and could not do anything.

"Huang Ye, you are a **** of Human Race, and the look in your eyes is exactly the same as that of that bitch!! Let me dig out your nasty eyes!!"

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the corpse night golden dragon, and he smiled sensibly. It suddenly changed into a golden real dragon surrounded by rich corpse energy and exuding waves of evil and strange auras. One claw slammed it towards Shu Feng.

"too slow!"

An afterimage flashed slightly, and Shu Feng immediately appeared on the head of the Dead Night Golden Dragon, and slammed it down with one foot.

Boom! !

Accompanied by a loud sound of earth-shattering, the corpse night golden dragon immediately fell to the ground like a dreadful catkin, spouting a **** arrow from its mouth.

"How is this possible? That is the real dragon body of the upper demon **** level!!"

"Zieye Golden Dragon, that's the top genius of the zombie! How can someone kill him in the same order?"

"This is impossible!!"


The demon gods who were onlookers were stunned, their eyes flashed with incredible colors, and they couldn't believe their eyes at all.

Yang Anhuo also looked incredulous: "That's the Dead Night Golden Dragon, an invincible existence of the same level, how could it be killed by an ordinary person? How could this be possible?"

The fierce light flashed in the eyes of the corpse night golden dragon screamed: "You can't kill me!! Huangye, if you can't kill me, you must be the one who died!!"

"is it?"

Shu Fengsen smiled, and a claw slammed into the head of the dead night golden dragon fiercely, countless black rays of light gleamed, and a demon claw forcibly pulled the soul of the dead night golden dragon out of his body.

"The Great Imperius Claw!! The great energy level secret method of the Imperius Demon!"

"Could he be a genius with the inheritance of the Imperius Demon Lord?"


When the demons present saw this scene, a strange light flashed in their eyes.

"You are so weak!!"

Shu Feng watched the Di Ye Jinlong who was struggling constantly in his hands flashing a strange light in his eyes and slowly said.

Not long ago, the Dead Night Golden Dragon was still Shu Feng's great enemy to pay attention to. Now he is vulnerable in front of Shu Feng. This is the result of his continuous efforts to strive for various opportunities for crazy evolution.

"Stop, Huangye!! You can't kill the Golden Dragon of Dead Night. Ancient, do it!!"

The strong corpse clan with a unicorn head, full of corpse aura and unicorn aura, exuding an overbearing aura, had a cold look in his eyes and shouted sharply.

"Yes! Young Master!"

A statue hidden in the crowd, with a frog head, a fierce light flashed in the eyes of a very ordinary demon god, and a terrifying aura of a higher demon **** level burst out, filled with black corpse energy, and opened the blood basin. Big mouth, a thick tongue pierced Shu Feng like lightning.

The owner of the [Sea Dragon] that was supposed to have stopped, did not move as if it had disappeared.

"The upper demon god!! There is actually an upper demon **** who interferes in the duel of life and death."

"The corpse, it's shameless!!"

"The corpse race, it's really shameless. However, this world is the weak and the strong. Since the upper demon **** has torn his skin, he recklessly shoots. The human race in the wild night is dead!"


The faces of the demon gods who were onlookers changed, but they were silent.

There was no room for interference in life and death duels. However, since the upper demon **** took the shot, the owner of the [Sea Dragon] disappeared, and no one on the scene could stop the ancient upper demon god.

Shu Feng smiled coldly: "The upper demon god, the corpse clan, is still so shameless! Ah Da, let's do it!"

"Yes! Lord!!"

The dragon King Garman, who pretended to be an ordinary human servant, burst into a terrifying and fierce light in his eyes, smiled sternly, burst out, and turned into a terrifying golden dragon, with one claw blasting towards the ancient tongue.

The golden true dragon was extremely cruel, and instantly tore off the ancient frog tongue with one claw, and appeared in front of the ancient body like lightning, with one claw blasting towards the ancient head.

Garman's body is full of blood of the real dragon series, comparable to a powerful concubine, extremely ferocious, far from an existence that ordinary high-level demon gods can contend.

"Stop it!! This is my ship!!"

A terrifying aura of a high-ranking demon **** spread all over the [Sea Dragon], and countless mysterious and unpredictable curse imprints emerged, forming an extremely powerful defense enchantment that appeared in front of the ancient body.

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