God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 978: Tower of the Gods (2)

"I have to keep fooling around!"

Ye Que Alexander.

After leaving various top-level treasures to Di Xiwei and the others, he left.

After coming out, there were no people around, only the incomplete tower of the gods in the deepest part, the coercion of the gods came.

Presumably they were trying to find a way to enter the Tower of the Gods.

Ye Que shivered.

It is really uncomfortable to close the three major bloodlines.

Although the side effects are not small, due to the breakthrough of the devouring star core, the side effects were suppressed.

But the lack of energy and blood is true.

Take out all kinds of big tonics, one bite at a time, to make up for the blood.

In the distance, the coercion of the gods fluctuated violently. The gang of gods should not have entered yet. Ye Que was not in a hurry, and swallowed the tonic medicine while flying.

The deeper you go, the more you can feel the splendor and solemnity of the Tower of the Gods.

Even though countless years have passed.

Look up and stare.

Tens of thousands of majestic buildings surround a huge tower in the front. They stand on the top of the mountains and have a sacred and inviolable aura.

This is the Tower of the Gods.

In the air around it, there are even more suspended buildings, although dilapidated, they are still desirable.

Look further back.

Behind the building is a piece of darkness, where time and space are turbulent, containing peerless murderous intent, and starry sky storms are raging, and many laws are intertwined in it.

Such a terrifying scene seemed to be left behind by someone cutting it off with a blow.

In the darkness, there are also corpses of star demons, ancient gods, and corpses of various races in the starry sky floating in it.

Even before they died, they still retained their fighting posture in life.

All of these miserable scenes are recounting the tragic war that year.

That is the trace of history, and it is also the last glory of the ancient Six Realms.

Ye Que took a deep breath, his expression became solemn.

The battle between the ancient six realms and the star demons was not only participated by the ancient gods, but also by various races in the starry sky. It was very heroic and worthy of his admiration.

This is the remaining corner of the war, and it is also the incomplete part of the ancient six worlds.

As an ancient god, Ye Que came here, more like a memory of the past countless years of war, with respect, solemnity, and emotion in his heart.

boom! boom!

The nine gods shot to break through the transparent shield.

Ye Que followed the prestige, and saw that the area of ​​the Tower of the Gods was protected by a huge transparent shield, and the nine gods could not shake it even if they worked together.

"How many years have passed? It is estimated to be hundreds of millions of years, and the transparent shield still has such a strong defensive ability!"

Ye Que exclaimed and flew over slowly.

He looked down at the surrounding earth.

The thirty or so starry sky creatures knew that they were not strong enough to enter the Tower of the Gods, so they turned their attention to the vicinity of the Tower of the Gods.

They search for treasures in the ruins.

Ye Que looked over and felt something was wrong.

Why are they all like picking up trash? A **** king kicks the incomplete pieces of scrap iron from time to time. Seeing that there is nothing underneath, he walks away in disappointment. people pay attention.

The earth dog is among them, that is an old expert.

Walking upright, turning around with a shovel, sometimes seeing the baby smile, sometimes sighing calmly like a master.

Many people see that the native dog is experienced, so they follow the native dog to get cheap.

The local dog smiled disdainfully: "Follow me, you won't even be able to drink soup!"

Ye Que's face darkened, and he looked at Qi Wangshu again.

This guy knows how to play, sits on an incomplete chair, and takes good care of the Eldest Miss. He doesn't do anything, but let the guards of the Eldest Miss to search for treasures.

"You know how to play. Next time I will give you a mission to catch the third prince's mother. You should be able to get a lot of star cores and treasures!"

Ye Que chuckled, and instantly thought of Sikong Yun.


The gods of the giant spirit tribe shot, because they felt the law of the mountain, and they were powerful. When they hit the shield, the momentum was great, but it didn't even cause the shield to fluctuate, but was blown away instead.

"too difficult!"

Seeing this, the Spirit Race gods sighed softly, and then turned their heads from time to time to look for something.

She was dressed in white, wrapped in the law of white, she couldn't see her face clearly, and she couldn't feel the law of the power on her body.

"Brother Bai is looking for Brother Ye? He's behind."

Seeing Ye Que coming, the Sanye gods reminded the spirit clan gods.

The spirit clan gods turned their heads and saw Ye Que coming, so they were pleasantly surprised: "Brother Ye, you are an ancient god, maybe there is a way to get in."

This is the six realms of the ancient times. Although it is not the ancient gods' hometown (the gods' realm today), there are also footprints and buildings of the ancient gods here.

The rest of the gods all looked at Ye Que, and many gods frowned.

Seeing that the baby was inside, they didn't like the appearance of this ancient god.

After all, compared to them, ancient gods are more likely to obtain treasures.

Ye Que opened the Eye of Good Fortune and the Eye of Reincarnation, observed the subtleties, and saw the attitudes of many gods, especially the gods of the Giant Spirit Race, who were very cold.

He ignores.

If you are really in danger, you will return to the world inside your body at worst. If these gods still want to forcibly attack, then take them to Hanoi to take a bath and rub their backs.

"Let me do it."

With his hands behind his back, Ye Que really regarded himself as a god, and slowly flew to the shield.

This guy is fooling around, and he believes that he is a god.

Look around again.

Many gods looked closely.

"If it can't be broken, it doesn't matter. If it is broken, just fool these guys."

Thinking of this, Ye Que coughed and reached out to touch the shield.

Then, his hand went through the shield.

Ye Que:? ? ?

What's the matter?

Even the combined efforts of the nine gods couldn't break through the shield, so why did he get through it with just one touch?

Not to mention him, the spirit clan gods, the three-leaf gods and other powerhouses all stared wide-eyed with disbelief on their faces.

Ye Que immediately came back to his senses, and said in a deep voice: "This is one of my top-level mystic arts, which contains a penetrating law!"

In fact, he doesn't have any rules, they are all tricks to fool people.

But after all, the hand had been pierced through, and the gods believed it when they heard it.

"So strong... The ancient gods are indeed the first race in the starry sky... To become a god, their combat power must have reached the peak."

The Spirit Race gods murmured.

"Fortunately, I didn't provoke him!"

The three leaf gods and the blood demon gods were shocked.

There are also doubts from the gods, could this be the reason why the ancient gods can pass by themselves?

But Ye Que didn't give them a chance to think too much, he walked through the protective shield with his hands behind his back, and he had to act like he was already in a state of compulsion.

He flew to the inside of the shield, stretched out his hand and said, "Spirit Race God, let me see if I can let you come over!"

"Huh? Good! Thank you, Brother Ye!"

The spirit clan gods were pleasantly surprised when they heard the words.

"No problem."

Ye Que stretched out his hand and passed through the protective shield. The spirit clan **** stretched out a hand as white as jade, and Ye Que pulled it back.

Under the shroud of the law of white light, the gods of the spirit race blushed on their cheeks, but they didn't react much.

"Don't resist."

Ye Que covered the body of the spirit race gods with his own star power, and then pulled them into the shield.

Without any hindrance, the gods of the spirit race really entered the shield under the shroud of the ancient god's origin power.

The rest of the gods gasped, and looked at Ye Que with much hotter eyes.

Ye Que looked at the gods of the giant spirit clan and the other gods who had disliked him before, and smiled sinisterly in his heart: "See if I can't kill you!"

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