God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 950: Centennial (3)

"It's a big deal! It's a big deal!"

Upon hearing this, Huang Youyao's expression changed.

"This important matter is extremely serious! Let's go, I'll take you to bed and explain it carefully!"

In the palace and pavilion, Xiao Yaoyao was tricked into it.

She was not as strong as Di Xiwei, and she only lasted for six days.

After all, the realm is only the third step of the Yin-Yang Three-Step Realm, and it really can't handle the output of the ancient gods.

Seeing that the whole bed sheet was wet, Ye Que, who loves cleanliness like Xiao Yaoyao, was so tired that she ignored it and lay down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

He sighed.

This ancient divine body was inherently powerful.

Now it is replaced by the ancient **** body of fortune, which is more powerful.

Needless to say, he has awakened three major bloodlines.

Shaking his head, he looked at Di Xiwei.

"Sister Emperor, you're awake."

Ye Que entangled him in a shameless manner.

When Di Xiwei saw Ye Que approaching, her expression changed.

Half a month later.

Ye Que took Di Xiwei and Huang Youyao out of the inner world.

The energy and spirit of the two are not bad, mainly because they have taken the Qi and blood tonic.

"Ahem, Xiao Yaoyao, you are only at the third step of yin and yang, I have prepared the world origin fruit for you, take it, and within a hundred years as soon as possible, you will achieve the source of dao!"

"Xiwei, you have reached the first level of Daoyuan, take the third-grade star core and the world's original fruit, and speed up your cultivation!"

He fumbled dishonestly with his hands, and he said, "The stronger you are, the longer it will last."

"Bah! Bastard!"

Di Xiwei pushed Ye Que out of the door, and even Huang Youyao supported it.

"Hey! Just wait, I'll take care of you in a few days!"

With his hands behind his back, Ye Que began to wander around Ye Tiandian, whistling.

After so many years in the starry sky, it is rare to come back once. It is time to relax.

"Yo, Lord Ancient God."

"Hello, Brother Ancient God."

"Hello, Senior Ye."

"Hello, Lord Ye."

Anyone who meets him is honored.

"Master Ancient God."

Ning Yu was writing her third novel "The Legend of the Ancient Gods and Starry Sky", when she saw Ye Que coming, she got up and saluted.

"Write well, I will provide you with materials at any time in the future."

Ye Que laughed.

This Ning Yu has also grown into a great beauty, peaceful and quiet.

Ye Que left with a smile, and met an acquaintance when passing by a yard.

"Master Ancient God."

Lan Ke'er was sitting on the stone chair, when she saw Ye Que, she smiled faintly.

She is a loli body and a sister-in-law.

Although she behaves dignifiedly and wants to make herself as mature as possible, but she is a loli, she is cute no matter what she does.

"It's been a long time."

Ye Que entered the courtyard to catch up with the other party.

However, there is something wrong with this narration.

Quite a bit of that kind of atmosphere.

But Ye Que held back.

Lan Ke'er was still too small, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to fit it in.

Shaking his head, he left behind Starry Sky Treasure.

"Hee hee! Brother Ye Que!! I'm Que'er! I'm coming!"

Que'er has grown up and has a plump body, but looking at Ye Que's eyes, she misses Ye Que very much.

"Ouch, my Que'er has grown up too."

These few days, Ye Que has been wandering around Ye Tiandian.

Every time I meet a reincarnated person, I will talk for a long time, remembering the original past memories.

Finally, I went to meet the reincarnated Lei Yin, Guangming, Guixu and Xuanwu seniors.

It is rare for these four giants of the Turtle Clan to gather together.

When Ye Que passed by, he saw these four big men playing cards.

"If the ancient **** is fine, don't bother us old guys."

Well, Ye Que was rejected as soon as he passed by.

Before he came, his emotions had been brewing for a long time. When he heard this, he held back for a long time, and finally left with a dark face.

The four giants of the turtle race were kind to him, but before he left, he still left behind the treasure of the starry sky.

Before you know it, a year has passed.

Ye Que didn't do anything this year, he just hung out with Jin Duande and the local dog.

The earth dog, since the earth **** revived, his realm has advanced by leaps and bounds. A year ago, he was still Yin and Yang, but now he has Daoyuan.

Although Ye Que took away the soul of the God of the Earth, some of the power of the gods remained on the earth dog, which caused the earth dog to practice very quickly.

This made Jin Duande sour.

"Look at your prospects! Everyone is yin and yang, are you still detached? What about the starry sky seed I gave you? What about the original fruit I gave you? What about the star liquid I gave you?"

The more Ye Que looked at it, the more he felt that Jin Duande was a **** who didn't care about his own realm at all.

"Ahem... I lost a game of cards. All these treasures were lost to Cardinal Gu and Qi Wangshu..."

"What? You look hopeless! Why did you appear in Lao Tzu's avatar!"

Ye Queqi didn't go anywhere, but before he left, he still gave Jin Duande a piece of Starry Sky Treasure, and immediately started his own journey of training.

The remaining ninety-nine years are used to improve cultivation and prepare for entering the starry sky.

He first went to the underworld to see Luo Wushen in the soul-suppressing hell, with his eyes closed and his brows tightly frowned, presumably he was still devouring the soul of the gods in his body.

Shaking his head, he left quietly.

I paid condolences to the Hell Heaven Group headed by Mr. Yan, and Qi Xuemei was also among them. She suffered a lot and cried when she saw Ye Que.

Ye Que stepped forward to comfort him: "Don't cry, the days to come are long! You have to learn how to live! Look at Mr. Yan, he doesn't pay attention to us, this is called maturity!"

"I was wrong! I shouldn't have killed Huang Youyao! The ancient gods gave me a chance!"

The blood plum begged before going into the frying pan.

"Hey, you are naughty! It's okay, I don't hold grudges!"

Ye Que comforted him a bit, and as soon as he turned around, he asked the Yin soldiers to increase their fuel.

Yinbi is not an ordinary dog ​​at his level.

After returning to the human world, he went to the Sea of ​​Darkness in the North, found a good place, and took out the two prisons, where the God of Earth and God of Time were roaring.

Ye Que smiled without saying a word, took out the beating stick and stabbed him.

Poke these two goods first, and then we will slowly ask and dig out some good things.

"It's not urgent, take your time."

Every three days, he would torture the two great gods.

Occasionally, he would find time to return to Ye Tiandian.

"Ancient God, these are the secret arts and forbidden arts you need. Spirit Martial Realm is one category, Yuan Martial Realm is one category... Great Emperor Realm is one category... Daoyuan Realm is one category."

Bai Yechen's execution ability is still good.

In just two or three years, in various worlds, a large number of secret arts, supernatural powers and forbidden arts have been collected and returned.

"Good job! Keep collecting!"

Ye Que put all these secret techniques into the storage ring, and prepared to find a place to slowly find the great treasure in the secret technique.

"Ancient God, many secret techniques are too low-level, you charge so much..."

Bai Yechen asked in surprise.

"How do you think my infinite firepower comes from?"

Ye Que gave a sinister smile, turned and left, leaving only Bai Yechen who was in a mess in the wind.

after one day.

In the clouds of the North Sea of ​​Darkness, he mastered all the secret techniques one by one, and used the power of the stars to operate them.

He was gifted with transcendence, and his mastering speed was too fast, especially for low-level secret arts, he could master more than ten in a second.

Suddenly, he picked up an ordinary Martial Emperor-level secret technique and used the power of the stars to run it.

With a bang, a god-level terrifying breath overwhelmed the world.

"Damn it! I really found the god-level secret technique circulated in the six ancient worlds!"

Ye Que was excited and pleasantly surprised.

These secret techniques have existed since the ancient Six Realms period.

However, they all need the power of the stars to show their power.

But in the current Six Realms, the use of star power has long been cut off. Apart from him, no one knows the power of stars.

Therefore, the power of these secret arts was almost sealed up, and finally fell into the hands of all living beings, becoming ordinary secret arts.

It wasn't until Ye Que discovered this that he reproduced their power in the Six Realms.

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