God-level Base

Chapter 1014: Demon Meeting

when! when! when!

Soon after the Void Mothership landed in the Ice Prison Demon Temple, the entire Ice Prison Demon Temple immediately heard bursts of extremely loud Demon Bells.

"Is it finally here?"

In a large hall, the Saint Source Ice Demon God opened his eyes at once, revealing a meaningful smile, which turned into a stream of light and flew towards the distance.

In a small world near the Ice Prison Continent, a beautiful girl with slender legs, long silver-white hair, and blue eyes like sapphires, looked up, "Ice Prison Demon Clock, is this going to hold the Demon God Convention? ?"

A burst of pure white snowflakes floated, and that stunning girl, the Snow Demon God, disappeared from the place immediately.

In the deepest part of the Ice Hell Demon Temple, a 10,000-meter-high iceberg burst open. A burly figure with short black hair, a pale face, and an icy curse on his eyebrows, a middle-aged man walked out with a sullen look.

This middle-aged man is the Lord of the Ice Prison Demon God's Palace.

In the Ice Prison Demon God's Palace, the highest authority that only the Demon God can enter, a ray of light shone, and a demon **** suddenly appeared.

The Snow Demon God glanced at the Saint Source Ice Demon God, and a look of disgust flashed in his beautiful eyes and said: "Holy Source Ice Demon God, are you still alive?"

Shengyuan Ice Demon God smiled slightly: "Thanks to the blessing of Junior Sister, I'm still alive!"

The Ice Prison Demon God sat on the main seat, closed his eyes and rested, not knowing what he was thinking. A trace of ice-cold breath permeated from his body, turning the entire Demon God's Palace into a huge ice cave.

Any existence below the demon king will be frozen into ice once it enters the demon palace.

"I'm late!"

A voice sounded from the side, the Dark Snow Demon God strode into the Demon God Palace, and there were two people following him, it was Shu Feng and Silver Frost Demon God.

"Anxue, this is your personal disciple Shu Feng? He has advanced to the Demon God?"

Snow Demon looked at Shu Feng, a curious color flashed in his beautiful eyes.

The name of Shu Feng's genius has spread throughout the entire Ice Hell Demon Shrine, and no one knows his name except the Ice Hell Demon God who has been sealed by ice.

Snow Demon God has been traveling abroad, looking for opportunities for breakthrough. This is the first time I have seen Shu Feng, but he did not expect that Shu Feng has already advanced to the Demon God.

Dark Snow Demon God smiled and said: "Yes, Sister Snowflake, Shu Feng has already advanced to the Demon God in the death source battlefield!"

Shengyuan Ice Demon God took a deep look at Shu Feng, his eyes flashed and faintly smiled: "Congratulations, Junior Sister."


Dark Snow Demon God responded coldly and sat down in a position.

"Anxue, you ring the devil's clock to summon us, what's the matter, say!"

The Demon God of Ice Prison closed his eyes and said coldly.

The Demon Clock of the Ice Prison Demon Temple cannot be easily sounded. Only when the Ice Prison Demon Temple reaches a critical point of life and death, will it be sounded when a major decision is required.

Dark Snow Demon God said with a solemn expression: "Our Ice Prison Demon Temple must immediately move away from the Ice Prison Continent."

Snow Demon God Liu frowned slightly, "Why?"

In the outer starry sky of the Void Demon Realm, there are indeed countless floating continents. However, those rich floating continents all have powerful forces, and some weaker forces are backed by powerful forces.

With the strength of the Ice Prison Demon Temple, it is very lucky to be able to occupy the Ice Prison Continent and become the owner of the Ice Prison Continent.

Dark Snow Demon said: "I have discovered a continent that is more prosperous than the Ice Prison Continent. It requires the entire power of the Ice Prison Demon Temple to be able to open it up."

Saint Source Ice Demon said: "That's not as good as this. We first send some elites to investigate that continent. After obtaining detailed information, we will send the main elites to open up. It is too dangerous to send all our forces to open up an unknown continent. "

Snow Demon was also silent. Although he was not in harmony with the Saint Source Ice Demon God, he also admitted that what the Saint Source Ice Demon God said was the truth.

Saint Source Ice Demon God smiled slightly: "Let's talk! Who on earth did you provoke?"

Dark Snow Demon God slowly said: "The Wolf and Demon God of the Demon Wolf Division tried to capture me, but I was killed. The ten Demon Gods of the Demon Wolf Division around him were also killed by me."

The Saint Source Ice Demon God suddenly changed his face and said: "What, you actually killed the Demon God in the Demon Wolf Division!"

Snow Demon couldn't help but his face changed drastically.

The Demon Wolf Division is a terrifying tribe with great power. In the Demon Wolf Division, the masters are like clouds and the strong are like rain. Just send a middle-ranked demon **** and a dozen lower-ranked demon gods, and you can directly transfer the entire Ice Prison Demon Temple. wipe out.

Saint Source Ice Demon God suggested: "Palace Lord, I suggest handing over the three of Dark Snow Demon God, Silver Frost Demon God, and Storm Demon God, and then ask that adult to mediate, which will definitely resolve the misunderstanding between us and the Demon Wolf Ministry. "

The Ice Prison Demon God, who had been keeping his eyes closed, opened his eyes at once, and the ice light flashed in his eyes, and he did not refute the words of the Saint Source Ice Demon God but remained silent.

The Snow Demon God stared at the Saint Source Ice Demon God fiercely and shouted: "Fuck you shit!! Dark Snow is my sister. If you dare to touch her hair, I will destroy your clan!! Father, we immediately evacuate. Ice Prison Continent! Anyway, with the strength of our Ice Prison Demon Temple, it couldn't be easier to occupy a floating continent."

"Junior sister, it is not difficult to find another floating continent in the periphery of the Void Demon Realm with the strength of my Ice Prison Demon Temple. But it is difficult to find a rich floating continent that can satisfy us to continue to cultivate and evolve."

"Since the Dark Snow Demon Gods have killed the Demon Gods of the Demon Wolf Division, they must pay the price."

The Saint Source Ice Demon God turned his gaze and fell on the Dark Snow Demon God, with a sincere expression on his face: "Dark Snow Demon God, one person should do things, one person! Since you killed the Demon God of the Demon Wolf Division, please sacrifice yourself and save the ice. Hundreds of thousands of people on the Prison Continent!!"

"I am here, instead of the hundreds of millions of people on the Ice Hell Continent, I beg you, sacrifice yourself, and save the world! If you don't sacrifice, the hundreds of millions of people on the Ice Hell Continent will be angered and extinct by the Demon Wolf Tribe."

Shengyuan Ice Demon God stood up and said righteously to Dark Snow Demon God.

The Demon God of Ice Prison hesitated for a long time and finally sighed: "Dark Snow, for our hundreds of millions of people on the Ice Prison Continent! I can only wrong you!!!"

The corner of Shengyuan Ice Demon's mouth raised slightly, and a sneer flashed in his eyes. He knew early on that his master was a low-hearted, selfish fellow.

For the Ice Hell Demon God, only himself is the most important existence. The rest of the people can all be sacrificed, otherwise he would not have gone to the point where almost everyone betrayed.

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