God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 915: Dark Nether Dragon (3)

Gathering here and there, there are all kinds of things, and more than six million third-grade star cores have been saved.

The group of guards from the Shenxu Market accounted for the bulk, while the compensation from the Blood Yi God King accounted for a small portion.

"More than 6 million, less than half of the distance from 13 million! We have to work hard!"

He put away the star core and materials, and left Xiaotiandi.

It happened to be that Xiao Xingxing was squatting on the ground, holding a book in one hand and fiddled with the materials on the ground with the other, classifying them into categories, very serious.

"Senior, it's time to divide!"

"What are you doing?"

"I'm grading these materials and inferring their value."

Ye Que was shocked, looking at the seriousness of the other party, he felt that he had found a treasure.

In the future, when selling materials, Blue Star must be the main force.

"It's great that you have this heart! I'll help you!"

Ye Que took the book, looked at it one by one, his talent was transcendentally activated, and he memorized all the contents in it.

Afterwards, they passed these contents to Blue Star in the form of divine thoughts.

"Digest slowly!"

Ye Que's operation surprised Lan Xing.

But he is used to it.

"Senior, you know this too..."

"But I still need an assistant!"

It's tiring to do it yourself, and having someone to help you is not only efficient, but also saves trouble.


The two classify materials and judge their value, because the knowledge of classifying and judging value is in their minds, and they master it quickly.

In less than a day, the materials will be divided.

"You bring the materials and follow me! Go sell in crowded places!"

Ye Que started selling materials for his breakthrough plan.

Flying out of the Death Star, the two wobbled across the starry sky.

Walking all the way, that is watching all the way.

"Spatial Rift... Leader of the God King, you only said half a sentence, didn't you just want to survive! Don't let me find the specific location for the space crack, or I will kill you!"

The head of the God King knew where the crack was, but he didn't say it, which was why Ye Que didn't kill him.

They flew for nearly a month.

Travel across many star fields and see life on many planets.

Some are very primitive, and some have low civilizations. What surprised Ye Que was that he also saw a long-lost technological civilization.

Similar to Earth civilization.

He even deliberately pretended to contact her for a few days, but finally shook his head and left.

This kind of civilization is too fragile.

With his current ability, he can crush it with just one finger.

"These are the lives of Wan Yu Xingkong, but most of them are too weak, so we need to find a strong one to get together and sell the materials."

It's been more than a month, and I haven't even seen the Shenxu.

The crack in space that Ye Que was looking for was not found.

"If we can't find it anymore, let's go back to Xingkongfang City."

Ye Que has the disguise of the eye of good luck, and he can return to the starry sky square city by changing his identity, but he has been going around in the starry sky in order to find the space crack.

After a few days.

The two of them had just rested on a planet when there was a loud noise in the depths of the starry sky.

Rumble! !

That was the sound of the starry sky shattering.

Ye Que's eyes were vigilant, hanging high in the sky, his eyes were opened to see.

In the distance, a corner of the starry sky collapsed, revealing the dark void inside.

At this time, a dark void creature in the shape of a giant dragon flew out of the dark void. It was so huge that it could circle the earth at least three times.

On the body of the dark void dragon, there are waves of dark aura spreading, and anyone who is touched is corroded by the dark aura.

Ye Que's face changed slightly, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes: "Little Xingxing, if I remember correctly, dark void creatures are quite valuable in the starry sky, right?"

Although, dark void creatures cannot appear in the starry sky.

But as long as someone wants it, there is a market.

"Well, the Dragon King Hall, which ranks third in Wanyu Starry Sky, has been keeping void creatures in check."

Lan Xing has been reading books during this time, increasing his knowledge and understanding a lot.

"You wait here! Come back after I kill the dragon."

Ye Que took out the golden stick, stepped out with one step, and opened the form of the giant god.

With a flash of three eyes, nine jade-purple stars seeking Tao appeared around the body.

swipe swipe—

Nine stars melted into the golden stick and turned into a purple-gold long stick, containing the might of a **** king.

Stepping out, with a bang, he went straight to the dark void dragon.

His sixth-level Shenxu realm already has the strength of the ninth-level Shenxu, and after opening the Giant God Spirit, he is increasing to the fourth level, reaching the third-level God King.

"This dragon has a dark aura, exactly the same as the aura that hurt the patriarch of the Golden Beetle Clan that day! It must be you!"

Ye Que didn't dare to be careless.

The patriarch of the Golden Beetle Clan, the third-rank God King, was also seriously injured.

He is now the third-level strength of the **** king, and he dare not be careless in the face of the giant dragon. If something goes wrong, he still has to open the latent wrath of the ancient god.

The giant dragon was devouring the stars, and the dark aura lingered in the starry sky, corroding everything.

It is invisible to the starry sky.

If there are creatures in the starry sky here, you can only hear the rumbling sound and see the shattering of the stars, but you can't see the giant dragon.

"Where do you want to go?"

Ye Que smiled coldly, and killed him with a stick.

call out!

A blue lightning struck from the side and stopped in front of him instantly.

"My master wants to slay the dragon, don't get in the way!"

A cold voice came.

Ye Que frowned, and looked over with unfriendly eyes.

It is a young man with blue hair, his body is covered by lightning, and he has the aura of the seventh level of Shenxu.

A blue-haired old man flew over with his hands behind his back. He didn't look at Ye Que, but only at the giant dragon. His eyes were blessed with special secret techniques, and he could see the existence of the giant dragon.

"You are only the third rank of the God King, and you can't get on the stage. Don't die! Don't bother me to make a move!"

Suddenly, he spoke to Ye Que, but his eyes were still on the dragon.

Seeing the cold eyes of the other party, the blue-haired young man seemed a little dissatisfied, and immediately sneered: "My master comes from the starry sky whale clan, one of the nine overlords in the extreme south! He is the fifth-level existence of the king of gods! In terms of status, you can't be messed with, and in terms of strength, you Not enough! Don't get yourself into trouble."

Ye Que was taken aback.

Star Whale Clan…

One of the nine overlords in the extreme south?

"Isn't it one of the three overlords near Xingkongfang City?"

But after he thought about it, then Xing Kun could casually give him a star card, which was enough to make him extraordinary.

Shaking his head, forget it, for Cai Xingkun's sake, just wait.

Withdrew his hand and said lightly: "In other words, if you can't beat me, I can win?"

These words finally attracted the blue-haired old man.

He turned his head, frowned at Ye Que, and said indifferently: "It's just a dragon of the dark void of the fourth-level **** king, and the old man can kill it naturally! You, a little third-level **** king, what is the purpose of provoking me like this?"

Hearing this, Ye Que turned his head and looked at the giant dragon. He didn't think about it, but he saw some clues, but there was no change on the surface, and he said calmly, "Well, I won't provoke you anymore! Let's do it, hurry up."

Ye Que took a closer look this time and saw that something was wrong with the dragon.

In addition to the dark aura that this dragon can emit, it seems that there is a special power in its body, which is definitely not something that the fifth level of the **** king can solve.

But, since the other party is so crazy, what else does he care about.

Go ahead.

"Little third-rank **** king, I think you are the **** king of Wanyu starry sky. It is not easy to practice, so I will forgive you this time! Let's go!"

The blue-haired old man shook his head, with contempt and generosity towards the weak in his eyes, he turned around and went straight to the dark void dragon.

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