God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 894: One million three star cores (3)

Jin Kaishi and Jin Wenyun also had this idea.

How good it is to reward them, so that the fat and water don't flow into the fields of outsiders.

This person has come to this point, there is no need for us Golden Beetle Clan to be patient, just kill it.

Hearing this, Ye Que's heart was completely chilled, his eyes were filled with reincarnation, and he stared at Jin Yuxue.

"Shenxu, put away your killing intent."

The God King frowned and cast a spell to protect his daughter with a golden mask.

Ye Que remained silent, and turned to stare at the God King.

"Put away your killing intent, I will give you 150,000 third-rank star cores! Leave immediately!"

The God King opened his mouth.

"Father! Don't give it to him! He is an inferior person, and he is not qualified to take so much."

Jin Yuxue acted like a baby, and looked at Ye Que with cold eyes.

"Don't give it to me either."

Ye Que finally spoke.

The Divine King was taken aback for a moment, and then his face softened, and he looked at Ye Que with more satisfaction.

Not bad, very self-aware.

"Heh! Seeing the God King appearing, you know you are afraid?"

Jin Yuxue sneered, there were a lot of bad words in her words, this was the momentum of not letting Ye Que go.

Even the gazes of Jin Kaishi and Jin Wenyun were cold.

However, they were all wrong.

"Give me 150,000 third-rank star cores now, don't you think it's too late? I want one million third-rank star cores!"

Ye Que spoke coldly, and the nine stars slowly spun up and down, with unwavering killing intent in their eyes.

In the beginning, it was indeed 150,000 third-grade star cores.

But the other party went too far, he gave in everywhere, and even rescued him, never thought that what he got in exchange was cold treatment.

Then Ye Que, how could he swallow his anger?

"Today, I don't have a million third-grade star cores, so I'll trade your lives!"

His words shocked Jin Yuxue, the elders, and the God King.

"You know, what are you talking about?"

The God King's face was gloomy, and he took a step, and the aura of the third level of Nirvana spread out.

Little Shenxu, dare to speak like this, it is insulting him.

He is angry.

This is a terrifying power. Once it is released, its power spreads across the starry sky, and the starry sky square city is also affected.

In an instant, all creatures were startled.

"It's the breath of the **** king. Could it be that there is a **** king fighting?"

"It should be! Let's go and have a look!"

When many starry sky creatures found the source, they were shocked.

"Isn't this the golden beetle clan? There are three **** kings, one of the three overlords near Xingkongfang City!"

"Hey guy, someone is provoking the patriarch of the Golden Beetle Clan!"

Many people talked about it.

"Little God Market, don't be ashamed! This God King told you to give you 150,000 third-rank star cores, you take them and roll away, nothing will happen!"

There was a golden light in the eyes of the God King, and he stared at Ye Que closely.

Complacent, Jin Yuxue sneered and said, "You are only at the fifth level of the God Market, even if you are at the sixth level! I, the Golden Beetle Clan, have the Peak God Market and the God King! You can't afford to offend them!"

"Although my daughter is naughty, there is a saying that is right! For you, in the fifth and sixth ranks of the Shenxu, you can be the king, but don't be too arrogant, the peak of the Shenxu, there are my clan, and there are also **** kings!"

"These are not things that you can touch, and you don't even have the chance to see them! Don't put on an air, push yourself!"

The **** king seemed to have forgotten the life-saving grace before, and was completely angry, with murderous intent in his eyes.

The people around were discussing, thinking that these three eyes don't know good from bad.

"The Golden Beetle Clan tolerated everything and gave back benefits. I didn't expect this person to be ungrateful. This is courting death."

"That's right, not everyone can get in touch with the king of the gods, and he dares to be arrogant. It's a long life."

"Hey, this person has no self-knowledge. He thinks that the fifth or sixth level of Shenxu is invincible. I'm afraid he hasn't even seen the peak of Shenxu?"

Most of the voices were consistent, and Jin Yuxue smiled at the corner of her mouth: "I want to ask for a million third-rank star cores, my lady admires your courage!"

Hearing this, the people around became even more malicious.

The **** king didn't explain, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more and more intense.

Jin Kaishi and Jin Wenyun also wanted to make a move.

Ye Que ignored the voices around him, stared at the King of God coldly and said, "Will you repay your kindness with revenge?"

"Go or die!"

The God King stepped out of the starlight and enveloped Ye Que.

The corner of Ye Que's mouth curled up, and he looked at Jin Yuxue, who immediately raised his chin, with a playful look in his eyes.

"Playing with me, isn't it fun?"

He opened his mouth slowly, and his whole body gradually turned black, black textures appeared on his skin, and the platinum flow lines on his forehead also turned into pure darkness.

In an instant, a horrible dark aura appeared out of nowhere in the entire starry sky.

Jin Yuxue didn't notice that the momentum was wrong, and still sneered: "Where did I play you? You insisted on fighting against me! Father, look at him, he made something messy again, he must be pretending again, so hurry up and kill him!" he!"

"We can assist the God King and kill this person."

Jin Kaishi and Jin Wenyun bloomed with the aura of the fifth level of the God Ruins Realm, approaching Ye Que.

"Shenxu, I originally gave you 150,000 third-grade star cores, which is already my biggest concession. I never thought that you would just want to provoke a god-king figure who holds his head three feet high!"

The God King suppressed his wounds, his aura instantly soared, his hair danced like a group of demons, and the terrifying aura spread out, forcing all the creatures to retreat.

He looked down at Ye Que, and said coldly, "God King, don't be insulted!"

boom! !

The aura of the third level of Nirvana was completely released.

"So strong!"

"Let's go! We're going to fight!"

"The gods fight and bring disaster to the fish in the pond!"

"Go and see!"

"That kid is courting death!"

A group of creatures who were watching the play ran away one after another.

Ye Que was not afraid, and rose slowly, looking at the **** king, his whole body was covered in darkness, the armor of the giant **** spirit also turned dark purple, and the nine stars also turned dark purple and deep.

The form of the dark giant **** is gradually opened.

Step out with one step, and there is starry sky magic soil under your feet.

Backed by the darkness, the platinum third eye is so dazzling and oppressive, and the scarlet eyes in the dark night are even more breathtaking.

"This is your choice! Since you won't be given a million third-rank star cores, then take your life!"

This matter couldn't be better, Ye Que directly activated the power of the latent anger of the ancient god, obtained the form of the dark ancient god, and merged with the giant god, and directly became the dark giant god.

His realm spans a great realm, from the first level of the God Ruins Realm to the first level of the Divine Nirvana Realm.

This is just the ability of the ancient god's latent wrath.

Coupled with the addition of the fourth-level power of the giant **** spirit, his realm seems to be the first-level of the divine nirvana, but in fact, his strength has reached the fifth-level of the divine nirvana.

Facing the God King of the third level of the Nirvana Realm, he can instantly kill him.

The God King frowned slightly, unable to see through the other party's realm, he was a little hesitant in his heart.

It's weird to see.

Ye Que's realm is shielded by the system, and no one can see through the true nature of good fortune, unless he releases the aura of the realm himself.

"Father, this kind of low class person likes to make some fancy things the most. Look at how he hangs up and fiddles around. He's not in the God Ruins Realm! It's really right not to give us our star core!"

Jin Yuxue sneered at Ye Que from behind and played some gaudy tricks.

"My father, you are the only one who treats hanging silk like you!"

Jin Yuxue sneered proudly.

Ye Que shook his head, and approached the God King step by step. The nine dark purple stars around him merged with each other and turned into a dark purple long sword.

He clasped his hands tightly, and said coldly: "Under the starry sky, no one should be underestimated! You say I have never been in contact with the peak of Shenxu? Have I never met the king of God? It's ridiculous, you have never set foot on the peak, how dare you say that?" This sentence? I can scare away more than a hundred gods and force thirty-one gods to join forces, so what are you?"

boom! !

A terrifying aura of the fifth level of the Nirvana Realm erupted from his body, a sword pierced through the starry sky, and opened a piece of supreme magic soil, intending to bury the **** king.

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