God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 946: The three gods are awakened! (6)

In ancient times. (Look carefully, don’t go to the comment area to ask in the future)

In order to create the six realms of reincarnation, the true **** of good fortune created six realms.

As a test product, the Six Realms, under the experiment of the True God of Creation, successfully created the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Countless creatures in the starry sky were shocked, envied, and believed in it.

Unfortunately, before the Six Paths of Samsara covered the Ancient God Realm (the current God Realm), the True Creation God disappeared.

Wait until now.

The incomplete six realms still have the six realms of reincarnation, and the dead can be reborn in reincarnation.

It's a pity that the God Realm doesn't have this ability. Once a **** dies, it's dead.

However, the God Realm controls the Six Realms.

A powerful god, with a premonition that he will die, will open a passage to the six realms and reincarnate and be reborn.

This is one of the important reasons why the God Realm controls the Six Realms.

Once, the three great gods failed to comprehend the laws, suffered the backlash of the laws, and were about to die.

They performed secret techniques, entered the six realms, and prepared to be reincarnated.

In order to preserve the source of their gods and ensure that they can return to the realm of gods in the future, the three gods used special secret techniques to seal the source of their souls.

Sealing the source of the soul is sealing the source of the gods, but it also seals one's own memory.

Therefore, after reincarnation, they do not know their past lives.

Only the disguised soul is left behind to generate another new consciousness for reincarnation and growth.

If they are lucky, they will reincarnate once, and when they grow to a certain stage, they will be able to awaken themselves.

If you are unlucky, you will reincarnate hundreds or thousands of times, and you will only be able to wake up when you grow to a certain stage.

Because the secret arts between the three great gods are connected, when one **** awakens itself, the other two great gods will also wake up.

In the world of Shura, the old urchin has disillusionment in the eyes of a thousand worlds.

He climbed to the top of the sky in three steps, scanned the world, and the corner of his mouth slightly curled up: "I am the God of Time! My seat, I am back again!"

Time, space, time and space, the six cycles of reincarnation, chaos, creation, and destruction are the most mysterious laws in the universe.

Master one of them, you can be invincible in the same realm.

"Time is too difficult to grasp. I have studied for tens of millions of years, and I only know a little superficiality, but it is this little superficiality. If I make a mistake, it will kill me! Fortunately, there are six reincarnations, and I am back!"

He stepped out and flew towards a city ahead.

Not long.

Boundless killings rose up.

"All resources belong to me!"

boom! boom! boom!

The strength of the time god, from the beginning of the holy realm, directly increased to the realm of life and death.

When he came out, he left behind a dead city, but its state reached the peak of life and death.

"Not enough! It's still not enough! The six realms have been controlled by my God Realm! Within these six realms, as long as the peerless God King doesn't come out, I will be invincible! Hahahaha!"

The body of the time **** swayed slightly, and Shura's body had accelerated to a million miles away.

This is the mysterious power of time.

Based on this alone, the **** king can't do anything to him, unless it is a peerless **** king.

But in the Six Realms, there is not even a **** market, let alone a peerless **** king.

"Hahahaha! Ants from the six realms, tremble!!"

He went to one city after another, slaughtered one city after another, and his strength was improving crazily.

The North of the world.

The earth dog fell in front of a certain enemy's ancestral grave, twitching all over and foaming at the mouth.

The commoner clothes on his body bloomed with the power of gods and spirits, instantly stirring the whole world.

"I... I drafted the master... stop... stop!"

He felt that another consciousness inside him was taking him, and he was resisting.

The cloth clothes covering his body are also helping him to resist.

"You actually refined my map of the earth and common people! How did you do it? It's a god's thing!"

Another consciousness in the dog's mind was roaring.

He was angry and aggrieved.

Originally, with his strength, he could easily devour the opponent's consciousness.

But the map of the common people of the earth was controlled by the other party, who actually prevented him from devouring it.

"I'm going to **** you, I want to devour me! Dreaming!"

The earth dog foamed at the mouth and opened its mouth to shout: "Uncle Jin, help! Brother, help!! Come quickly, brother!! Your dog will be swallowed!!"

His body was twitching, and the terrifying divine power emanating from the map of the common people of the earth reminded the living beings of today, the fear of the battle between the six realms and the **** realm.


There was terror in Luo Wushen's eyes. He scanned the fairy world and said coldly: "Rebuild? There are no resources at all! I can only go to other worlds!"

He raised his eyes and smiled coldly: "As long as the peerless **** king doesn't come out, no one can do anything to me. The six worlds are already under the control of my **** realm, and there is not even a **** market, let alone the peerless **** king! I am invincible!"

There is a hidden prestige on him.

At this time, Ye Tiandian in the world.

All the powerful men were shocked by the power of the gods, and the good banquet was completely messed up.

"Big brother! Big brother! Where is my big brother? My grandson is dying!"

Holding a sound transmission jade, Jin Duande ran around in a panic, wanting to ask the ancient **** for help.

"Who is your grandson?"

"Xin Jianren! My grandson is dying! Find the ancient god! Find my elder brother!"

"Yes, yes, such a terrifying power, only the ancient gods can deal with it!"

A group of people panicked and searched for the ancient **** in various ways.

The ancient **** at this time did not know this.

He is in the body of the world, devouring the star core to break through.

Sitting on the homemade swing, Xiao Yaoyao tilted her head and looked at the ancient god, with some resentment in her eyes.

"It turns out that you said that you have something to do with me, but only to see your cultivation."

She was muffled.

"Just wait, I will find you to do big things later!"

Ye Que smiled and checked the panel data.

【Ancient Divine Physique】

[Boundary: Divine Ruins Realm Ninth Rank]

[Advanced: Swallow 450 million third-grade star cores, and can break through to the tenth level of the God Ruins Realm]

[Progress: 0/450000000 (pieces)]

"Swallow swallow!"

He devoured all the 450 million third-grade star cores he had just assembled.

The new data is as follows—

【Progress: 450000000/450000000 (pieces)】

"Ding! The host has devoured 450 million third-grade star cores, reaching the qualification to break through to the tenth level of the God Ruins Realm! Do you want to break through?"



The breath of the tenth level of the Shenxu radiates from his body.

His strength has reached the peak of the Shenxu realm.

"Finally, you can sprint to the realm of God's Nirvana!" (Another name for God's Nirvana Realm: God King Realm, just like the ancient gods' name: God or God Venerable)

Ye Que looked at the data panel.

【Ancient Divine Physique】

[Boundary: God Ruins Realm Tenth Level]

[Advanced: Swallow 50 million fourth-grade star cores, you can break through to the first level of God King Realm]

[Progress: 0/50000000 (pieces)]

When Ye Que saw the data, he wanted to explode on the spot.

What the hell!

Come up and give me 50 million star cores, and he is a fourth-rank.

Cough cough, the fourth grade has already been expected, but the starting point of 50 million is too exaggerated, isn't it?

"What are you going to do in the future!"

He got up cursing.

The starting point is 50 million. If it goes further back, it may be hundreds of billions at every turn.

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