God-level Base

Chapter 1005: Tomorrow

"Wanbao Tower, although I don't have a map inside the Wanbao Tower, I have this one!!"

Shu Feng smiled slightly, and his thoughts moved. In the space of the base, he immediately urged the soul of Yi to hide.

For a moment, a trace of the horror breath of the real demon easily hidden around Shu Feng's body, as if the invincible real demon of the past had descended into the world.

"Wanbao Tianjun, have seen your Majesty!"

Ripples flashed, and a middle-aged man dressed in a star robe with a star crown on his head, with a handsome appearance and elegant temperament, walked out of the Wanbao Tower and bowed to bow in a salute.

Even if the powerful people of great energy level face the real demon, they don't need to kneel down and salute. Of course, it is quite normal for those servant powers who belong to the real demon to salute the real demon.

"The remnant soul of Wanbao Tianjun, I don't know if I can lie to him!"

When Shu Feng saw that Wanbao Tianjun appeared, stormy seas suddenly rose in his heart.

That Wanbao Tianjun was also one of the strongest human races under the command of True Demon Yizang. Originally, Shu Feng only wanted to inspire the soul of Yi Zang True Demon to gain some benefits in the Wanbao Tower, but he never expected to disturb his remnant soul.

Shu Feng said calmly: "I want treasures!"

"Yes! Please come with me!"

Wan Bao Tianjun took a deep look at Shu Feng, smiled gently, and stretched out his hand.

Stars shone, and a door appeared on the wall of the Wanbao Tower.

Shu Feng stepped into the door and disappeared from the same place.

Ten thousand stars are suspended in a palace at the core of Wanbao Tower, and the interior of the palace is full of endless stars.

One is ten thousand meters high, and the whole body is constructed of a sacred mountain of stars. On the top of the mountain of stars, a constellation of stars is placed.

On the left and right sides of the constellation of stars, there is a star inlaid respectively. Among the stars on the left hand side, ten top-level demon fruit trees and large tracts of demon fruit trees are vaguely visible. Among the stars on the right hand side, there are countless demon **** level magic ponds.

In the mountainside of the sacred mountain, Xiaopenghuang and other seven powerhouses are besieging a human black-clothed powerhouse.

"Tomorrow Luo, go to death! The Myriad Star God Constellation, must not fall into your hands!"

The fierce light flashed in Emperor Xiaopeng's eyes, and he screamed, using the secret technique Tianpeng Nine Strikes, controlling the law of the wind, and attacking the celebrity black-clothed youth from unimaginable directions.

The remaining six powerhouses are also top powerhouses of the same level as Xiaopenghuang, and they have all advanced to the demon gods, using various attack and killing secret methods to attack tomorrow.

Tomorrow, two stars will appear in Luo's eyes, urging the secret technique, and the stars will appear from time to time, blooming with incomparable brilliance of stars, resisting the attacks of the seven powerful people such as Xiaopenghuang.

No matter how the Seven Powers such as Xiaopenghuang attacked, they couldn't destroy Tomorrow Luo's defense.

Tomorrow Luo frowned slightly and said: "Emperor Xiaopeng, it is meaningless for the seven of you to fight with me here. We will only lose both sides, and the Myriad Stars will only become other people's pockets."

"Tomorrow, as long as the Myriad Stars God Constellation does not fall into your hands, anyone can accept the Myriad Stars God Constellation."

Withered face, ten meters tall, the Withered Cloud King, who exudes decadent and withered power fluctuations, smiled sensibly, holding a Demon-level secret treasure Withered Cloud Fork, and stabs madly towards Tomorrow Luo.

The dark clouds containing withering and decayed power continue to emerge, blasting above Luo's body guard star barrier of tomorrow, causing his body guard stars to collapse one by one.

Tomorrow Luo said, "King Withered Cloud, I have no grievances and no grudges against you, why are you blocking my way?"

A hideous flicker flashed in the eyes of King Withered Clouds: "Because you are a human race!! Destined to be a humble and lowly race!! You have a powerful posture, and you are the most promising genius of the human race. Kill you, I will be able to obtain it. More resources will be able to advance to great power!"

Tomorrow, the stars in Luo's eyes will float, and he will look to other places in the celestial mountain.

A genius from different kingdoms of true demons is climbing towards the mountain of stars, and their goal is the constellation of all stars on the top of the mountain of stars.

Tomorrow Luo looked at the Ten Thousand Star God Constellation with a scorching color flashing in his eyes: "The Ten Thousand Star God Constellation! The God Constellation where True Demon Yi Zang once sat can attract the power of hundreds of millions of stars. It is a powerful series. Secret Treasure. If I get it, I will play an extra hole card, which will increase the chance of advanced power by one point!!"

In the Central Demon Realm of the Imaginary Demon Realm, the seven true demons shook the world.

Since the outbreak of the war that engulfed the entire imaginary world with the human race as the leader, there has never been a powerful advancement of true demons.

And not to mention the real demon, even if it is powerful, it is difficult to advance. There are countless strong humans in the entire human race, but there are only a handful of powers on the surface, less than three.

Tomorrow Luo Nai will be a peerless arrogant of the human race. Every advancement has been polished to the limit. Even so, he still has difficulties in wanting to advance the power, and he must do his best to win any opportunity.

Geniuses such as Xiaojiaohuang and Xiaopenghuang claim to have powerful postures, but in fact they only have the potential for advanced power. In the Central Demon Realm of the Void Demon Realm, ten million geniuses like the Little Flood Emperor may not be able to have an advanced power. The difficulty of that advanced power is obvious.

When the geniuses from the kingdoms of true demons arrived at a distance of seven kilometers from the sacred mountain, a trace of stars shone, forming a star enchantment, making it difficult for them to enter.

Tomorrow Luo said indifferently: "The Wanbao Tower is the treasure of the Wanbao Heavenly Sovereign, the treasure of the human race! Emperor Xiaopeng, you can't get the God Constellation of Wanxing!"

Tiger God King, one of the seven powerhouses besieging Luo Tomorrow, grinned and said, "That's not necessarily!!"

At this moment, a young man with an extremely handsome appearance and countless star patterns on his eyebrows walked out of it, took out a star jade plate and raised it high and said: "The descendants of the star queen Xingxuankong come here, please Wanbao Let me test."

A burst of incomparable star brilliance gushed from the star jade plate, sank into the star barrier, and caused a ripple in those star barriers.

Tomorrow Luo Yi saw Xing Xuan Kong, and his eyes suddenly burst into anger and shouted: "These damned traitors dare to steal my human treasures so brazenly!!"

In the Central Demon Realm of the Void Demon Realm, there are two most powerful Human Race forces, one is the Human Race protected by the Water God Emperor, and the other is the Human Race protected by the Truth God Emperor.

The human race protected by the truth **** emperor is the descendant of the human race power star emperor. The Star Emperor suddenly betrayed the human race led by True Demon Yizang, and slaughtered in the heart of the human race, slaughtering countless human Tianjiao.

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