God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 960: Helping others is the boss of Leye (2)

Passing through the deep fog area, the front suddenly became clear.

Ye Que also heard the system prompt.

"Ding! The host has entered the ancient six realms!"

"Ding! In the tower of the gods in the ancient six worlds, there is one of the heavenly books of good fortune, please go to the host immediately!"

"Ding! The forward map has been issued! Please accept it from the host!"

He was taken aback.

Is the God of Creation system so awesome...

It can detect the whole map and issue a road map, just like the system transformed by Senior Gu Yuan.

But if you think about it carefully, this universe was created by the True God of Creation, and the system of the True God of Creation detects the whole map, just like testing oneself.

There are similarities with Senior Gu Yuan's transfiguration system in the Ancient God Realm, guiding him to practice.

"take over."

There was an extra divine thought in his mind, and when he entered it, a clear route emerged in his mind.

He knew where to go next.

Look up and look around.

The dim sky, the dark red earth, the withered ancient trees, and the remains of corpses everywhere.

There are monsters, giant beasts, and star demon corpses.

The wind blew past, bringing with it a touch of silence and desolation.

At that time, there was a tragic war here.

"It's finally out!"

The third prince glanced around. Here are the relics of the ancient Six Realms. Although it is depressing, it is much more comfortable than being in the deep fog.

Turning his head to look at Ye Liangchen, he sneered in his heart: "I'll let you groan for a while! When the Nine Moves God King recovers, it's time for you to kneel down and beg for mercy!"

call out-

Someone is flying ahead.

It is the person who entered the ruins before.

"According to historical records, among the ruins here, there is the rumored Tower of the Gods. This is part of the territory of the ancient gods in the six ancient worlds. There may be many treasures in it!"

The eyes of the God King Nine Moves are a little dark, but also very firm, it seems that there is a clear purpose in coming to the ancient six realms.

"Let's see what Ye Liangchen said, we can't defy him now, but we can't tell him about the Tower of the Gods either!"

The third prince glanced at Ye Que coldly, and sent a voice transmission to King Jiuyi.

"Hmph! Let this ant be arrogant for a while, and kill him when I recover!"

Nine Moves God King's face is ugly, and now he can only be manipulated by others.

Ye Que looked to both sides.

People on other roads don't know where they went.

"The entrances and exits to this place are random? Hey... I hope they can ask for more blessings!"

Ye Que shook his head and followed the route.

The third prince and the others didn't want to follow, so they waited for him to leave by himself.

"What are you doing? Let's go! Take you to Taobao!"

Ye Que also wanted to keep squeezing the star cores of these goods. Although most of them were third-grade star cores, it wouldn't be nice to leave them for his wife.

The third prince and the God King Jiuyi looked at each other, their expressions were a bit ugly.

Seeing that the other party didn't want to leave, Ye Que stared at him and said coldly: "I'm so enthusiastic about helping you, don't you appreciate it?"

Look, this is our helpful boss Ye.

He took a step forward, with murderous intent permeating the air, and said in a gloomy voice, "Are you trying to chill good-hearted people?"

The third prince was dumbfounded.

Is he helping someone?

This is murder, right?

He turned his head quickly, shook his head and said: "We don't need help anymore, let's part ways here, okay?"


A powerful and peerless majesty of the **** king covered the third prince.

Ye Que had come to the Third Prince, pinched the Third Prince's neck and said, "I just want to help you unilaterally. As for whether you need it or not, what does that have to do with me?"

Seeing what he said, the third prince was stunned.

The God King Jiuyi said with a dark face: "You don't want to mess around! The third prince is not comparable to other princes. He is highly valued by the gods. He may be the emperor of the empire in the future. If he is moved, it will be very serious."

"The gods are afraid of me! I'm still afraid of him, a little chicken?"

Ye Que dropped the third prince and asked like a bandit: "If I want to help you, I can only choose to be helped by me, and I will not accept any refutation! Do you understand?"


The third prince nodded with an ugly face.

"Then let's go!"

Ye Que turned around and left without even looking at Nine Moves God King.

Nine Moves God King clenched his fists, his pale face was a little sickly red, which was anger.

"I hate that I haven't recovered my strength, otherwise how could I make the third prince suffer! How could I make Ye Liangchen arrogant! He even said that the gods are afraid of him? I'm not afraid of being struck by lightning!"

He aggrieved and said in a low voice.

"It's okay, let's just follow him, we have to bear it now, until your strength recovers!"

The third prince took a deep breath and endured it.

The group continued to set off.

Ye Que has a route, he knows where there is danger and where it is safe, so the route forward is very fast.

After several hours.

He came to an inland sea, and many people gathered around him.

Ye Que looked at it with the eyes of good luck, and there were all kinds of terrifying formations in the sky, which contained the power of the laws of the gods.

"The ancient six worlds are so strong, and the air is forbidden here, and the law of the gods is used."

He looked into the sea.

There is no bottom to be seen, and there are terrifying man-eating monsters swimming in it, with a fierce light in their eyes, staring at the creatures on the shore.

"This is the only and dangerous road in the route! It can only be passed through the inland sea... But there are many man-eating monsters in the sea, some of which have reached the level of gods... We must find a way to solve it!"

Ye Que stroked his chin and thought.

Many creatures from the ruins gradually gathered at the seaside, trying to find a way to cross the sea.

"On the other side of the sea, there must be a great treasure!"

"Let's fly over!"

Two **** kings rushed to the sky recklessly.

But as soon as they passed, without waiting for the monsters in the sea to attack, the formation that contained the laws of the gods wiped out the two of them, leaving nothing left.

Ye Que's face changed slightly, his thinking was interrupted, he looked left and right, wondering if he should bypass the inland sea...

"No! Marked on the route, the two sides of the continent have been cut off, and where the cut off contains a terrifying law... That is a law that is roughly grasped by the gods, and the power is deeper!"

According to the explanation on the route, Ye Que reckoned that the attack power that was cut off from the continents on both sides might be caused by the Star Demon's spell-making protoss, which is at the level of a spell-making god.

It can only be passed through the inland sea.

He thought carefully, and finally repeatedly checked the road map information issued by the system, hoping to find some help from it.

Looking at it this way, I really see a way.

"Camouflage or walk through the bottom of the sea!"

There was light in his eyes.

In the rear, the third prince was also stunned by the formation in the air, and he asked the Nine Moves God King.

"It's banned, it's hard to get through, there are monsters in the sea, it's hard to get through! You can only go around from both sides!"

As he spoke, he looked at Ye Liangchen, the corner of his mouth curled up.

"Looking at the way he's thinking, he probably wants to swim directly... Such a stupid idea, I really admire how he has survived until now."

He sneered via voice transmission.

"Jiuyi Shenwang is reasonable! If he wants to swim with us later, let's find a way to escape!"

The third prince said coldly through voice transmission.

He didn't want to follow this guy to his death.

At this moment, Ye Que called them.

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