God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 891: kidding me? (6)

Ye Que's treatment for three hours in a row took a lot of energy, his back was soaked in sweat, it was not easy.

However, the effect is obvious.

The milky white star energy in that place gradually became turbid after absorbing the dark black breath.

On the other hand, the patriarch of the golden beetle tribe, the dark aura has been transferred from the wounds all over his body, and his injuries have improved.

Even the blood blade on the back was pulled out by Ye Que.

Since then, the patriarch's body no longer has any dark aura.

With the strength of the realm of the **** king, the recovery of injuries will be very fast.


The patriarch no longer felt uncomfortable, his breathing was steady, and he was falling into a deep sleep peacefully.

After spending so long, the body and mind were exhausted, even the king of gods couldn't hold it, fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Ye Que also let out a long breath. With his physique, he was so tired that he was sweating profusely. The treatment process was not easy.

"Finally, it's cured!"

He turned around and smiled faintly at the two elders: "Burn all these stars' energy, otherwise it will pollute the starry sky."


The two elders smiled.

One to deal with the power of the stars.

One took out a special treasure to check the vitality of the patriarch.

Only that young girl, as the daughter of the patriarch, stopped Ye Que instead of checking her father's safety.

Ye Que was about to go to the side to recover his energy, and then went outside to slaughter those two stupid things, but he was stopped by the girl, feeling upset.

"Where are you going?"

The young girl Jin Yuxue blocked Ye Que, her eyes no longer held any restraint, and her tone became more stern.

Her father's injury should have been healed, and she spoke confidently.

"Is it related to you?"

With a gloomy face, Ye Que avoided Jin Yuxue.

Unexpectedly, Jin Yuxue stopped him again, venting her previous anger: "Whether my father will recover or not is still uncertain, you are not allowed to go anywhere, what if you take the opportunity to run away?"

Just at this moment, the elder's voice came: "The patriarch's vitality is recovering rapidly, and his powerful aura is also rising! It is indeed cured!"

"Did you hear me?"

Ye Que was very upset, but he endured it, after all, those were 150,000 third-rank star cores.

Jin Yuxue's complexion softened, but at the same time, she was completely unscrupulous.

Now that her father is healed, she doesn't need to endure a small Daoyuan. Although she is also a Daoyuan, but with different identities and levels, the other party has no right to be presumptuous in front of her.

"You're lucky! If you can't cure it, your life will stay here!"

Jin Yuxue got out of the way, there was a threat in her eyes, the meaning was obvious, get out quickly.

When Ye Que heard this, there was killing intent in his eyes.

What a beast!

"Begging me to do something, if it can't be cured, I have to entrust my life here! If I had known this, I shouldn't have done it!"

He was very angry, how could there be such a fool, he was afraid that he would steal the star core before, but now he is threatening, it is ruthless.

This means that he didn't catch the opportunity, otherwise, such a self-righteous and ignorant young lady would have been beaten by him so long ago that her own mother didn't even know her.

"Be more respectful in your tone, you are human anyway!"

Jin Yuxue frowned, facing Ye Liangchen's unfriendly tone, she suppressed her anger.

"Do you still know respect?"

Ye Que glanced at her playfully, then turned to the two elders and said, "Hand over 150,000 third-grade star cores! I'll leave after I get paid!"

The two elders froze and looked at each other, secretly thinking that the one who should come is still here.

They were so busy with their affairs that they almost forgot to pay.

"This reward, he said it directly, it seems that if you don't give it, you have to give it."

"Then give it, after all, it was promised before."

"If you don't look anymore, the people from the Black Sea Group are still outside. When this kid is killed, the star core will not be given."

Of course, without waiting for the two elders to send a voice transmission, Jin Yuxue took the lead in making a fuss.

"What? Give him 150,000 third-grade star cores? It's just him with a dao source... No, it's just him with a dao source, do you need so many?"

Jin Yuxue subconsciously blurted out some of Xuechen's words, but because of her status, she corrected it again, but it was true that she was furious.

The first elder said helplessly: "Miss, the reward you set was so much before, so I gave this reward when I sent the sound transmission to the little friend."

He has regrets in his heart, if he knew it would not be so much, maybe he can get some kickbacks in private.

"That's right, we communicated with my little friend before and decided on the reward!"

The second elder was also helpless.

"That's just what I said casually, you can't make decisions without authorization! The third-rank star core is a treasure at the level of Shenxu! Not to mention 150,000 pieces, a small source of Dao, I am not qualified to use so many!"

Jin Yuxue turned her face, dared to speak rudely to her, she had long been unhappy with this little bum, but now that her father had cured her, she would not be polite to the little bum.

Crossing his hands in front of his chest, he said with a cold face: "Just give him 10,000 second-grade star cores. The second-grade star cores and the Dao source level are just right for him!"

One third-grade star core is equal to one hundred second-grade star cores.

One hundred third-grade star cores is 10,000 second-grade star cores.

A total of 150,000 third-rank star cores have shrunk to a hundred third-rank star cores.

Ye Que calmed down instantly, and said to Jin Yuxue calmly: "What a good deal, 150,000 third-rank star cores, now become one hundred third-rank star cores?"

For some reason, Jin Yuxue felt a little uneasy, but she didn't think too much about it. The other party is only a small Daoyuan, how capable can he be?

She stared at Ye Que coldly, trying to press people with her eyes, and her tone was even more rude: "What? Ten thousand second-grade star cores, how little do you think? Don't be too greedy! I, the Golden Beetle Clan, don't let you fish for money. place!"

"Are you sure, only 10,000 second-grade star cores?"

Ye Que spoke slowly, hiding a murderous intent under his calmness.

He has endured and endured until now, he is not ready to bear it anymore.

The two elders sensed that something was wrong, fearing that something might happen to the young lady, they flew to both sides of the young lady to guard against Ye Liangchen's reckless behavior.

Although the young lady is tenth level of Daoyuan, she has never experienced any danger, and her combat effectiveness is low. If Ye Liangchen really fights, the young lady cannot beat her.

When Ye Que saw this, the corner of his mouth twitched, playing with his taste: "What? You personally set the reward, don't you want to honor it?"

When it comes to this matter, there is no need to hide it anymore, the face of the first elder immediately turned cold: "We can't decide this matter, it should be decided by the young lady!"

"You are just a dao source. It is your great honor to wait for the Shenxu to bow down for you. Now I will give you 10,000 second-grade star cores, which is not too low. It just suits you! Don't push yourself!"

The second elder slightly released the fifth-level aura of Shenxu, hoping to frighten Ye Liangchen.

"kidding me?"

On Ye Que's forehead, there are more platinum flow lines, and between the left and right sides, there is a third eye that is about to emerge.

Around it, nine purple stars of seeking Tao gradually gathered.

The giant **** form gradually emerged.

"I'm so **** off! You're presumptuous again and again! There's no need for you to be polite to a dao source! This time, I won't even give you 10,000 second-grade star cores!"

Seeing the change in the other party, Jin Yuxue was obviously about to make a move, and immediately became angry.

This person is really rampant, dare to be presumptuous to her.

"It's not easy for us to make a move, but isn't it appropriate to let the two guys outside solve it?"

The first elder stepped aside, his voice completely cold.

Now that the face is torn, there is no need to back down.

"Both of the Black Sea Regiment, come in, this Daoyuan really has some problems with his mind, since he wants to kill you, why don't you just come in and kill him?"

The second elder spoke up directly, allowing Xuechen and Xinghan to take action.

At this time, Ye Que had already opened the form of a giant god, and the six jade eyes of reincarnation appeared in both eyes, and the third eye on his forehead was the eye of fortune.

He said coldly: "I said, you'd better not lie to me, otherwise the consequences will be serious! Now, I will let you regret it!"

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