God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 888: You scold Liang Chen for pretending to be rich, Liang Chen laughs at you being prostit

In the first area, there are shops all with high standards and good order. The people who come and go are all the gods, and occasionally the king of gods appears.

It seems that the king of gods is not common, but the real powerhouse of the starry sky.

"Good guy, weapons, formations, supernatural powers and exercises, everything is available, and there are all kinds of starry sky materials!"

Ye Que was amazed, it was an eye-opener.

He didn't feel ashamed, or in other words, he wasn't shameless at all, and he walked all the way, shopping in all kinds of shops.

When he entered, he was quite elegant, and he acted as if he was rich and young, which made the owner of the shop laugh and laugh.

"Well! Not bad not bad!"

He picked up a book of exercises, opened his eyes of good fortune to peek and explore, and at the same time opened his talent transcendentally, scanning over and over again to memorize the contents inside.

The eye of good fortune is the first forbidden eye in the starry sky. It was originally the eye of the ancient gods. It has the ability to see through all falsehoods.

It turned out that this guy was doing prostitution for nothing. Seeing him like that, calm and calm, he was obviously a veteran.

The boss on the side rubbed his hands and followed carefully, thinking that a big client came.

Lan Xing, who was following Ye Que, was very uncomfortable, and followed carefully, thinking that Senior Liangchen is so rich.

The exercises here are all at the level of the Shenxu Realm, and each book costs tens of thousands of third-rank star cores.

"This book is also good!"

Ye Que's ability to put on a show is unmatched by anyone. He picked up the exercises, took a peek for a while, then picked up the book of formations, and read it again.

Every time I pick up a book, I must admire it with satisfaction.

The boss smiled, and he will definitely sell a lot of skills, supernatural powers and secrets later.

However, when this rich young man put down the last book, he shook his head and sighed: "Hey, it's not bad, but it's a pity it's not for me!"

After all, he left with his little love.

The boss was completely dumbfounded.

He took a look at all kinds of martial arts, supernatural powers and secret arts in our store, even books on formations and weapon making, there is nothing missing.

"How could it not be suitable for you! It's clearly an excuse! What a fool, it turned out to be pretending to be wealthy! It made me laugh for nothing!"

The boss's face turned black.

Ye Que, who had just left the house, turned around and looked at the boss with a smile.

You scold Liang Chen for pretending to be rich and young, and Liang Chen laughs at you being prostituted.

"Grass! Get out!"

The boss is cursing.

Lan Xing was thin-skinned. Hearing such scolding, he felt too ashamed. He lowered his head and said, "Senior Liangchen, we... let's go to the Extreme South Star Bank to exchange for the star core!"

With confidence in his mind, Ye Que put his arms around Little Xing Xing and said, "No hurry, no hurry! Let's go shopping again!"

He swaggered towards the opposite shop.

As soon as he entered, he said: "Take out all your most expensive exercises, supernatural powers and secret arts, as well as books on making formations and weapons! I bought them all to see which ones are suitable!"

This shameless thing caused a great sensation as soon as he opened his mouth.

All the customers in the shop were alarmed and looked at the man one after another, thinking that a son of a big family was coming.

Lan Xing's face turned dark, and it was only this time that he realized that Senior Ganqing Liangchen did it on purpose.

"Forget it, I'll follow Senior."

Covering her face, she accepted it all.

"Take it right away!"

The boss hurriedly put down what he was doing, and called the staff to get the treasure of the store.

Ye Que nodded in satisfaction: "Not bad, not bad! I like it so much!"

The corners of Lan Xing's eyes twitched, today she has opened her eyes.

"These are all Daoyuan?"

Ye Que glanced at those books, and he didn't miss them either. Good fortune peeked at them, and his talents were recorded beyond the mark. He took them all as they were ordered.

After recording, it turned into divine thoughts and transferred into Lan Xing's mind.

If the fat and water don't flow into outsiders' fields, he doesn't need it, so he can give it to Lan Xing.

Look at the little girl, although she is thin-skinned, she has been scolded by him and never left her, let alone complained, she really followed him, yes, she must be rewarded.


Lan Xing was startled, she looked at Senior Liang Chen in shock, and finally, she looked at the books on the counter... Her heart was churning like a huge wave.

"It turns out...it turns out that senior has a very terrifying ability, which can avoid the restriction of anti-peeping and spying...It's too scary! These restrictions, even the king of gods can't see through..."

Blue Star was shocked, but also excited.

At this moment, she finally realized why senior pretended to be rich and small, and was going to shop...

Suddenly, a bad, bad smile emerged from the corner of her mouth.

This time, she didn't feel ashamed anymore, she also raised her chest and looked up, bad... bad with her senior.

"Not bad!"

Ye Que smoothed her long hair.

"Young Master, look! These are all top-level skills and secret arts in the Shenxu Realm. Take a look, are there any suitable ones?"

The boss rubbed his hands and smiled flatteringly.

"Wait for me to see!"

Ye Que picked up one book after another, his eyes of good luck were fully opened, and his talent for transcendence was fully opened.

At the same time, the acting skills that have been cultivated for many years have also begun to perform exceptionally.

Sometimes he frowned, sometimes smiled, sometimes lamented, and sometimes praised. He was stunned to see the boss's heart. Blossom. Blooming, and several employees were also excited, thinking that there was another performance today.

Lan Xing also cooperated and visited the shop confidently, and unconsciously, the inferiority complex in his heart gradually disappeared.

When Ye Que put down the last book, Lan Xing consciously walked over to the senior.

"Hey! It's good, it's good, but unfortunately it's not suitable for me!"

One word from this guy confuses the boss and the buddy.

What the hell?

Not for you?

The boss reacted, and said with a serious face: "I have everything here, unless you are a dark void creature, there is always something suitable for you! You did it on purpose, right?"

Ye Que raised his head, walked out of the shop confidently, turned his head and smiled again.

Let you scold me, let you humiliate me, Ye Liangchen has a shameless face.

You scold Liang Chen for pretending to be rich and young, and Liang Chen laughs at you being prostituted.

"Let's go to the next store!"

His words completely made the boss speechless.

Being shameless to such an extent, scolding is useless, and his thick-skinned state of mind has reached the point where no one can look up to the end.

"Hell! Just go shopping! Go shopping one by one! After shopping, the shops in the first area will scold you once they see you!"

The boss is cursing.

"I would like to borrow your good words!"

Ye Que really went shopping from family to family.

At the beginning, Xue Chen, who was following behind, saw Ye Liangchen enter the store, and was pleasantly surprised, thinking that this guy had a lot of treasures on him, and he would **** them all and make a fortune later.

But seeing that guy would be scolded every time he entered a store and finally came out, his face was completely dark.

This shameless guy actually pretended to be rich.

"Hmph! Xingkongfangshi is not allowed to take action at will! This seat is waiting for you to come out!"

He followed behind with a dark face.


"I know, let him follow!"

Ye Que smiled playfully and entered the shop calmly.

This guy, from morning to night, has the perseverance to go shopping all the shops.

And his reputation gradually became famous in the first area.

In the middle of the night, he was recognized by everyone in the first area, and all the shop owners were completely convinced by his shamelessness.

"A person like me has beauties following her. Tell me, is it irritating or not?"

Ye Que hugged Little Xingxing, shook his head and sighed amidst scolding and black faces.

These words are irritating, and instantly fill up the hatred value.

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