God-level Base

Chapter 1020: Synthetic Aoyan

boom! boom! boom!

The bodies of the nine-eyed snake-lion demon gods burst one after another. After nearly half of the nine-eyed snake-lion demon gods fell, the curses on the remaining nine-eyed snake-lion demon gods disappeared.

The entire nine-eyed snake-lion demon clan was severely injured and its vitality was severely injured.

This is the terrifying price that the celestial masters need to pay for peeking at the real demon! !

Nine snakes, lions and demons are very rare races that can see the secrets of the future, and they are also contended by major forces, but they have been difficult to develop and grow, because of this. Once you peek at those big guys, their fate will be very miserable.

"True demon!! Fool!! A group of trash, dare to spy on the true demon!! The Silver Shell Department!! Send my order, from today onwards, cut off all cooperation with the demon wolf clan!!"

From the mountain range, there was the roar of the Nine-eyed Snake Lion Demon Emperor.

The eyes of the entire Nine-eyed Snake Lion Demon Race Demon God were full of anger and fear. They are also the first time they have encountered such a terrible thing. After all, the Nine-Eyed Snake Lion Demon Race has always been very careful, once encountering something that is suspected to be related to the real demon, they absolutely dare not mix up.

As for opening the nine eyes to see the secret of the future, it is a taboo of the Nine-eyed Snake, Lion and Demon clan.

Nine Snake Lion Luo is also greedy for the stone of heaven, and he does not think that there is a big boss behind Shu Feng, and he is a powerful middle-ranked demon to dare to be so aggressive.

Above the ice prison continent.

"Nine Snake Lion Luo is dead! And he died so miserably and strangely! Behind the Ice Prison Demon Palace is backed by a big power level or above, and it may even involve a real demon!!"

Looking at the corpse of Nine Snake Lion Luo, whose body exploded and died strangely, the Demon God Wolf couldn't help but feel a trace of chill in his heart.

"Go back! This is no longer the level where I can intervene!"

The wolf flying demon **** retreats, whether it is a design power or a real demon, the existence of that kind of horror is not something he can provoke. He didn't want to provoke such a horrible existence.

The Wolf Flying Demon God and his party quickly fled from the Ice Hell Continent on the Void Mothership, and they did not dare to carry out a massacre in the Ice Hell Continent.

In the vast starry sky, the Void Mothership sailed in the void and flew towards the True Demon Kingdom of Water.

In the seven real devil kingdoms, there are powerful players with great energy levels to take action, setting up a teleportation circle that traverses different real devil kingdoms. Only the top powerhouses of the big forces are eligible to use those teleportation arrays. Shu Feng and his party can only travel through the vast starry sky through the Void Mothership to the True Demon Kingdom of Water.

Within the base space.

Shu Feng looked at the numbers on the resource information and showed a satisfied smile: "The Extreme Flame Demon Temple and the Ice Prison Demon Temple are indeed powerful forces that have ruled the Ice Prison Continent for countless years. Sure enough, they have a deep foundation and countless sources of energy. treasure!"

After Shu Feng searched the treasure house of the two powers, he obtained high-level source energy as high as 100 billion. In addition, there are countless treasures of heaven and earth, which can be used to cultivate powerhouses of the Demon God level.

The Ice Hell Demon God is not willing to leave the Ice Hell Continent because the resources in the Ice Hell Continent are too rich.

Shu Feng thought quietly: "One hundred billion higher source energy can be used to dissolve the Myriad Star God Constellation and incubate the weird master! There is no weird master, it is too dangerous in the imaginary world!"

In the Central Demon Realm of the Void Demon Realm, the strong are like clouds, and there are also many strong ones who are proficient in various prophecy and heavenly secret techniques.

The number of breaths of True Demon Yizang is limited, one strand is less than one strand.

For Shu Feng, it is more appropriate to incubate the weirdness.

Shu Feng gave an order, and the huge and high-level source energy immediately poured into the dominating incubation nest.

The weird master in the dominating incubation nest had already absorbed countless resources, and began to incubate quickly with the continuous injection of high-level source energy.


Ten days later, the weird master walked out of the dominator incubation nest, swallowed a top-level demon fruit, and entered the void to directly advance to the demon god.

After the weird dominates the advanced demon god, he enters the source energy evolution tower and begins to evolve crazily.

"Weird Lord wants to restore the peak, it needs to consume too many resources. The remaining resources are not enough for me to advance to the lower demon god."

"The top priority is to improve my combat power. Synthesizing True Dragon Ao Yan is a good choice!"

Shu Feng's eyes lit up, thoughtful.

The true dragon family is an extremely powerful race of heaven and earth true spirits in the imaginary world, and the true dragon family has also been born with a terrifying existence of the real demon series.

Ao Yan's strength is terrifying, far surpassing ordinary lower demon gods. Su Mi and Qingyan weren't his opponents in singles. And the most important thing is that Ao Yan's Demon God's Soul, Demon God's Source, and Body are all in Shu Feng's hands. The resources needed to synthesize him are much less than to synthesize a lower Demon God out of nothing.

"Furthermore, the true dragons have many powerful allies in the Void Demon Realm, and they can also stun many aquatic powerhouses in the Void Demon Realm."

"Well, those powerful offspring can also be combined. In this way, I can also use their identities to fake their power, or to instigate discord!"

Shu Feng's eyes lit up, and there were countless more thoughts.

The strongest place for those mighty children is not their strength, but their identity, their blood, and their background.

With Shu Feng's thoughts, Ao Yan's corpse was immediately sent into the soldier's composite nest, forming a large egg.

Countless precious resources and massive amounts of high-level energy sources are constantly pouring into that big egg.

Seven days later, the big egg cracked and Ao Yan walked out of it, and came to Shu Feng and respectfully said: "Ao Yan, I have seen the Lord."

When Shu Feng's thoughts moved, Ao Yan's various messages immediately appeared one by one.

"Ao Yan."

"The Lower Demon God!"

"Hold the power flame!"

"The Source of the Lower Demon God 3."

"The characteristics of the source of the demon god: amplify the various powers of the demon **** by 1.2 million times."

"Strength is 7 yuan, agility is 7 yuan, defense is 7 yuan, physique is 7 yuan, intelligence is 7 yuan, mental power is 7 yuan, and the power of the lower demon is 7 yuan."

"Charm 100 million, 3 points for the soul of the lower demon god."

Shu Feng looked at Ao Yan's various attributes, his eyes flashed with scorching heat: "What a strong attribute! You deserve to be the lower demon god!! No wonder a hundred demon god-level Shi Jiao can't suppress him together. If it weren't for me to control him. The power of time standing still can't kill him!"

Ao Yan's combat power was extremely terrifying, and Shu Feng was defeated by him with a single blow while holding the Holy Blue Demon Sword. If it weren't for Shu Feng's masters like clouds, and he mastered the ability of time to stand still, Shu Feng would definitely be defeated in that battle.

A month later, the Void Mothership immediately arrived on the three floating continents that Luo told Shu Feng tomorrow that it was suspected to be able to cultivate the middle demon god.

Shu Feng walked out of the Void Mothership, waved his hand, and exquisite palaces flew out of it, sitting on the landing plains, and the headquarters of the Ice Hell Demon God's Palace immediately appeared.

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