God-level Base

Chapter 1109: Black Death Demon Dragon Heavenly King

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of Dongmu Dragon King, and a golden seed burst into the stone wall. A huge vine that seemed to be able to tear the sky stretched out from the stone wall, destroying wildly. Everything.

The North Wind Dragon King was surrounded by endless hurricanes, a pair of wind wings appeared behind him, and a terrifying wind blade cut directly towards the Black Flame Dragon King Garman.

Garman suddenly smiled, his figure shook, and he broke free from the rock wall very strangely, and squeezed it, squeezing the wind blade directly.

As soon as Garman broke free from the rock wall, the suction power from the rock wall immediately increased by a large amount, madly devouring the power of the three dragon kings.

"You can all die!"

Garmansen smiled, urging the secret method, turning into a terrifying black real dragon, surrounded by the terrifying black flame that can burn everything, and opened his mouth.

A black flame column tore through the sky and blasted towards the three dragon kings with one blow.

"Do not!!!"

The faces of the three three dragon kings changed drastically, and they uttered earth-shaking screams, and were immediately swallowed by the black flame column.

Boom! !

In almost an instant, that huge sealing stone wall collapsed, and a vast and endless black tide instantly swallowed the three dragon kings.

After the three big dragon kings were only swallowed by the black tide, they completely fell in just a few breaths.

The source of the Demon God and the Soul of the Demon God of the three dragon kings were directly absorbed by the sub-base on Garman's body.

Countless black rays of light surged throughout the Black Death Mountain Range, the earth cracked, and countless mountains collapsed.

Dense black rays of light gush out from all over the Black Death Mountain Range and plunge into an unfathomable horror cave beneath the sealed stone wall.

The body is as high as 100,000 kilometers, covered with countless black scales, and filled with a strange and deadly terrifying dragon.

Garman just looked at the terrifying real dragon that was as big as a star, and a trace of chill immediately surged in his heart, as if he was about to die directly.

A weird and terrifying force of death spread along the body of that terrifying true dragon in all directions.

With the Black Death Mountain as the core, the terrifying darkness spread in all directions, where the darkness passed, flowers, birds, fish and insects, all life was completely swallowed.

"That's the Black Death Demon Dragon Heaven!! The peerless Demon Dragon that once fought against Yi Zang, the Dragon Clan claimed to have the appearance of a true demon at the beginning. He was defeated in Yi Zang's hands. After all, he was not able to advance to the true demon, but instead Fallen into this world."

When Shu Feng saw that weird and terrifying dragon, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

The Black Death Demon Dragon Heavenly Monarch was also a great figure in the central demon realm of the imaginary demon world, and the most hopeful true dragon clan leader to advance to the true demon. He fought against Yi Zang, and was finally defeated by Yi Zang. He was seriously injured and disappeared, but he did not expect to hide in this world and die in unknown.

Garman opened a barrier at once and opened a shuttle door.

"Give me!"

Shu Feng walked out of the shuttle door, took out a silver-white magic mirror and took a picture of the corpse of the black dragon Tianjun.

From the silver-white magic mirror, a white crane feather flew out at once, turning into a stream of light and flying towards the corpse of the black dead dragon Tianjun.

The body of the black dead devil dragon Tianjun suddenly filled with endless black light, and the very slowly probing claws grabbed the white crane feather.

As soon as the black death dragon Tianjun acted, the whole world was instantly plunged into endless darkness, and the terrifying death aura blasted towards the white crane feather.

Garman opened the incomparably powerful black flame barrier at once, sheltering Shu Feng from retreating frantically.

"It's amazing, this is the terrifying power of a Tianjun-level monster. Just a corpse has such a terrifying power!!"

Shu Feng's expression changed drastically, even under the protection of Garman's barrier, he still felt his own vitality being constantly withdrawn.

If this continues, in less than three days, Shu Feng will be drawn all his life and die.

The vitality of Garman, the top high-ranking demon god, also began to flow quickly, transforming to the dead.

The white crane feathers flashed, turning into a pure white crane exuding holy light, like lightning, quickly evading the blow of the black dead dragon heavenly monarch.

That pure white crane was directly submerged into the body of the Black Death Demon Dragon Tianjun in an instant.

Between a dozen breaths, the pure white crane held a pitch black like ink in its mouth, engraved with many beads that even Shu Feng could not understand the mysterious and unpredictable curse, and flew towards Shu Feng.

In an instant, the pure white crane flew into the magic mirror.

As soon as the pitch-black bead was taken away by the crane, the invincible and desperate aura surrounding the corpse of the Black Death Demon Dragon Tianjun disappeared.

"give me back!!"

The Black Death Devil Dragon Tianjun suddenly opened his eyes, and a dilapidated torrent of time emerged above his head, and a dilapidated Black Death Devil Dragon Tianjun's soul walked towards his corpse with great difficulty.

The soul of the Black Death Demon Dragon Heavenly Monarch wanted to be resurrected briefly from the past in the present. Once he was resurrected, even a few breaths would be enough to kill Shu Feng and regain control of the world.

"Do it!!"

Shu Feng screamed, and Garman immediately spurred the power of the Dragon King. A terrifying true dragon surrounded by the flames of the endless black dragon contained the might of the world, and slammed it down.

Garman's claw can crush the stars and destroy the world, with incredible power.

The corpse of the Black Death Demon Dragon Tianjun instantly filled with endless lifelessness.

The black death rolled up, and the terrifying true dragon surrounded by the flames of the endless black dragon was eroded frantically and began to wither.

That black real dragon collapsed, turning into a terrifying demon flame arrow that can penetrate everything, and blasted on the body of the black death dragon Tianjun in an instant.

The body of the Black Death Devil Dragon Tianjun trembled and fell to the ground.

The broken river of time collapsed and shattered, and the soul of the black dead demon dragon Tianjun in the river of light at that time also collapsed and blurred.

"No! Damn, who are you? You dare to destroy my resurrection plan!! I won't let you go!! I won't..."

In the scream of incomparable screams, the soul of the Black Death Devil Dragon Tianjun finally collapsed and dissipated.

"It turns out that this guy wants to be resurrected!! Fortunately, he didn't succeed for him!"

Shu Feng glanced at the Black Death Devil Dragon Tianjun a little strangely, and with a thought, Garman transformed into a black true dragon thousands of miles long, and grabbed the body of the Black Death Devil Dragon Tianjun and flew towards Shu Feng.


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