God-level Base

Chapter 1007: Kamukura

At that moment, Shu Feng seemed to become the Lord of Ten Thousand Stars, and glanced at the spear of stars that seemed to destroy the world.

The spear of stars that seemed to be able to destroy the world shone inch by inch and collapsed and shattered, turning into a little bit of starlight and drifting away with the wind.

"Bold!! Kneel down!!"

Shu Feng's eyes were cold, and he looked at Xing Xuankong in a cold voice.

A terrifying coercion gushed from Shu Feng's body, crushing towards the star sky.

Xing Xuankong almost burst into flames in his eyes, and shouted frantically, "Who are you? Get off, that ten thousand stars **** is not a person like you can sit on!"

"Ant, go to death!"

Shu Feng's eyes were cold, and he reached out and pointed.

Countless stars shone, and a huge star finger descended from the sky and pointed directly towards the starry sky.

Stars gleamed, a burly figure, mysterious star patterns on his forehead, countless stars appeared in his eyes, and a handsome star king projection appeared directly, and he stretched out his hand.

Countless stars surging brilliantly, forming a vast star map with countless stars.

Boom! !

The star pointed his finger on the vast star map, the entire vast star map was shaken, and the terrifying shock wave spread in all directions.

In a single breath, the vast star map collapsed directly, and the finger of the star clicked on Xing Xuankong's body.

"Do not!!"

Xing Xuan Kong screamed, and his body instantly collapsed and shattered, turning into powder and disappearing.

Shu Feng glanced at the many geniuses below. With the power from the Ten Thousand Star God Constellation, he immediately sensed many waves of hatred of the human race, and a trace of murderous intent surged in his eyes.

One of the miraculous abilities of the God Constellation is that it can perceive the thinking of people around it, and can distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, which is extremely terrifying. Otherwise, it was impossible to become the throne of the real demon easy to hide.

"Go to hell!!"

Shu Feng let out a soft drink, the tens of thousands of stars in the sky were shining, and countless stars turned into star spears, which directly pierced the geniuses from the kingdom of the seven true demons below.

On the mountain of stars, geniuses from the kingdom of the seven true demons have urged life-saving treasures one after another, and various powerful phantoms directly surfaced.

Under the bombardment of the endless star spears and thin lines of stars, the geniuses of the seven real demons had just used their life-saving treasures and were blasted into pieces by various rays of light.

The entrance to the death source battlefield of the Golden Throat True Devil Kingdom.

Suddenly, a strong man from the Poor Qi Demon Race changed his face and took out a cracked soul jade, and screamed: "Young Master!!"

Another demon-level powerhouse also took out a piece of soul jade that could be cracked and screamed: "No! How could this be?"

"Do not!!"

"It's over!!"


Except for the True Demon of Water, the other six kingdoms of true demon are at the entrance to the battlefield of the source of death. The countless followers of the majestic sons pale, and a look of despair flashes in their eyes. When their master dies, they will be buried with them in all likelihood.

Demon-level powerhouses in the floating continent outside the Void Demon Realm are already top powerhouses, and can become the masters of a floating continent. But in front of the mighty powers of the Central Demon Realm of the Void Demon Realm, there are still ants.

"not good!!"

The faces of the seven demon gods who were besieging Tomorrow Luo changed drastically, urging their life-saving secret treasures and fleeing towards the celestial mountain.

In this celestial mountain, apart from Tomorrow Luo, the seven demon gods are the most powerful.

The rest of the powerful concubines are not unable to advance to the Demon God, but have not obtained the top Demon God Fruit in this death source battlefield. They are unwilling to evolve now and leave defects.

"Want to escape!"

Shu Feng smiled coldly, with a thought move, that endless star brilliance turned into countless star spears, blasting fiercely on the Tianpeng incarnation of Emperor Xiaopeng, and Emperor Xiaopeng was directly blasted to pieces.

"Stop it! This lord, my father is..."

A head is like an alien, surrounded by flames. The thousand-meter-long demon **** just yelled, and it was pierced by countless stars and spears, and it was blasted to pieces.

Under the bombardment of the brilliance of the stars, the five demon gods that besieged Tomorrow Luo were bombarded one by one.

After a dozen breaths, on the top of the celestial mountain, there were only Ming Luo and two powerful concubines of the quasi-devil series.

"Ye Xiong Fei of the Ye God Race, I don't know how this human friend is called?"

One is three meters tall, covered with a layer of black carapace, in human form, with a pair of carapace and wings growing on the back, a somewhat ugly grandfather of the Night God Race, raising his voice.

In the darkness, the night gods will gain terrifying power and fierce combat power. They were also one of the allies of the human race at the beginning. The Night God Emperor was also one of the top powers in the Central Demon Realm of the Void Demon Realm, and could escape from the hands of the True Demon.

Powers are also divided into three, six, nine levels. If more than ninety percent of powers are against the real demon, even if they use all the means, they will die without life. The Night God Emperor was able to escape from the hands of the real demon at the beginning, and his strength is evident.

Shu Feng smiled slightly and said, "Human Shu Feng!"

"Blue Star Dragon Clan Xinglong Hanhai, Shu Feng, how about making friends?"

A magnificent blue star dragon genius star dragon who is ten meters tall, surrounded by countless star patterns, and with two dragon horns on his head, smiled slightly.

Regardless of Shu Feng's origin, from the moment he sat on the ten thousand star **** constellation, he was doomed to not be ordinary. The possibility of advanced power in the future is much higher than that of Star Dragon Hanhai.

The blue star dragon clan used to be one of the allies of the human clan, and the blue star dragon king was also the top power in the central demon realm of the virtual world.

After the terrible defeat of the Human Race, the former allies of the Human Race, the Blue Star Dragon Race and the Night God Race, were all liquidated. They were all forced to hide in the outer starry sky of the Void Realm or other worlds. This time the death source battlefield, only these two powerhouses entered.

Shu Feng used the power of the Myriad Star God Constellation to kill all the other powerful children in one fell swoop, but left them behind, obviously not malicious towards them.

Tomorrow Luo smiled slightly and said, "Add me! Shu Feng, I am Human Tomorrow Luo, how about making friends?"

Shu Feng said: "Okay! But, I killed too many people this time. Please also three of you swear an oath to the Myriad Star God Constellation not to tell the story of today."

Shu Feng slaughtered this time, slaughtering more than a hundred magnificent sons and direct disciples. If this incident were to spread, Shu Feng would immediately become a public enemy of the Void Demon Realm, and it would be difficult for him to move.

"no problem!"

Ye Xiongfei smiled boldly, understood very much, and quickly swore an oath.

Tomorrow Luo and Luo also swore the same oath.

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