God-level Base

Chapter 1026: explore

The tens of thousands of demon king-level praying mantis monsters immediately lost their eyes and fell into the illusion of the weird master.

Shu Feng smiled slightly and was very satisfied: "The power and ability of the weird master is really convenient! It's not in vain that I spent so many resources on him."

After those demon king-level praying mantis monsters had the weird dominating illusion, they quickly came to Shu Feng's body, and were thrown into the warrior composite nest by him in the base space for transformation.

Those demon king-level praying mantis monsters don't have much wisdom, and they can easily be transformed by the warrior's synthetic nest.

A day later, the tens of thousands of Demon King-level praying mantis monsters gushed out of the warrior composite nest and galloped toward the depths of the dense forest.

After the group of mantis monsters traveled thousands of miles, a mountain range full of countless demon wolves emerged directly.

As soon as those praying mantis monsters entered the mountain range, under the command of the demon god-level corpse armor, they slaughtered the demon wolf in that mountain range madly.

Those magic wolves were raided, and suffered heavy casualties when they were unable to reach the defense.

Before long, a terrifying silver wolf with a body length of 1,000 meters and exuding demon-level power fluctuations directly emerged, and rushed toward the demon-level corpse armor.

"Another prey!"

The silver wolf just rushed to the demon-level corpse armor, his eyes were misty, and he fell into the illusion for a moment.

A blue sword light flashed, and the silver wolf was split into two immediately and fell to the ground.

As soon as the Demon God-level silver wolf died, the countless demon wolves in the mountain collapsed, fell into the control of the strange master, and then were sent into the base space by Shu Feng for transformation.

With the place where he landed as the core, Shu Feng dispatched the subdued races to attack in all directions. Once the demon-level powerhouse who lured the opponent out, immediately attacked and assassinated the opponent directly.

In those territories conquered by Shu Feng, countless humanoid monsters appeared to mine various resources and sent them to his hands.

On this continent, there are indeed very rich resources, with many source energy treasures and demon-level potions, and only three of them were discovered by the Demon God Fruit Tree Shu Feng. Otherwise, it would be impossible to give birth to so many Demon God level monsters.

One after another Demon God level monsters died tragically in Shu Feng's hands, and his power continued to expand day by day.

In three months, more than one hundred Demon God level monsters fell into Shu Feng's hands.

Every time Shu Feng moved, the strange master followed him, opening a powerful and strange enchantment, distorting the memories of all the creatures in that area, and Shu Feng succeeded every time, easily slaying those demon gods. Therefore, every action did not reach the ears of the other demon gods.

On this day, densely packed praying mantis monsters gushed out of a forest. Under the command of a demon-level corpse armor, they rushed crazily into a grassland. In that grassland, there were many heads and heads. Thirty-meter thunder bull demon.

The thunder bulls drove a wave of thunder to fight wildly with the mantis monsters. The terrifying light of thunder blasted on the bodies of the mantis monsters, blasting the mantis monsters into charcoal.

The Demon God-level corpse armor worms, with the demon-level terrifying vitality, withstood the bombardment of the countless lightning rays, rushed into the thunder bulls, opened their mouths, and madly swallowed the thunder bulls.

The strength of those Thunder Bull Devils far surpassed those of the Mantis Monsters, but they still suffered heavy casualties under the attack of that Demon God-level Corpse Armor.

After five minutes of fierce fighting, a terrifying aura of a median demon series rose from afar.

A thunder bull demon with a body length of 10,000 meters and a horrible thunder pattern intertwined with his body directly emerged. His eyes flashed with fierce light, driving the terrifying thunder light, flying from a distance.

The thunder horns on the head of the middle demon **** of thunder bull demon flashed, and the thunder rays were intertwined to form a terrifying torrent of thunder, and one blow hit the body of the corpse armor. on.

The Demon God-level corpse armor was immediately swallowed by the thunder torrent, turning into ashes and drifting away in the wind.

"A monster of the middle demon **** level!!"

Shu Feng hid in the dark, staring at the fierce Thunder Bull Demon suddenly.

The strength of the terrifying powerhouse of the middle Demon God rank has far exceeded the limit of Shu Feng's ability. Shu Feng's time static ability has little effect on the middle demon god, and the range is too close. Even if Su Mi and all of them are dispatched, the victory or defeat against the Thunder Bull Demon is still unknown.

Those praying mantis monsters fled around, but were chased and killed by the thunder bull demon commander of the middle demon **** rank, thunder bull demon tribe, and they were finally annihilated.

The thunder bull demon of the middle demon **** level was too cruel, Shu Feng weighed it for a while, and then gave up developing in this direction, sending other monsters to advance in several other directions.

A few days later, tens of thousands of demon wolves attacked a forest under the command of a demon god-level demon wolf, and madly slaughtered the winged demon snake in that forest.

Not long after the fierce battle, in the deepest part of the forest, a huge winged demon snake with a wingspan of five kilometers flew out, exuding the terrifying aura of the middle demon god, the curse on the forehead flashed, and countless black light rains. It turned into a torrent of black light and blasted towards that demon god-level demon wolf.

The Demon God-level Demon Wolf reacted much faster than the Demon God-level Corpse Armor. When he saw the huge winged demon snake, he immediately turned and fled, fleeing in the direction of the Thunder Bull Demon Tribe.

A huge black basalt shield emerged directly, opening an extremely powerful basalt enchantment.

The countless black light rain fell from the sky, blasting above the basalt enchantment. That Xuanwu enchantment only supported a breath of time and immediately collapsed.

A wave of light rain blasted on the demon god-level demon wolf, and the body of the demon wolf had more terrifying blood holes, surrounded by traces of black energy, which were difficult to heal.

"A monster of the middle demon **** level! Good chance, you can try it!"

Shu Feng's eyes lit up and he directly summoned the strange master, lurking behind a big rock.

The Demon God-level Demon Wolf dripped blood all over, and the whole body flashed with black light. An extremely sharp black spear pierced directly towards the winged demon snake.

The weird master suddenly appeared, hiding behind a rock, and the triple power curse of illusion power, soul power, and weird power gleamed, and a trace of weird and incomparable ripples quietly diffused.

The winged demon snake of the middle demon **** level was furious, and immediately flicked its wings, and a black light blasted on the black spear like more than three points, smashing the black spear directly.

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