God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 897: The strong people of the whole family are dispatched (6)

Jin Yuxue subconsciously wanted to slap her twice.

In the past, she often slapped those inferior people.

But as soon as the thought came up, he endured it again.

"You will regret it."

She stared at Lan Xing in a low voice and said viciously.

"Take it or not?"

Lan Xing's aura became fierce, and his tone was tough, reminiscent of Ye Que's aura.


Jin Yuxue took it out with fierce eyes, waiting for the strong family members to come and take revenge.

"Idiots! If you don't act rashly and honestly hand over 150,000 third-rank star cores, so many people will die?"

There was sarcasm in Lan Xing's eyes, as a woman, she couldn't stand it anymore.

"You all wait to die!"

Jin Yuxue said coldly.

She thought it was all caused by Ye Liangchen's presumptuousness.

If the other party had been obedient to her at that time and left with ten thousand second-grade star cores, how could so many things have happened?

Besides, even in the end, she compromised, but Ye Liangchen was vicious and just wouldn't stop, so all the faults were caused by Ye Liangchen.

Lan Xing remained indifferent, turned around, and looked at Senior Ye Liangchen above, with worry in her beautiful eyes.

Can it really kill the opponent's **** king?

Sighing lightly, firmness emerged in his heart: "Senior saved Blue Star, gave me great fortune, and brought me to see a lot of worlds! I must never be ungrateful! This battle of gods and kings, regardless of success or failure, I will follow to the end ! Besides, I have to go back to the Blue Star with Senior! Nothing will happen!"

Clenching her fists tightly, no matter whether she lives or dies, she will stand firmly beside her senior.

Fly to Ye Que, sort out the treasures he got, and hand them all to Ye Que.

"You keep some."

After Ye Que scored, he continued to choose to wait.

Time passed bit by bit.

Everyone was very patient. After all, it was a battle of gods and kings, and everyone wanted to see more.

the other side.

In a strange small star field, the leader of the third-level God King of Nirvana, wearing a skull cap, with anger in his eyes.

He was suspended in the starry sky, looked at the distant starry sky, and said coldly: "Ye Liangchen...hid his strength, reached the fifth level of the God Ruins Realm, and killed Xuechen?"

"I was the one who underestimated him!"

"A serious problem! It must be resolved!"

"This is the news from Xinghan before he died, right? It's a pity that our Black Sea Group has lost the two great gods! It's hateful!"

"Even if the blue star is destroyed, it cannot make up for the death of Shenxu!"

"If I had known this, I should have followed them. A mere fifth-level God Ruins Realm is no match for my seventh-level God Ruins!"

Surrounded by the leader of the **** king, the five great gods in the ruins realm, all of them gritted their teeth.

Behind them, the blue star turned into a charcoal-like hell, and split into seven or eight petals, in a state of falling apart.

As for the creatures on the stars?

It has long been wiped out.

It seems that they still found the hidden blue star.

Now, this terrifying scene has become the background of One God King and Five Gods Market. The few people are like demon kings flying out of hell, full of hostility and soul-stirring.

"Let's go! Turn on the teleportation array, go to Xingkongfang City, and intercept Ye Liangchen!"

The leader of the king of gods, the corners of his mouth curled up, and his vicissitudes of face showed a playful mood: "Now, I have become interested in him!"

When Wushenxu saw this, there was playfulness in his eyes.

The head of the group generally has an interest in certain creatures, which is terrible.

Because, the only interest of the group leader is torture.

"This Ye Liangchen is going to be unlucky! And that **** Lan Xing is too!"

Ninth Rank Shenxu smiled coldly.

Wanyu-level starry sky square city.

Many starry sky creatures are waiting, holding their breath.

The starry sky is full of tranquility.

From time to time, creatures in the starry sky looked up at the ruthless man who destroyed the God King, their eyes full of admiration.

Some people also looked at Jin Yuxue with amusement in their eyes.

After waiting for such a long time, many star creatures have found the truth of the matter.

"This kind of brain damage will destroy the golden beetle race sooner or later!"

"Senior Liangchen pretended to be the God Market, and he was not aggressive. He did heal the God King. These guys, who turned their backs on their promises, wanted to turn their backs and deny anyone, they deserved to be wiped out!"

"If my daughter-in-law is like this, leave! You must leave!"

"Looking at her like that, she seems to think she is justified! Do it! Do it hard!"

Many creatures in the starry sky discussed in low voices. After learning the truth, they were shocked by Jin Yuxue's operation, and also got angry.

boom! !

Suddenly, a dull sound came from the distant starry sky.

In an instant, all the creatures in the starry sky raised their heads and looked at the source of the sound.

There are also God Kings staring.

Before they could guess, a terrifying divine king's aura swept over from afar, shaking the remaining stars nearby.


One Daoyuan was shocked and retreated to Xingkongfang City, his face changed slightly.

"The God King of the fifth level of the Nirvana Realm!"

"The rest of the **** kings should be the Supreme Elders of the Golden Beetle Clan!"

Many starry sky creatures, including yin and yang, Daoyuan, and Shenxu, were discussing, and their faces changed slightly, and they were not optimistic about Ye Liangchen.

They have two great **** kings, and there must be many gods following them. In this comparison, senior Ye Liangchen is weak and weak, and it is difficult to win.

boom! !

The terrifying aura of the seventh level of Nirvana distorted the starry sky, making the starry sky present a weird aurora phenomenon.

All creatures choked for a moment.

When a real strong person appears, the trembling feeling, those who experience it first-hand, are all shocked.

"The God King of the seventh level of the Nirvana Realm is here too!"

"It's scary, I feel like they're suppressing their anger!"

"No, no, go back to Xingkongfang City, you will be trampled to death in a while, and you can find someone to reason with!"

Many starry sky creatures were frightened and returned to Xingkongfang City one after another.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

A large number of auras from the God Ruins Realm also swept from the distant starry sky, and they gathered together like a storm in the starry sky, blowing the starry sky to shake.

Countless creatures in the starry sky changed their expressions drastically.

This is where all the strong members of the Golden Beetle Clan have come, and they seem to be very angry.

"If Senior Ye is sensible, he should leave quickly this time!"

"That's right, it's not shameful, it's the best policy to go first!"

Many creatures talked about it, as if they were Ye Liangchen, making all kinds of suggestions.

"It's time to go!"

A **** king shook his head.

However, Ye Que seemed to be immovable, facing the two great **** kings and many **** ruins in the starry sky.

"Girl... uh... Lanxing, go to Xingkongfang City!"

Ye Que said in a deep voice.

"I... yes! Senior, be careful!"

Lan Xing has self-knowledge, following the senior, it is a drag on the oil bottle instead.

After hearing this, Ye Que smiled lightly: "It's okay..."

Rumble! !

Terrifying vibrations came from the distant starry sky, drowning out the voices of all living beings.

"Ye Liangchen! Dare to kill the patriarch of our Golden Beetle Clan, dare to destroy our Clan's God Market! How courageous you are!"

A strong red-haired man, exuding the aura of the fifth level of the Nirvana Realm, flew towards him with nine high-ranking powerhouses of the God Ruins. Behind him was an old man, exuding the aura of the seventh level of the Nirvana Realm, staring at Ye Que with deep eyes.

Their lineup was terrifying, and they flew slowly, making the faces of the **** kings in Xingkongfang City change color.

"Ah! Uncle! My father is dead! It's all Ye Liangchen's fault! Woohoo...I was almost tortured by him too! This man is so vicious, uncle, you must avenge me!"

Jin Yuxue was full of hatred and viciousness one second, and burst into tears the next, crying and going straight to the red-haired brawny man.

"He's dead!"

The red-haired man roared lowly, and his voice spread across the starry sky, causing the faces of all creatures to change, thinking that senior Ye Liangchen was in danger.

Of course, a mutation happened.

"Golden beetle clan, what a big battle! Who are you trying to scare?"

Ye Que stepped into the starry sky step by step, the Liuyu reincarnation eyes in his pupils spun rapidly, accumulated nearly an hour of pupil power, released all of them, and opened the Xinghe Tianburst to the limit.

"Don't you know that when the explosion happens, don't get together?"

He glanced at the strong man and Shenxu, and at the dozen or so Death Stars around them, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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