God-level Base

Chapter 108: Giant species (for the death of the brothers, rewards and more)

The internal roads in that city are very spacious. On both sides of the street, there are not dozens of high-rise buildings, but are filled with some elegantly decorated brick and stone buildings with unique exotic customs.

There are fragments of carriages scattered in the middle of the street. Obviously, the level of technology in this new world is far less than that of Blue Star.

After crossing a street, suddenly, from the other end of the street, a woman wearing a white cloak and covered in white armor rushed forward.

Behind the woman in white full body armor, followed by a dense crowd of weird humanoid monsters.

"Come in!"

Shu Feng was very decisive, slammed open the door of a two-story building and rushed in directly.

Everyone filed in and entered the building.

Due to the weakening of the Heart of the World, the physical fitness of everyone present has been weakened to the point of being extremely weak. Under such circumstances, it would be extremely unwise to escape in front of those monsters.

Shu Feng waved his hand, and the King of Goblin, holding a steel sword at one end, blocked the door like a door god.

Li Xuanyi, Luo Feng, Qi Ning, and Zhao Zixin quickly joined hands to lift a table and pile it up to the door, blocking the door.

The woman in white full-body armor was agile, like an extremely light bird, with a light leap, she jumped to Shu Feng's party and entered the second floor of the building.

"Who are you?"

The woman in white full body armor glanced at Shu Feng and Camilla standing in front of her, and a trace of vigilance passed through her beautiful eyes, saying in a language that Shu Feng had never heard of.

Although Shu Feng didn't understand the language at first, his mysterious base analyzed the language of the world after analyzing the brains of those monsters. Both Shu Feng and Camilla, who were the hosts, received the information, and understood the woman's words at once.

Shu Feng smiled slightly and said: "We are outsiders who strayed into this world. My name is Shu Feng, and this one is my follower Camilla. How do you call it?"

Since evolving into a brave man, Shu Feng's perception has become very keen. He can vaguely perceive that this powerful woman in white is only vigilant and not too malicious.

And Shu Feng could vaguely perceive that the white-clothed woman in front of him is very strong, and that a person has the terrifying power to kill everyone present.

"Outsiders? Help me eliminate those **** monsters, and then we'll talk about other things."

The woman in white turned her hand, and a sharp silver sword appeared in her hand immediately.

call out! call out! call out!

In the room, Camilla was shooting frantically with bows and arrows in his hand, and the arrows shot out like meteors, submerged in the chest organs of those weird monsters, and shot those weird monsters head-to-head.

Shu Feng took out composite bows and buckets of arrows and threw them to the crowd.

Arrows shot at those weird monsters one after another.

All the people present have practiced spiritual martial arts. In addition to spears, they also practiced archery. Of course, archery repair is far from being comparable to Camilla.

Except for Camilla's arrows, many of the other arrows shot on the bodies of those weird monsters, stuck on the muscles of those monsters.

The torrent formed by those weird monsters rushed fiercely and rushed to the door to fight with the Goblin King.

The Goblin King swung his great sword and slashed forcefully, splitting a monster into two directly.

Several other monsters directly stepped forward and hugged the Goblin King’s body tightly. Their paws madly tore at the Goblin King’s body, opened the blood basin and took a big mouth. Biting on the steel armor of the Goblin King, there was a harsh rubbing sound.

call out! call out! call out!

Camilla methodically shot and killed those weird humanoid monsters, one after another humanoid monsters fell to the ground by organs that penetrated his chest.

Soon, the corpses of humanoid monsters piled up at the entrance of that room.

Those humanoid monsters were stacked on top of each other, forming a pile of corpses, and abruptly piled up a road leading to the second floor.

The white-clothed woman held a rapier and slashed madly, slicing heads of humanoid monsters directly into countless pieces.

The five-headed life eaters picked up the bodies of those monsters and threw them out the window.

"These corpses stack up and will flood our room!"

Shu Feng's figure flashed, and when he came to the door, he pressed his fingers at the corpses of those weird monsters.

The corpses of a bunch of weird monsters disappeared one after another, submerged in Shu Feng's base space, and became the resources of that base space.

"The world resolution is 16...17%...18%!"

As the bodies of those weird monsters continued to sink into the space of the base, the resolution of the world began to rise rapidly.

"The world resolution is increased by 20%. Does it consume 100 soul power and 10,000 degrees of electricity to restore your physical fitness? Or use 1 point of source power to unblock 20% of your physical fitness."

A line of prompt sound appeared.

"Of course, unblock me immediately!"

Shu Feng thought, and ordered decisively.

A power containing electrical energy and mysterious soul energy plunged into Shu Feng's limbs, breaking through layers of shackles, and regaining his physical fitness.

Suddenly, among the corpses, a weird monster that looked like a corpse suddenly opened its eyes, opened its mouth in the blood basin, and bit towards Shu Feng fiercely.

Even though Shu Feng had already paid attention to everything, he couldn't help but slow down for a moment at this juncture, watching the weird monster pounce on him.

call out!

An arrow shot out like a meteor, and in an instant, it sank into the heart-like organ of the weird monster's chest, sputtering a large amount of mucus.

Camilla shot a stunning arrow.

Boom! !

The battle suit made of black spirit spider silk that Shu Feng wore to prevent sword slashes was corroded into several large holes under the erosion of that slime. His skin was also corroded by the strange strong acid with ugly scars.

Lost the support of the corpse below, the strange monsters above fell one after another, and then they were shot and killed by Camilla and the many elites present.

In addition to Camilla, Li Xuanyi and Zhao Zixin had the best archery skills. In this short range, the arrows were all fired, and they shot through the deadly organs of a bunch of weird monsters.

"Be careful, the giants are here!!"

Suddenly, the beauty in white armor gave a soft drink, and her body retreated violently.

A four-meter-high, muscular-knotted head, with bulges like tumors all over his body, and an organ that resembles a heart-red red on his chest, with two horns on his temples, and a giant with a long tail that appears at once, holding one in his hand. The pillar swept toward the room fiercely.

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