God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 930: How can you insult the ancient gods? (4)

"As you wish, I'm back! How do you want to die next?"

King Ye Shen took a step forward, and with a bang, the entire city of Xingkongfang shook.

The thirteenth prince was deterred and subconsciously took three steps back.

He lowered his head and looked at the three people on the ground.

One ninth level, two eighth level.

They are all blood men, without any fluctuations in their vitality, and there is only one breath of life left.

"Prince... prince... save... save me..."

"Prince...save me..."

The three of them twitched and asked for help from the thirteenth prince.

Three high-ranking **** kings are asking them for help.

The thirteenth prince's face changed slightly, and there was fear in his eyes, but then it turned into anger.

He raised his head, stared at Ye Que and said, "Ye Liangchen, you are so courageous! Tell me, who is your helper?"

As soon as these words came out, the peers around were stunned.

"Prince, didn't this guy kill these three **** kings?"

Someone asked for proof.

The corner of the thirteenth prince's mouth curled up, and he looked at Ye Liangchen playfully and said, "Don't look at him, who is so imposing and shocking on stage, he is actually just a pretending fifth-level **** king! There must be a high-level **** king to help him!"

The peers around him are skeptical.

"That's right! He is really not enough to look at in front of us!"

The big man from the giant spirit clan came out, his hair and brows were translucent, and his eyes were cold.

Seeing everyone staring at him, he pointed to the dark giant **** and said, "It's just five levels, and you can surpass two levels of power, so you are so arrogant?"

"Little guy, if I let you go that night, don't push yourself!"

A man in a golden robe came out, frowning slightly, with a cold voice.

"Don't take your racial identity too seriously! In front of us, you are not enough!"

The gray-haired old man of the Whale Clan stepped out and stared at Ye Que.

Even a little ancient **** dared to act presumptuously in front of them, seeking death.

"Dare to show off here, who gave you the courage?"

The middle-aged man of the Blood Demon asked coldly.

"Don't be too angry, everyone. Seeing him like this, he should be here to trouble the younger generation."

The middle-aged man of the Sanye Empire, who was in a high position, looked at the current situation and said calmly.

"Do you really want to make trouble with the younger generation?"

The big man of the giant spirit clan raised his eyebrows slightly.

"It's really interesting, this little Gu...little guy! Then let the juniors handle it! We are elders, just watch."

The middle-aged man of the Sanye Empire waved his hand, signaling several **** kings to come forward to be dispatched by the thirteen princes.

He really looked down on a little ancient god.

Also known as the first race in the starry sky?

Are you qualified?

If he was so strong, why would he be destroyed by the Star Demon?

If it's really so strong, why can it only surpass two levels of power?

He's really so strong, why didn't he dare to let go of one of them in the face of their teasing?

"Stunning! Everyone, change the place and continue the party!"

The middle-aged man shook his head and chuckled.

Ye Que looked around, all the people from that night were there.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Just right, it's ready in one pot.

The thirteenth prince saw the corner of the other party's mouth slightly turned up, and immediately his face became gloomy: "Do you think you can really be strong enough to suppress all of us?"

With a wave of his hand, three eighth-rank **** kings made a move.

"Do you know how trash you are in front of my elders? You have become the object of fighting with us juniors!"

The Thirteenth Prince sneered.


Three eighth-rank **** kings killed the past.

"This time, let me see if your helper dares to come out!"

As soon as the Thirteenth Prince finished speaking, a roar sounded.

Everyone looked at it and stopped abruptly.

However, the giant dark **** slowly walked past the three eighth-rank **** kings, stretched out his hand, and broke the necks of the three **** kings, shattering their bodies and souls at the same time.

boom! boom! boom!

Three eighth-rank **** kings fell to the ground and died.

Very neat and tidy.

It seemed that these were not **** kings, but three ordinary people whose necks were broken while walking.

There is no top supernatural power, the power to shake the starry sky, nothing.

When he was slaughtered, he had absolutely no power to resist.

In an instant, the entire gathering place fell into deathly silence.

Those present, even the peerless **** kings, couldn't easily kill the three eighth-rank **** kings.

Anyway, that is also a **** king, and it is an eighth-level existence.

To kill it, there must be a big movement.

But to the man in front of him, it was the same as killing a chicken, no, it was more efficient than killing a chicken.

After all, chickens know how to struggle.

Ye Que walked towards the thirteenth prince, and said coldly, "I want to let you go! But you ant, why are you so crazy? Always looking for death?"

The people around were stunned and retreated one after another.

The thirteenth prince said in shock: "Don't come here! We have many **** kings here!"

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, more than a dozen corpses of **** kings fell from the sky.

They fell to the ground dripping with blood, their faces were in pain, and they seemed to have been frightened before they died.

This scene is too scary.

The king of gods kept falling, as if he didn't want money, and every one of them died in a miserable state.

Not only the juniors were frightened, but even many **** kings were shocked.

How strong is this to kill so many **** kings?

They took a breath, and the way they looked at Ye Que gradually changed.

Especially the blood leader in the rear corner, seeing that all the **** kings on the ground were dead, was so shocked that his body became cold, and panic enveloped his whole body.

"The **** king of Wanyu starry sky... to intercept Ye Liangchen's **** king, all of them are dead..."

His legs were a little weak.

this is too scary.

How did Ye Liangchen do it?

"I feel... something serious..."

Yes, at this moment, the bloodline leader had a premonition that there was a fatal mistake in his plan.

Ye Que continued to walk towards the thirteenth prince, and said coldly, "Are there as many **** kings here as there are?"

The thirteenth prince gasped, the laziness and teasing in his eyes were gone, only panic remained.

When the opponent came over, he couldn't help but back away.

"How about this, let's play small fights between us juniors, you don't send the king of gods, I don't send the helpers behind me, let's have fun! If you want to play, I will accompany you!"

Ye Que had already walked in front of the thirteenth prince. His terrifying power made the thirteenth prince's legs weak, and he was speechless.


He smiled lightly.

Who would believe this?

Killing an eighth-level **** king is like chopping melons and vegetables, and there are corpses all over the place. It can be proved that Ye Liangchen is so powerful that he doesn't need any helpers at all.

As for the small fight among the juniors.

It was really a slap in the face, so that the faces of those **** kings with sour words turned red.

"Help... help..."

The Thirteenth Prince turned and ran away.

Ye Que slapped him across the face.

This slap contained divine power and activated the secret technique on the thirteenth prince.

The prince instantly turned into a golden light and went straight to the middle-aged man from the Sanye Empire.

"Did I let you go?"

At this time, Ye Que was very powerful, he punched the ground, and smashed it.

The speed was too fast, and the golden light hit in an instant, and it also affected the middle-aged man of the Sanye Empire.

boom! !

The middle-aged man, who was a tenth-rank **** king, had his body shattered just by being brushed aside.

"help me!!"

The middle-aged man screamed.

Ye Que stomped him on the ground, pinching the thirteenth prince who smelled of **** in his trousers with one hand, and glanced at the terrified gods and kings all around him: "Garbage that can't even enter the top twenty races, When will you dare to speak ill of my race?"

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