God-level Base

Chapter 1068: Alarm (Added for GQ1996 League)

The other person is the head of a goat. His pupils seem to hide two clusters of stars burning with magic flames. The body is hidden in a black armor, with a pair of demon wings growing behind him, surrounded by endless demon flames. .

Those two powerhouses are the head of the corpse clan, one of the five heavenly kings of the True Devil Kingdom, the corpse dark sky king, and the other powerful is the head of the sheep head demon clan, the sheep head demon emperor.

On the chessboard where the Dead Dark Sky Monarch and the Sheep Head Demon Emperor are playing chess, there are sun, moon and stars appearing, and every chess piece is transformed by a star.

"Shi Antian, this year of Qionglin Banquet, it seems that your corpse clan is the leader again."

The demon king with the sheep head twisted a chess piece, took a step, and smiled slightly.

Zui Antian Jundao: "You also have a lot of good seedlings in the Devil Race of Sheep Head. Sheep Dark Fire and Sheep Three Eyes are all good."

The sheep head Demon Emperor sighed slightly: "Although they are all good at Dark Fire and Three Eyes. But if they are not unexpected, their limit is the realm of the Great Demon God. They are not powerful, after all, they are just ants. Corpse Night Golden Dragon, the chance of achieving great power is much better than them."

Zui Antian Jundao: "Zieye Golden Dragon, it's really good!"

The predecessor of the Shiye Golden Dragon was a real dragon, the son of the powerful dragon king of the real dragon family. After he accidentally offended the mighty power, he was severely injured by that mighty power, cutting off the path of continuing evolution. Before he died, he performed the corpse tribe transformation ritual, and new spiritual wisdom was born on the corpse in order to continue to advance to become a mighty power.

Among the corpse clan, the corpse night golden dragon is also an extremely rare existence, possessing extremely terrifying evolutionary potential, and is one of the most promising geniuses in this era.

"Tianjun! Subordinates have something to report!"

A dragon-headed human body, surrounded by waves of corpse gas, the big demon **** of the corpse race came from the side, looking at the king of the dark sky, his eyes flashed with fanatical worship and respect.

"What's the matter, say!"

Without raising his head, Shi Antian Jun twisted a chess piece and made a step on the chessboard.

The great demon **** of the corpse race lowered his head respectfully and said: "Our top geniuses of the corpse race and the sheep head demon race were defeated by the human genius Shu Feng and fell from the trial tower!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Just as Shi Antianjun had pressed a chess piece, the chessboard burst open, one after another, the stars burst, hundreds of millions of intelligent creatures died, and countless souls issued a bitter and bitter curse.

That chessboard is a small world, and every star on the chessboard is a star containing countless intelligent creatures. The chessboard collapsed, which meant that a small world was directly erased by the Lord of Dark Sky.

An extremely terrifying and weird wave permeated around Shi Antianjun's body, spreading in all directions.

The Lord of Dark Sky stretched out his hand and pointed it on the chessboard, and the curse of the billions of creatures on the chessboard was easily absorbed by him and turned into a part of his power.

Zui Antian said indifferently: "Zieye Jinlong is also defeated?"

The great demon **** of the corpse clan respectfully said: "The corpse night golden dragon was defeated by Shu Feng and Shangguanhuang!"

Zui Antian Jundao: "Interesting! You can withdraw!"


The great demon **** of the corpse race quickly retreated, and bursts of cold sweat gushed out of his back.

Zui Antian smiled lightly: "Shu Feng? I remember this name."

A fierce smile flashed in the eyes of the demon king of the sheep head: "Hey, I remember this name. It's really a matter of life and death for a sordid human clan to attack the geniuses of our clan."

There were four people sitting in a suppressing pavilion in a cave house in Water Night Demon City.

"Have fun, so happy! This little guy Shu Feng did a good job, I like it. He is an apprentice, I accept it!!"

A human race wearing a silver armor, tall, stray hair, a little shaggy, and exuding a domineering atmosphere can laugh out loud.

Since the defeat of True Demon Yizang, although the human race has been protected by the Water God Emperor, it has inevitably declined. When Yi Zang ruled the human race in its heyday, the human race had more than a hundred powers, and it was extremely brilliant. And now, there are only four left on the face of the human power.

A handsome, elegant-looking Human Race Da Neng in a cyan robe frowned slightly and said: "Yang Yuanjun, no!! Shu Feng knocked down the geniuses of the Corpse Clan and the Goat Head Demon Clan down the trial tower and severely shaved them off. The faces of the two races. Both the Dead Dark Sky Lord and the Sheep Head Demon Emperor are the ones who must report to the scorpion, and they will definitely not give up. If you accept Shufeng as a disciple, the two races will definitely target my human race and make the development of my human race more difficult."

Yang Yuanjun said coldly: "Mr Gushan, even if I don’t accept Shufeng as a disciple. Don’t these two races target our human race? In these years, how many geniuses of our human race have died in the hands of their two races, don’t you? Do you know? If they weren't targeted by the two races, how could our human race be left with only our four powers? Shu Feng has a powerful posture and is a peerless genius. If you don't protect him, it will definitely be a loss to my human race!"

One of them wore a yellow robe, the majestic and beautiful Human Race Mighty Xylophone Sovereign Liu Mei raised his eyes: "Yang Yuanjun, Gu Shanjun has no other intentions. It is a fact that my human race is weak. Shu Feng is indeed a human genius with great power. The posture. However, there are many geniuses with powerful posture, but there are only a handful of geniuses who can advance to the level of power. For him, it is still too irrational to confront Zui Antian."

Zui An Tianjun is one of the five heavenly monarchs of the True Devil Kingdom of Water. He has slain the mighty power of the human race and is extremely fierce.

Lord Xylophone and Lord Gu Shan did not want to be an enemy of the Dark Sky Lord for the sake of a mere human genius.

Yang Yuanjun looked towards the last human power and said: "Meng Yunjun, what do you mean?"

Meng Yun Jun, who closed his eyes tightly and seemed to be sleepwalking all the time, smiled leisurely: "Yang Yuanjun, do whatever you want! I practice cultivation to be free and free. As long as you can afford to pay. The consequences of the disciples will do."

Yang Yuanjun laughed loudly and said: "Haha! Well said!"

"Shu Feng, funny little humanoid!!!"

"That Terran genius is so arrogant, he is looking for death!"

"The trivial human race ants dare to provoke the Dark Sky Monarch Corpse. What a lunatic!!"


In that water night magic city, the powerful people who came to participate in the Qionglin banquet soon knew the name of Shu Feng, some of them looked expectant, and some of them gloated with misfortunes, and undercurrents surged in it. move.

In the deepest part of the Water Night Demon City, in a pavilion in the Water God’s Palace, a young man with a handsome appearance, a blue suit and a first-born dragon’s horn also showed a trace of interest: "There are still people who dare to provoke the corpse Tianjun, interesting!"

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