God-level Base

Chapter 1105: Advanced Dragon King

The golden dragon Danny opened his mouth and said: "Katrina! We are here this time to see His Majesty the Dragon King. The purple dragon Garman has advanced to the golden dragon and hunted our fellow citizens aggressively. His strength is very terrifying, I hope the Dragon King Your Majesty can come forward to stop him."

Catalina narrowed her eyes and said, "I will go in and tell your Majesty!!"

There are golden dragons hunting down the same clan, which is the highest level of danger.

Catalina walked all the way to the deepest part of the Shenyan Volcano.

In the deepest part of the Shenyan Great Volcano, there is magma tumbling constantly. In the center of the magma, there is a head that is as long as a hundred li, covered with red scales, and each scale is engraved with mysterious laws, exuding The terrifying dragon king. That terrifying dragon king is the Nanyan Dragon King.

Beside that Nanyan Dragon King, surrounded by flame snakes, flame birds, and flame crows, those flame creatures are lifelike, just like living creatures.

"what's up?"

The eyes of the Southern Flame Dragon King opened slightly, and the countless flame creatures surrounding his body collapsed and died, turning into flames and ray of light into his body, and a terrifying breath diffused out of his body. It spreads in all directions.

Catalina respectfully said: "After the purple dragon Garman advanced to the golden dragon, he hunted other golden dragons wildly. They ask you to stand up for justice."

"I know!"

An incomparably terrifying flame column erupted directly from the divine flame volcano, endless flames soared into the sky, and the true dragon covered with terrifying flames directly rose into the sky, and opened his mouth to suck.

The endless flames from the Shenyan Great Volcano were all sucked up by the Nanyan Dragon King.

Originally, the temperature of the Shenyan Great Volcano was as high as 10 million degrees within a thousand miles, and it could easily burn many powerful people in the Demon King realm. But after being sucked by the Nanyan Dragon King so much, the surrounding temperature plummeted to zero degrees.

After absorbing all the flames, the Nanyan Dragon King descended from the sky, turning into an evil dragon covered in flame armor, two meters tall, and a pair of dragon wings growing behind it.

"Have seen your Majesty!"

The seven golden dragons all lowered their heads and bowed respectfully to the Nanyan Dragon King.

The Nanyan Dragon King said calmly: "I already know about Garman. He even dared to break my rules. There is only a dead end."

A hint of joy flashed in the eyes of the seven golden evil dragons.

Danny breathed a sigh of relief: "That fellow Garman is dead. I can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

These days, the seven golden dragons were worried about being hunted by Gaman, hiding one by one, and finally gathered here.

At this moment, the Nanyan Dragon King fiercely turned his head and looked into the distance, with a solemn color flashing in his eyes.

"That is!! Someone is advancing the Dragon King!!"

"Dragon King, someone is advancing to Dragon King!!"

"That's the fluctuation of the advanced dragon king!"


The seven golden dragons present suddenly changed their faces and looked in that direction. In their induction, countless heaven and earth vitality converged towards the distance, and a breath of horror, comparable to the dragon king, was slowly rising.

The Nanyan Dragon King's figure flickered, turning into a stream of light and disappearing from the place instantly.

Amidst a huge mountain range full of countless ancient trees in the East Wood Empire, a true blue dragon covered with all kinds of magical ancient trees raised its head, glanced into the distance, and whispered: "Someone has advanced Dragon King again! Who the **** is it? The secret of the Advanced Dragon King should be blocked by our joint efforts."

In this world, there are only three dragon kings except for the lack of resources. Also, the techniques of advanced dragon kings are hidden by the three dragon kings.

Once the golden dragon has extraordinary talents, there are signs of advanced dragon kings. The three dragon kings will kill them tacitly.

After all, there are three dragon kings in this world. They don't want more dragon kings to appear and divide their authority.

In the Great Wind Canyon of the Northern Wind Empire, one end is floating in the wind. The two-meter-high Northern Wind Dragon King, who is covered with a carapace of wind, also opened his eyes and slowly said: "There is something new. The Dragon King is born!! The world pattern will change again."

In a huge rocky mountain range.

Garman was suspended in the void, and the vitality of the heavens and the earth in a radius of 100,000 miles was attracted, and gathered on his body madly.

Gaman's golden carapace began to dye black inch by inch, becoming pitch black like ink, endless black flames surrounded it, and a terrifying breath of Dragon King series permeated from his body.

"Dragon King!! That's the Dragon King!!! Too powerful!! No wonder, the dragon hunter is not the opponent of the evil dragon at all. The monster like the Dragon King is too terrifying!!"

Quietly waiting for the black rose girls to stand far away on a mountain, looking at the advanced dragon king of Garman, the beautiful eyes flashed with shock.

The gap between the high-ranking demon **** rank powerhouse and the middle rank demon **** rank powerhouse is as wide as the sky. It is even greater than the gap between Lingsheng and the King of Void Demon.

Every upper demon **** is a terrifying existence that can pick up the stars and take the moon, just waiting for a moment. Even in the Central Demon Realm of the Void Demon Realm, the upper demon gods are basically the big bosses who dominate one side.

Any dragon king who goes to the Central Demon Realm of the Void Demon Realm can become the boss who dominates one side. The dragon hunter in this world is lacking in inheritance, and naturally it is impossible to be the opponent of the dragon king.

Garman opened his mouth and inhaled, countless heaven and earth vitality quickly submerged into his mouth, and an intact Dragon King breath slowly filled out.

"Finally advanced Dragon King!!"

Shu Feng watched Garman's eyes flashed with a scorching color, and his thoughts moved, and Garman's lines of information appeared.

"Dragon King Garman."

"Higher Demon God!"

"Hold power without dying, Long Yan!"

"The source of the upper demon **** 1."

"The characteristics of the source of the devil: amplify the various powers of the devil by 1.5528 billion times." (2*8*4*7*6*8*70*1)

"Strength is 1,100 yuan, agility is 1,100 yuan, defense is 1,100 yuan, physique is 1,100 yuan, intelligence is 1,100 yuan, mental power is 1,100 yuan, and the power of the upper demon is 100,000 yuan."

"Charm 10 billion, soul of the upper demon **** 1 point."

"From the data alone, the strength of the Dragon King Garman is more than 15 times that of my heyday. However, the quality of the power of the upper demon **** is far superior to the power of the middle demon god. If it is against the upper dragon king Garman, I am not him at all. The opponent. After all, the Dragon King Garman is also a monster comparable to a powerful son! His body also has the blood of a real dragon!!"

Shu Feng looked at the various data of Dragon King Garman, the corner of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a hint of excitement.

With Dragon King Garman, a terrifying powerhouse as his bodyguard, in the Central Demon Realm of the Void Demon Realm, as long as he does not encounter a powerhouse above the Great Demon God, Shu Feng can almost walk sideways.

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