God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 933: going home (7)

Ye Que sneered: "Where else do you want to go?"

The nine jade stars of seeking Tao on his body rushed up, trying to pierce through the tenth-rank **** king of the blood demon clan.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Nine stars are like cannonballs, shattering the starry sky, approaching the blood demon king in a crushing manner.

"God save me! God!"

He was wailing, cast a secret method, burned essence, blood, energy, etc., and burned everything that could be burned, just to escape the pursuit.

However, even the peerless **** king was instantly killed, so what's the use of an ordinary tenth-rank **** king?


The stars came to kill!

"Is the **** here, help me!"

he cried out in despair.

It's a pity that the gods are not there, and shouting is useless.

Even if the gods heard it, it was impossible to act immediately.

The ancient gods are not law-making gods, and they can't do it across countless star fields.

Moreover, no **** dared to make a big move.

Don't ignore Star Demon.

If the gods dared to swagger and shock the creatures in the starry sky, it would be great.

But if there is a leak, the star demon pushes horizontally, and the life of the entire southern starry sky will be over.

"help me!"

He used secret techniques to resist, but it was useless. In front of a top-notch peerless king like Ye Que, any means he had were vulnerable.

puff! !

The first jade star seeking Tao pierces the heart.

puff! !

The second one pierced the chest.

"help me…"

puff! !

"You...you will regret it...I have... already performed the secret technique and notified the gods..."

puff! puff! puff!

"The gods will come soon, you... you are dead..."

The **** king of the blood demon clan died on the spot.

Ye Que was expressionless, flew up, took away all the treasures of the **** king, and immediately burned the body with a fire.

Turn around and return to the Blood Mansion.

At this time, the Blood Palace was quiet.

Those **** kings were quiet, not daring to show their breath, for fear of being slaughtered by this ruthless man.

"All treasures, all hand in!"

Ye Que said lightly.

Just a bland sentence, like a sickle hooking people's lives, made the **** kings present terrified.

"This is all my treasures!"

"this is mine!"

The remaining seven great **** kings handed in one after another.

Ye Que took a look at these **** kings with his lucky eyes, but there was nothing hidden.

It seems that his killing still left a deep impression on these guys.

After taking away all the treasures, he glanced at all the **** kings present, and said calmly: "If you still want to take revenge in the future, just come! I'll take them all!"

Hearing this, which **** king would dare to answer it.

They all shook their heads.

"Don't dare!"

"We don't have much to lose, and we still have a chance to negotiate peace."

"Yes, yes! Our gods have a friendly attitude towards the ancient gods."

I don't know whether the words of these **** kings are true or not, but Ye Que always chooses not to believe them.

Ye Que packed up the spoils on his own, and then cast a spell to remove the blood from his body.

After finishing all this, he sat on a clean chair and said calmly, "Come here, I want to ask you about the ruins of the ancient six worlds."

The relics of the ancient six worlds are estimated to be the incomplete places left in the starry sky after the six worlds were nearly 90% destroyed by the star demons in the ancient times.

For example, after the fairyland was destroyed, a small part of it fell into the world and became the way of death.

These **** kings did not dare to hide anything, and they all told the truth.

During the process, the gray-haired old man of the whale clan was extraordinarily attentive to him.

Ye Que frowned slightly.

What is this old thing for?

"You are the top existence among the peerless **** kings. Although you have not reached the level of a god, you are basically invincible under the gods! Our whale clan also lacks such strong people."

The gray-haired old man's words aroused Ye Que's vigilance.

He has just been taught a lesson, and his things have been scraped, and he can still smile at people.

Either this person wants revenge, or this person is mentally ill.

But Ye Que listened as if nothing had happened.

"Before, I underestimated the ancient god, but now that I see it, the power of the ancient **** is peerless! In fact, before this, the gods of our clan also said that if the ancient **** is willing, the whale clan is willing to make friends with the ancient god."

The gray-haired old man smiled flatteringly, changing his previous arrogance.

The corner of Ye Que's mouth curled up, and there was amusement in his eyes.

"Cough cough... that, Cai Ming, Cai Yun, don't just stand there, go get some tea!"

Seeing Ye Que's expression, the gray-haired old man knew what Ye Que was thinking, and he was a little embarrassed, so he asked someone to bring tea to ease the atmosphere.


The gray-haired old man continued to speak, but was interrupted by Ye Que.

"Stop talking in your sleep! I've already seen your attitudes before! If you keep talking to me, none of you will live!"

Ye Que slapped the table with his palm, causing a group of **** kings to jump up.

"Speak out about the rest of the remains of the six ancient worlds!"

Ye Que warned once again, no one dared to say anything, and they all finished speaking honestly.

After Ye Que finished listening, he turned around and left quickly.

Release the blue star and go straight to the major areas of Xingkongfang City.

His purpose is clear.

Acquire a large number of treasures in the starry sky.

Buy all the precious things such as starry sky dao species, the origin of the world, etc.

Any treasure that can break through the realm and accelerate the advancement of the realm, no matter how strong or weak, should be purchased.

Anyway, the Six Realms didn’t have any, but the Starry Sky had them, and he bought them all.

Purchase in bulk, buy as much as you can, without frowning.

The reason he did this was because he was going back.

After doing such a big thing, he is not stupid, so could it be that he is still waiting for the gods to mess with him?

Go back and hide for a hundred years before coming out.

As for the ruins of the ancient six realms...

If there is still some soup left after it comes out, then fish it out.

Even if it doesn't matter, it's better than losing your life.

Moreover, he really should go back.

the other side.

Seeing Ye Que leave, the obsequious smiles of many **** kings gradually disappeared, and their expressions were a little ugly.

Especially the gray-haired old man, who was directly warned once by the other party, his face was dull, aggrieved and helpless.

"Twenty-two elders, tea."

Cai Ming and Cai Yun brought the tea carefully.

But they were unlucky and hit the muzzle of the gun.

The gray-haired old man kicked the two of them away, and said coldly: "Chachacha! I know tea! I don't even look at what's going on now! You two are really stupid! No wonder you were kicked out by my family!"

When he said this, he thought of the two sons.

"Where's Cai Xingran? Didn't come?"

he asked.

"My son is...on the road..."

The middle-aged man screamed, endured the pain, and helped his wife up.

"Stop coming, get out!"

The gray-haired old man was depressed, and he thought of the god's order in his mind.

Before he came, the gods in the clan had indeed said that it doesn't matter if the ancient **** is low in strength, as long as his ability is superior and his potential is excellent, then he would choose to befriend the ancient god.

After all, it was the former overlord of the starry sky, and the existence of the first starry sky race cannot be ignored.

But after he came, he saw that the ancient **** was ordinary and different from what he had imagined, which made him very disappointed, so he gave up the idea of ​​​​wooing the ancient god.

And this was also the reason why he treated the ancient **** badly.

But who would have thought that the ancient gods would explode with such terrifying fighting power.

This is bad.

Because the gods have said that if the ancient gods have extraordinary abilities and great potential, they must be wooed.

This sentence alone shows the attitude of the gods.

"If I can't win over... Wait for the terrifying ability that Ye Liangchen showed here today to spread... The gods will definitely not let me live!"

He was really anxious, otherwise, how could he have been scolded, his treasures were plundered, and he would have to win over the other party with a flattering smile.

"Twenty-two elders, about our going back to our home..."

Cai Ming knew that the elder was in a bad mood, but for the sake of the future of the family of three, he could only bite the bullet and speak up.

Although the elder invited them to the party, it seemed to be very good, but in fact, coming here means becoming servants, helping them, and beating them up.

These, they endured, just to be able to go home.

"Don't you have any vision? Still thinking about this matter? Get out! If you don't get out, I'll break your legs!"

The gray-haired old man was restless in his heart, and when he heard these fart things, he immediately yelled.

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