God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 938: Exploded gods (5)

"I will bear the strongest damage! You keep up! Fuck him to death!"

The blood power accumulated in Ye Que's body was instantly activated.

Ancient God's latent wrath, ancient god's Nirvana, the power of giant gods, eight-door armor, six-armor secret blessing and other forbidden techniques are all unlocked.

In an instant, the dark flame rose, which was the fusion of the latent anger of the ancient gods and the power of Nirvana. The three eyes and the seeking jade star contained the giant gods and the other two powers.

The night undead form with the three bloodlines opened appeared.


Bloody steam erupted on his body, and all pupil techniques in his eyes were activated.

Forbidden spells such as Liujia Secret Blessing, Xu Zuo's Body, Evil Ghost Entanglement, etc., are all released.

With a move of Misty Journey, he forcibly broke through the bondage, and went straight to the several divine knives.


He was beheaded in an instant, and his body was shattered.

The **** sneered: "Ants are ants."

But what happened next shocked him.

The opponent's physical body was reshaped and restored to its original state.

"Everyone, come out!"

With the strongest damage, Ye Que activated the ability of the third jade reincarnation eye, black flame.

This flame can burn everything.

Even if it is the power of the gods, as long as time is given, it can be burned cleanly.

Chi Chi Chi!

The power of the gods that binds many **** kings is burned, but it will take time.

However, at this time, the kings of the gods also unleashed all the power they had accumulated for a long time, and they were also breaking free from the restraining power.

"come up with?"

With a thought of the god, he controlled the god's sword to cut away.

"Come out all!"

Ye Que became bigger and resisted all attacks.

Anyway, he can live forever.


A group of **** kings shouted angrily, releasing all their power, and at the same time cooperated with the black flame to resist.

Finally, he broke free in just three or four seconds.

It took all his strength and his life, and with the cooperation of the flames, he managed to break free from the shackles.

Among them, Brother Ye helped a lot by forcibly resisting all the divine swords.


The gods were furious.

This is the power of the gods, and it is absolutely impossible for the king of gods to break free.

Although he spent a lot of power to build the giant flame gate, and the power of the gods used to restrain the **** king is not strong, but it is still not something the **** king can break free.

But what kind of ability does this ants have to help these guys break free?

"You are very special, there must be a big secret in you, wait for me to search your soul before you die!"

The gods instantly turned their attention to Ye Que.

This guy was constantly being destroyed and reborn. He suppressed the shock in his heart and reached out to grab it.


There is a power of the law of fire in his palm, which cuts off the starry sky here and suppresses the **** king.

"Your grandma has a leg! Let's see how I beat you to death! You twist god, go eat shit!"

Ye Que's ability to spray people is also invincible.

Although he has become the form of the night undead and has a majestic image, but he never cares about these.

Any move that can affect the enemy is of no use.

Spraying people can affect their mentality.

He has used it to the extreme.

He resisted this palm, his physical body was constantly being destroyed and reborn, all kinds of secret techniques were also thrown on it, and he cursed: "You idiot god, I have even scolded the **** of law-making and the **** of creation, you are a fool! Hiss! ...This law hurts me to death! Hurry up!"

Immortality is true, but pain is also true.

"Brother Ye, attract more firepower! It will be ready soon!"

The Sea Lord of the Deep Void Sea, burning blood all over his body, has already thrown away everything.

Although they are free now, facing the gods, they cannot escape. The only way to survive right now is to fight together to survive this catastrophe.

"The Sea of ​​Deep Void!"

He sighed softly, and the strength of his whole body rushed forward rumblingly.

However, an endless sea emerged from the huge flame gate, and in an instant, the gate was submerged by this endless deep void.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The flame of law is contained on the giant gate, which is not an ordinary power. As soon as the endless starry sky and sea pass by, it will be quickly evaporated.

But Ye Que's words are right.

The quality is not enough, the quantity is enough.

The ability of the Sea Master of the Deep Void Sea is to restrain the flames. Although the quality is not enough, but the quantity is too high after all the efforts, it really makes the flame giant unstable.

Boom boom!

The giant door is shaking and is about to close, and the suction of the law is also decreasing.

He tried his best, but he just let the giant door shake.

But enough.

"I'm coming too!"

The rest of the **** kings were not good at it either, they tried their best to cast spells and forcibly affected the giant gate.

When the **** saw it, his pupils shrank, and he shouted: "You wait for the ants!"

He had to turn around to stabilize the giant gate.

In order to open the giant gate of law and absorb the power of space at the crack of space, he spent almost all of his assets.

If it is destroyed by these ants, its lungs will explode.

"Give me all to die!"

He shouted angrily, and with a thought, countless magic knives turned and went straight to the deep void sea sea master and others.

If it weren't for most of the power on the flame giant gate, he would have been able to attack with all his strength and easily kill the king of gods. Why should he be so aggrieved?

However, who is to blame.

It's not to blame him for being arrogant, thinking that the gods are very strong, and in front of these top **** kings and peerless **** kings, he built a huge flame gate.

"Brother Ye!"

A group of **** kings had been prepared for a long time, and immediately flew towards Ye Que when they saw the **** sword coming.

"I'm coming!"

Ye Que has the strongest output, also has the strongest meat shield, and dares to suffer the strongest beating.

He went to stabilize the giant gate because of the gods, took the opportunity to escape, and went straight to the **** swords behind the **** kings, rushing forward with an invincible iron head posture.

Although it was destroyed in an instant, it was reshaped in an instant.

"What a pervert!"

"Damn it! Brother Ye didn't even use half of his strength at the party!"

"It's too strong. If I get out alive, I will betroth all my 1,054 daughters to you!"

The city lord of Longyu City laughed when he saw the hope of living.

"Are you a production machine? Hurry up!"

Ye Que resisted the damage from the Divine Spirit Saber, unleashed infinite firepower, filled the sky with secret techniques, shot out in an instant, and all tilted towards the gods.

Even Daoist Jade, Black Flame, and other powers did not spare any room for attacking.

At that moment, all the top **** kings and peerless **** kings were stunned.

"This one person replaced all of our attacks???"

"It's too perverted!"

"If you want quality, you need quality, and if you want quantity, you need quantity! I'm a bitch!"

A group of **** kings were horrified.

They were incapable of playing hundreds of secret techniques in an instant.

But this product can.

This has refreshed their worldview.

"Damn! Hurry up! A bunch of pig teammates! I want to beat you to death!"

Ye Que had the desire to eat people.


A group of **** kings hastened to cast their lives on the secret technique, all pouring out on that god.

"Push him into the gate!"

This is their plan.

One attracts firepower, and the other shakes the giant gate, forcing the gods to maintain the giant gate's operation.

In the end, they shot together and pushed the gods into the giant gate.

The gods in front of them are bound by the giant gate and unable to display their full abilities. This is their good opportunity.

However, the gods are always gods, and their terrifying degree cannot be guessed by the king of gods.

"Even if this seat hurts the root, I will destroy you! A few ants dare to spoil my good deeds, and I will make your life worse than death!"

The **** was subjected to countless mystical attacks, although they were not fatal, they also had a thrust, which almost pushed him into the giant gate, and made him suffer even more.

So, he was enraged.

"Come on! If you have the kind, come!"

Ye Que grinned grimly.

Prepare to activate the shield of good fortune and carry out an absolute defense.

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