God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 884: Starry sky giant whale VS starry sky giant turtle (4)

Blue Star South Pole, under the deep sea, there are few creatures, and there are no Blue Star forces competing for this place.

But in these ten years, this place has become a forbidden area, and no living beings are allowed to enter.

Just because the number one powerhouse of Blue Star is waiting here, anyone who wants to step into this place will be blocked by her.

"Is Senior Blue Star practicing here?"

A girl in military uniform asked her grandfather.

They have lived here for countless years, fearing and doubting the coming of the strong.

"Our Blue Star has a powerful person who protected our Blue Star from destruction ten years ago. Senior Blue Star... should be protecting the law for that powerful person."

Grandpa smiled, and said again: "Let's go, don't disturb these strong men."


The girl tilted her head, looking down at the snowy sky, with curiosity in her eyes, wondering what kind of existence it was, that it could be stronger than Senior Blue Star...

Suddenly, the sky darkened, and the great sun, which was transformed by the supernatural power, was also blocked.


The girl was so frightened that she sat paralyzed on the snow, pointed at the sky, her teeth chattered: "Grandpa! Whale! The whale is coming!"

Grandpa's vicissitudes of face slowly turned towards the sky.


The old man fell to the ground in a daze.

Looking at the sky again, a blue-silver whale that is dozens of times larger than the blue stars opened its terrifying mouth, trying to swallow the stars...


The sharp and long-lasting sound of a whale, mixed with the aura of the third level of Shenxu, swept across the blue stars.

Just as Lan Xing was about to stand up to face the fight, he was shocked by this momentum and looked horrified: "What is this!!"

"Don't panic."

A big warm hand helped her.

She turned her head and was taken aback.

It was Senior Ye Liangchen who left the customs. There was determination and indifference in his handsome face, he smiled at her, and then disappeared.

When he saw Senior Liangchen, he had already appeared a thousand meters ahead, just in time to help the girl and grandpa up.

"Don't cry, uncle will take you to see the whales later!"

Ye Que wiped away the tears from the girl's eyes. After speaking, he felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was going on.

Shaking his head, he stepped out and went straight to the sky.

"Uncle, can you...can you drive away the whale?"

The girl looked at Ye Que's tall and handsome back expectantly.

"Call me brother."

These words stunned the little girl.

Didn't you call him uncle?

But the girl was smart and asked again: "Brother, can you drive away the whale?"

"Uncle will be able to drive away!"

With his hands behind his back, Ye Que left a handsome figure of a peerless powerhouse, and flew out of the blue star in one step.


The whale **** with its mouth open, just like swimming in the sea, looking for prey and devouring the prey.

Its huge mouth can swallow at least seven or eight blue stars.

With a big wave of Ye Que's hand, a first-order aura of Shenxu swept out, heading straight for the blue-silver whale.


The blue-silver whale seemed to ignore this momentum, and still wanted to swallow the blue star.

"Damn! Don't you treat me as a human being?"

Ye Que rolled up his sleeves, turned in place, and appeared in the form of a terrifying giant tortoise.

The tortoise shell outlined by the cracks in the starry sky, the ferocious and dark limbs, and the vicissitudes of the domineering head are a giant tortoise in the starry sky.

This is the tortoise form that Ye Que evolved from the star-cracking tortoise: the star-devouring tortoise.

At the beginning, in order to let the ancient **** body, An Ran transformed into the good luck ancient **** body.

He swallowed a star treasure, raised the life level of the turtle form, and evolved into a star-eating turtle, and has been using this form ever since.

The only special feature of this form is that it is very huge, dozens of times larger than the blue stars, and it is almost the same size as the starry sky giant whale.

He has been using this form to roam the starry sky before, mainly for the convenience of devouring the star core in the stars.

Roar! !

The giant tortoise is ferocious and terrifying, it is a huge monster in the starry sky, and it warns the giant whale.

This time, the giant whale recovered.

Naruto! !

The giant whale roared angrily.

That meaning is obvious, get the **** out of here.

"Louder than the voice?"

Ye Que smiled coldly, cast a spell to cover the blue stars, and immediately cast a supernatural power with louder voices, roaring at the giant whale.

Rumble! !

Isn't this a sound? It's a devastating attack!

The surrounding stars were shattered by him, and the giant whale was shocked on the spot.

"Hey? It's louder than Lao Tzu!"

The giant whale was also upset. For countless years of wandering the starry sky, he had never seen one with a louder voice than him.

He also cast a spell and roared at the giant tortoise.

The surrounding stars suffered again.


Ye Que was not convinced, and went directly to the top secret technique - Jiuzhen Starry Sky.

There is no other use for this secret technique, the dictatorship is too loud.

Roar! ! !

The starry sky trembled, and large cracks appeared.

Even if the blue star was protected by a secret method, it was shocked.

The voice was so loud that even Ye Que, who was so funny, was stunned, and his head was so numb that he almost didn't recover.

It's similar to farting and pooping.

He himself was stunned, and so was the whale.

The roar that hit the soul directly shook his blue-silver skin into waves, rising and falling from the head to the tail.

"I'm deaf?"

The whale lost its voice, swearing loudly.

"What? What are you talking about?"

Ye Que also lost his voice, and saw the whale speak, but no sound came out.

"Crap! I just said that I'm deaf. How dare you call me a fool?"

Seeing that the giant turtle's mouth shape was wrong, the whale began to scold.

"You idiot, you call me a bastard?"

Seeing that the whale's mouth shape was wrong, the giant tortoise also cursed.

Among the blue stars, the faces of the three dao sources including Lan Xing were all black.

They are Daoyuan, and even through a protective cover, they can still hear the outside sound a little bit.

Looking at the two behemoths outside, one cursing at the sky and the other cursing at the ground, what is going on?

The only thing that is the same is that the anger is getting bigger and bigger.

"You have the guts, so if you're singled out, you'll be singled out!"

"Group fights are group fights, shake people quickly!"

The two scolded each other completely according to the other's mouth movements. Seeing that the war was about to break out, when Lan Xing wanted to stop it, things turned around again.

The whale regained consciousness and gradually heard the sound.

The first sentence I just heard was a little different.

"Don't waste time, hurry up and shake people, you and I will rest here."

This was the first sentence the whale heard. Suddenly, he was stunned. It turned out that the other party was not scolding him at all, but caring about him.

He was embarrassed for a while, feeling guilty, he hesitated and said: "That...brother... I'm sorry, brother..."

Ye Que happened to hear the voice, and when he heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, the way he looked at the whale changed, and he felt guilty immediately.

I thought we scolded him for a long time, but I didn't expect that the other party didn't quarrel with him at all, and even kept apologizing to him, so our aggressiveness was indeed a bit too much.

"Ahem... It's okay, it's okay, I have something wrong too."

The two were more able to shout than the other before, and more angry than the other, but now they are guilt-ridden, and they are more able to apologize than the other...

Inside the blue star, Blue Star had a question mark on his face:? ? ?

How is this going?

He was still scolding vigorously just now, and almost got into a fight.

Why did they apologize to each other in an instant?

She is so stupid, how can she change her face faster than a woman?

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