God-level Base

Chapter 1024: Unify Stormwind Continent

A strange and mysterious power shrouded Shu Feng's body at once, causing him to emerge directly from the shadows.

"Humans, invaders!! Go to death!!!"

The Red Sea Giant Whale Demon God turned his head, his eyes flashed with fierce light, urging the power of the ocean, and a spiral of sharp water guns blasted towards Shu Feng.

The rest of the Demon God-level sea monsters also used their own secret methods to attack and kill, blasting towards Shu Feng.

"Can you only attack?"

Shu Feng immediately urged the supreme monster, transforming into a hideous ancient monster with a height of 1,000 meters, holding the holy blue devil sword, and spurring blue sword lights to attack the giant sea monsters.

In this tens of millions of meters deep, Shu Feng seemed to be fighting with a mountain on his back. The secret methods of those huge sea monsters have gained the bonus of the environment. Even though Shu Feng is holding the Holy Blue Devil Sword, he is forced to retreat steadily, and the devil spirit barrier on his body is crumbling.

The weird master appeared like a ghost, and a magical curse imprinted on his forehead, looking towards a giant snake monster with three dragon heads.

The three-headed giant water snake monster had six eyes in confusion, and instantly went mad, turning around and biting at the giant octopus monster next to it.

The huge octopus monster was bitten in his body when he couldn't reach it, and the terrifying poison spread rapidly in his body.

Su Mi also appeared like a ghost, with bleeding pupils in her eyes, and she stretched out her hand to point at the huge octopus monster.

The huge octopus monster's wound sprayed out a huge amount of blood and fell into Shu Feng's hand.

Qingyan also appeared directly, urging the power of the earth, and blasted towards a huge sea monster.

A few ripples shone, and a hundred demon-level stone Jiao directly emerged in the sea.

The Demon God-level stone Jiao was weakened by more than 50% in this sea water, but they were demon-level creatures after all. They were extremely powerful and entangled with a demon-level sea monster. .

A trace of ripples shone, and the real dragon Aoyan suddenly appeared, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and a terrifying coercion of the real dragon series diffused out of his body, spreading in all directions.

"True dragon! How can there be real dragons!!"

As soon as the red sea giant whale demon **** sensed the breath of the true dragon Aoyan, his face changed drastically, and a trace of fear emerged from his blood.

In the ancient times of the Netherworld Realm, the True Dragon family once gave birth to the True Demon Dragon God Emperor. When the Dragon God Emperor was alive, he ruled hundreds of millions of water people in the Nether Demon Realm.

The hundreds of millions of water races in the Void Demon Realm are engraved with the methods that the Dragon God Emperor originally arranged, and their combat power will be greatly weakened when they encounter the true dragons.

After the Water God Emperor ascended the position of the True Demon, the power of the Dragon God Emperor in the water clan who took refuge in him has been wiped out.

The Red Sea Giant Whale Demon God also has blood flowing in his body that fears the real dragon. When he sees the real dragon Aoyan, he is immediately terrified and involuntarily fearful.

The eyes of the other Demon God-level sea monsters also showed a trace of fear, and their combat power was weakened by three points.

"I am the true dragon Aoyan of the dragon clan, the Red Sea giant whale demon **** surrenders to me and works for me! Otherwise, you will all die today without a place to bury you! My dragon clan will also annihilate you all without leaving the chickens and dogs!!!"

Ao Yan overlooked the Red Sea Giant Whale Demon God and other Demon God-level sea monsters, full of the arrogance of the dragon clan.

The Red Sea Giant Whale Demon God hesitated for a while, then lowered his head and said respectfully: "Yes! Lord Ao Yan, I am willing to surrender to you and serve you!!!"

After the fall of the Dragon God Emperor, the Dragon Clan had already begun to decline. But among the dragons, the same strong are like clouds. Any real dragon of the middle demon **** level that comes to the Red Sea can sweep all enemies with absolute power.

Moreover, Shu Feng and his entourage had extremely terrifying combat power, and the Red Sea Giant Whale Demon God had no chance of winning, so they chose to surrender.

The corner of Shu Feng's mouth raised slightly and revealed a smile: "A soldier is not bloody! You deserve to be a real dragon!"

Ao Yan said, "Bring up all your treasures!"


With a thought of the Red Sea Giant Whale Demon God, a huge space ball flew out directly and fell into Ao Yan's hands.

"Signed this contract!"

Ao Yan waved his hand, and a golden contract flew in front of the Red Sea Giant Whale Demon God.

The Demon God of the Red Sea Giant Whale hesitated for a while, and finally signed his name on it, and a golden light fell into the center of his eyebrows.

The Red Sea Giant Whale Demon chose to surrender, and Shu Feng and his party left the Red Sea immediately.

Within the base space.

"The treasure house of the Red Sea Giant Whale Demon God actually has good things!"

Shu Feng took five fingers, and a small black ball immediately appeared in his hand.

A trace of weird and mysterious aura emerged in that small black ball.

The strange master appeared like a ghost, staring at the small black ball, his eyes full of longing.

"take it!"

With a flick of Shu Feng's finger, the small black ball immediately fell into the hands of the strange master.

"Thank you my lord!!"

The newly born weird master saluted Shu Feng before stepping into the source energy evolution tower, turning into a big egg and starting to evolve wildly.

A scorching color flashed in Shu Feng's eyes: "There is only one black flame giant tiger and demon **** left!! Kill him, Storm Continent is mine!"

The next day Shu Feng led his subordinates directly towards the black flame giant tiger devil's lair.

It's just that the Black Flame Giant Tiger Demon God has obviously gotten the wind, only brought his immediate family members and some elite subordinates, and abandoned all the others.

As soon as the black flame giant tiger demon **** fled, his forces were also torn apart, and he could no longer form a climate.

The Storm Continent was completely unified by Shu Feng in name, and the Ice Hell Demon Palace was renamed the Storm Demon Palace ten days later, officially ruling the entire Storm Continent.

More than a dozen indigenous demon gods from the Continent of Stormwind took the initiative to seek refuge in the Temple of Stormwind, became a member of the Temple of Stormwind, and turned in many precious resources.

As the power of the Storm Demon Palace not only expanded, countless precious and incomparable source energy treasures have fallen into Shu Feng's hands on the Storm Continent.

After Shu Feng received massive resource support, he immediately entered the base space to retreat and practice hard.

One month later.

Shu Feng walked out of a big egg, and a terrifying breath filled his body. With a thought to him, rows of data immediately surfaced.

"Shu Feng."


"The Source of the Demon God 7."

"Characteristic of the source of the demon god: Amplify the various powers of the demon **** by 175,000 times."

"Strength 18 (+10) yuan, agility 18 (+10) yuan, defense 18 (+10) yuan, physique 18 (+10) yuan, intelligence 18 (+10) yuan, mental power 18 (+10) yuan, The power of the devil is 140 (+100) yuan."

"Charm 3 (+1) billion, Demon Soul 16 (+10) points."

Shu Feng looked at his state, and a strange light flashed in his eyes: "Broken the 5-point limit!! In the current state to advance to the lower demon god, there is the possibility of impact in the future. But if you want to advance to the true demon. The source of the demon **** must reach 10 points."

Ordinary demon gods have 5 points of source of demon gods, and they can already transform into advanced lower demon gods. Only the strong who breaks through the source of the devil at 7 points hesitate to impact the power, and only the strong with the source of the devil at 10 can attack the realm of the demon.

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