God-level Base

Chapter 1045: True Demon Inheritance

From the birth of the first true demon in the imaginary world, this world is ruled by the true demon. Even if the strongest power is against the weakest true demon, it has no chance of winning, at most it can barely escape in front of the true demon.

The True Demon Wing Kong had completely died, and only a trace of his leaked power and the strange projection of the power of the phantom demon in this garden appeared.

Even so, Shu Feng was directly hit hard when he saw this projection. This is the horror of the true demon.

"It turned out to be so, I can only use this hole card!"

Shu Feng gritted his teeth, his heart moved, and the real demon Yizang's soul aura in the space of the base.

In the next moment, a vast and unparalleled breath of true magical horror that seemed to be able to suppress the heavens and worlds instantly surged from Shu Feng's body and spread out in all directions.

"Yizang!! How could you appear here?"

A trace of fear and despair screamed from the eyes of the True Demon Wing Kong projection that contained great horror.

A terrifying sound wave spread in all directions, and the terrifying sound wave separated strangely when it was close to Shu Feng, surging in other directions.

The strange master was hit by the terrifying sound wave, bleeding from seven holes, numerous cracks appeared in his body, his soul collapsed, and he entered the stage of death.

Almost the next moment, the True Demon Wing Kong's projection collapsed immediately, turning into nothingness and disappearing.

True Demon Wingkong died tragically in the hands of True Demon Yi Zang, and even fell to the end of complete destruction. All of his powers were completely restrained by True Demon Yizang.

This is also Shu Feng's big trump card for daring to enter the empty grave of True Demon Wing.

A line of prompt message appeared: "Captured 147 wisps of the soul of True Demon Wingkong."

Shu Feng breathed a sigh of relief and looked forward.

In the entire garden, countless weird existences collapsed directly, turned into various weird energies, and were absorbed by the base space.

The power of the imaginary magic in that garden was directly separated, revealing a spacious passage.

A strange light flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "This is the power of the true demon easy to hide! It is really terrifying!! It is indeed one of the most terrifying true demon in the virtual demon world at the beginning! A trace of soul can stun ten thousand demons!"

If it hadn't been for the base space to absorb some of the soul aura of the real demon Yizang, allowing Shu Feng to fake his power, he would have fallen into this garden at this time, becoming a pile of dead bones.

The horror of the real demon Yizang made Shu Feng understand how powerful and desperate his opponent was.

In fact, every true demon is a desperately powerful opponent. True Demon Yizang can kill True Demon Wing Kong, undoubtedly the most terrifying existence among true demon.

Shu Feng shook his body and entered the garden at once.

There is such a strong phantom power in this garden, and there must be amazing treasures in this garden.

As soon as Shu Feng stepped into the garden, he immediately saw that in the depths of the garden, there was a stone stele with countless mysterious runes inscribed on one side as high as one thousand meters.

On the stone stele, the image of True Demon Wing Kong and countless mysterious runes were inscribed.

"True Demon Wingkong's True Demon Inheritance!!"

When Shu Feng saw the stone stele, a trace of scorching color surged in his eyes.

For Shu Feng, the inheritance of True Demon Wing Kong was definitely the most precious treasure.

Although True Demon Yikong was defeated in the hands of True Demon Yizang, he himself was definitely a very powerful true demon. Even when the true demon Yi Zang had just advanced to the true demon, he was defeated miserably in his hands.

It's just that the true demon is easy to hide and lose without dying, and the true demon Yikong only loses to the true demon Yizang once, and then completely falls, and there is no chance of comeback.

If Shu Feng got the True Demon Inheritance from True Demon Wingkong, he would be more confident of Advanced True Demon.

"That's a strong human race!"

Shu Feng looked to the side, and at a glance, he saw a man with long hair and withered face sitting beside the inheritance stele of True Demon Wingkong.

The man who looked like a mummy was covered with scars, his eyes closed tightly, as if he were a dead person. But Shu Feng's spiritual sense was reminding him that the man with a withered face was still alive, and his soul was very terrifying, like an unfathomable sea.

Shu Feng's eyes gleamed slightly: "This person came all the way in. He pierced through the empty tomb of True Demon Wing. If I didn't guess wrong, he should be a top-notch great demon **** or a great power-level powerhouse. ."

Whether that man is a great demon **** or a mighty man, his strength far exceeds Shu Feng.

"A shot against him is undoubtedly the most stupid choice. I have no grievances with him, and there is no reason to act. Since I have come here, I must have already sensed my existence with his strength."

"The most urgent thing is to accept the inheritance of the true demon first! That is the inheritance of the true demon. If you miss this time, there may not be another one."

With a thought to Shu Feng, the base space immediately urged the soul of True Demon Wing Kong, causing him to burst out with a trace of True Demon Wing Kong's breath, disguising as True Demon Wing Kong, and came to the heritage stone monument.

Shu Feng stretched out his hand and pressed on the inheritance stele.

In an instant, countless mysterious and unpredictable runes gushed out of the inheritance stele and plunged into Shu Feng's mind.

The ancient demon's body in Shu Feng's incarnation split at once, and a pair of mysterious and unpredictable magic wings appeared directly.

The middle-aged man with a withered face, like a corpse, opened his eyes, flowers, birds, fish, insects, sun, moon and stars flashed in his eyes, and a terrifying breath came from his body. Diffuse out.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! This is the true inheritance of True Demon Wing Kong. That **** bastard, his legacy is flawed. Misguided me!"

The middle-aged man looked at the inheritance stone monument and Shu Feng, showing a trace of fanaticism, his body was constantly bursting apart, and large patches of dark flesh and blood burst from his body and fell to the ground, turning into twists and turns. The monsters collapsed and shattered.

It took a whole day for Shu Feng to fully accept the inheritance of the True Demon Wing Kong. It's just that his ancient demon form has also transformed into a form similar to True Demon Wing Kong, and a pair of magic wings similar to True Demon Wing Kong has also grown behind him.

"This is the inheritance of the true demon, completely suppressing my supreme demon!!"

Shu Feng urged the supreme demon body, but no matter how he urged it, the power of the demon **** in his body was difficult to operate according to his wishes, but to operate according to the new inheritance.

"Boy, the inheritance of true demons is not that simple!"

A playful voice sounded from the side, and the middle-aged man reached out a little on Shu Feng's body.

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