God-level Base

Chapter 1075: The Ninth Yellow Spring

"The God Orb is mine!"

A breeze blew, and a statue was engraved with countless wind patterns. The demon **** eagle beneath the eagle head appeared on the white jade holy mountain. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the god-origin orb in his hand.

Ying Jue Ren is the top genius of the Eagle Demon Clan generation, and his combat power is comparable to that of a powerful descendant of the same rank, and he is in charge of the power of wind and the power of speed. His speed is also one of the best in the same rank, so he can grab that god-origin orb into his hands so quickly.

"Sure enough, it can't be placed in the storage treasure!"

Ying Jueren's face changed a little as soon as he held the **** source orb.

Qionglinyan’s trial is different every time, and the content of the trial is safe depending on the mood of the Water God Emperor. Those strong men didn't know that the **** source orb could not be placed in the storage treasure.

Dark chains shot out from the void and pierced frantically towards Ying Jueren.

"Even if I fly to death, I will never let you catch it."

A wind curse appeared on Ying Jueren's forehead, and his wings flapped and turned into a sharp wind blade, slashing fiercely on top of the dark chains, severing the dark chains directly.

Countless petals are flying, and the petals are like a sharp blade, and they are cut frantically towards Ying Jueren.

The wind blade that Ying Jueren transforms suddenly splits into eight directions, flies out of the strange petal formation, and flees into the distance.

One after another, geniuses from different worlds emerged one after another, urging various secret methods of attack and killing in an attempt to block the footsteps of Ying Jue. However, Ying Jueren's speed was reaching the extreme, and the attacks of those geniuses failed one after another.

"Hand over the God Orb!!"

Suddenly, the void dimmed for a while, and a river of yellow springs that only the dead could see and only the dead could walk on emerged from the void, and countless yellow springs rained down from the sky and scattered on the earth.

"The Ninth Yellow Spring!!"

"He is here! The Ninth Yellow Spring is here!"


When the geniuses who were chasing Ying Jue Ren saw this scene, everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they scattered all at once, fleeing in all directions.

"No!! Stop it!! The Ninth Yellow Spring, I am not your enemy!"

A lower demon **** hidden in the shadows suddenly appeared, and was poured by the rain of the yellow spring, and countless corpses appeared on the body, and the color of horror flashed in his eyes.

The rain of the yellow spring is weird, and once it is poured by rain, it will transform into the dead. Even a strong corpse clan, once it is poured by the rain of the yellow spring, it will fall and become a real corpse, no longer able to give birth to spiritual wisdom and transform into a corpse clan.

The rain of the yellow spring is extremely difficult to get rid of. Once the ordinary lower demon **** catches the rain of the yellow spring, if there is no special genius or special secret method, he can only retreat for millions of years and get rid of the rain of the yellow spring. power.

The rain of countless yellow springs poured down like bullets in the sky, blocking everything and blasting towards Ying Jueren.


The wind blade that Ying Jueren turned into a terrifying storm, blowing towards the rain of the yellow spring.

Under the blowing of the storm, the rain of the yellow spring was restricted to within ten meters of Ying Jueren's body and it was difficult to get in.

"Dare to resist! You are looking for death!"

From the river of yellow springs, a cold and cruel voice erupted, and a terrifying aura of the middle demon series permeated.

The river of yellow springs churned, and a river of yellow springs flew out of it and swept directly towards Ying Jueren.

The storm surrounding Ying Jueren sent waves of strange and dead silence, and it collapsed and disappeared.

"Stop it!! The God Orb is handed over to you!!!"

A look of despair flashed in Ying Jueren's eyes, and with a wave of his hand, the god-origin orb flew towards the yellow spring river.

The water of the yellow spring was divided into two as if it had life, and it pierced into Ying Jueren's body like the teeth of a poisonous snake.

A ray of light flashed slightly, and Ying Jueren immediately disappeared from Qionglin Star.

In the river of yellow springs, a beautiful young man with a pale face and a yellow coat appeared, stretched out his hand and grabbed the god-origin orb in his hand.

"The Ninth Yellow Spring got such a god-origin orb!!"

"Since he got the orb! There is no chance!!"


The geniuses from the True Demon Kingdom of Water looked at the ninth yellow spring floating on the river of yellow springs, and everyone's eyes flashed with jealousy.

Among the three thousand geniuses who participated in the Qionglin Banquet, the ninth Huangquan was recognized as one of the most terrifying powerhouses. His Yellow Spring River also possesses a weird and incomparable pollution ability. Once defeated by his Yellow Spring River and shattered defenses, his enemies will be eroded by the Yellow Spring water and transformed into dead people.

"The first god-origin orb, just let him! When he has collected two god-origin orbs, I will make another move."

That one was tattooed with sun patterns all over his body, and he was 100 meters tall. There was also a sun pattern on his forehead. The holy sun demon **** surrounded by a layer of sun **** flame took a deep look at the ninth yellow spring without making a move.

Among the three thousand geniuses who participated in the Qionglin Banquet, the ninth Huangquan and the Sacred Yang Demon were all recognized as the most terrifying geniuses, even the Dead Night Golden Dragon could not compare to them. They are also recognized as terrifying powerhouses with powerful posture.

"The Ninth Yellow Spring has advanced to the Middle Demon God! I have no chance!!"

Shangguan Huang glanced at the ninth Huangquan deeply, clenched his fists, said nothing, did not dare to make a move. Although he was also an advanced middle-ranked demon god, his spiritual awareness warned him that once he shot the Ninth Yellow Spring, he would end up very miserably.

"That is the Ninth Yellow Spring!! It is a terrible monster! There are people outside, and there are heaven outside! There are too many monsters in the Real Devil Kingdom of Water!!"

The Sword Demon God Lilong held the magic sword tightly and stared at the Ninth Yellow Spring. Two sword shadows emerged from his pupils, turning into a pair of sword pupils, staring at the Ninth Yellow Spring.

In Lilong's eyes, the Ninth Yellow Spring was not a human form, but an aggregation of countless weird and twisted existences, always exuding twists and weirdness, and a terrifying force that can devour life's opportunities.

Moreover, after the Ninth Huangquan advanced to the middle demon god, almost every breath continued to grow stronger, and his strength far surpassed Lilong.

"The gap is too big! Now the past is to die!"

Han Sui, the dragon of the void, stood quietly in the distance, looking at the ninth yellow spring proudly standing in the void, and sighed in his heart. He cultivated for ten million years in the realm of the next demon god, just to participate in the Qionglin banquet, compete for the top spot, and win the qualification to read the inheritance of the true demon. But facing the Ninth Yellow Spring, He didn't even dare to make a move.

"The Ninth Yellow Spring, hand over the Divine Origin Orb in your hand!"

A voice rang from the side, and countless eyes converged on the owner of the voice.

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