God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 869: Ten Star Ancient God (1)

"I'll keep an eye on this forever!"

The strongest existence above the law-making protoss, the creator protoss, has spoken out the law to cover the walls of the six realms with the power of a law in the dark.

Once there is a change in the Six Realms, these existences will wipe everything out.

Of course, for the Six Realms, this is not a crisis.

Ye Que's skin was dry, blood steam was still emitting from his body, and his pupils were dilated, but covered by golden light, he looked like a strong man full of vitality.

But that's just an appearance.

Behind, Di Xiwei, Huang Youyao and others stared blankly at Ye Que, rejoicing that the Six Realms had escaped, but at the same time feeling somewhat ominous.

Jin Duande, who was kneeling on the ground, muttered in bewilderment: "This kneeling by me will wake up my elder brother and save the Six Realms and the Ancient God Realm from now on?"

After savoring it carefully, he suddenly felt his scalp go numb.

Looking up to the sky and looking outside the boundary wall, the exasperated Star Demons smiled as if they were dying: "Ha...haha...haha... I kneeled down and saved the Six Realms and the Ancient God Realm! Kneeling is worth a thousand gold!"

Yes, this guy just forcibly took all the credit.

In my mind, the key to saving the world lies in his kneeling.

Ye Que, on the other hand, stared at the giant terrifying hand slowly disappearing, and the golden light on his body gradually restrained, or dissipated.


As if he had exhausted his last strength, Ye Que fell in the air, every piece of dry skin on his body turned into **** sand and slowly disappeared.

"Dead... dead?"

His avatars and his two wives were all shocked.

"Ye Que!!"

Di Xiwei's suppressed voice spread throughout the world.

Somehow, this voice awakened Ye Que's consciousness.

Ye Que suddenly opened his eyes in the stiff darkness, and what he saw was darkness, and there was a figure in the darkness.

"Who are you?"

Ye Que shouted with difficulty.

The figure stood in the darkness with its hands behind its back. Hearing these words, it seemed that it smiled silently, and said vaguely: "Me? I am the Devouring Evolution System, and also the Ancient God's Infinite Evolution System."


But, before Ye Que asked again, what the figure said next shocked Ye Que.

"I am also the current patriarch of the ancient **** clan, the ten-star ancient god, Gu Yuan, and the first ancient **** who trained you! Ye Que, long time no see."

The figure took a step, and the surroundings became golden light, illuminating the darkness.

In the light, the figure became clear.

It's a person with ten star patterns on his forehead, the ancient god's eyes on the left, and the blood wheel eyes on the right...

No, if you look carefully, the blood wheel eyes are not scarlet, but light red. The jades are arranged in a centripetal circle. The innermost circle has three jades, the middle circle has three jades, and the outer circle also has three jades. .

The nine hook jade is fully opened...

"You...you are not dead!"

Ye Que came back to his senses, and slowly got up.

He looked at his body, it was dry and emitting blood steam, he looked like he was going to die, but he was very energetic, what's going on?

"I transformed into the world with my body, and my remnant soul became a system. I have been cultivating you."

The current patriarch, the ten-star ancient god, had always been alive.

"You don't need to read it, this is your spiritual world."

"Let's not talk about this first, what is going on here? You are the system, so it's possible that you and I are fellow villagers?"

Ye Que was puzzled, the system has a sense of technology, how did the ancient gods become a system?

Wait, think about it carefully, the system has saved him in countless crises, in other words, it was the ancient gods who saved him.

And he usually has a lot of free time, and he still thinks that the first generation of ancient gods has conspiracy theories and wants to make trouble...

Well, there is indeed such a little bit of embarrassment.

Gu Yuan's heart was bright, but he didn't think much about it. With a vicissitudes of life smile, this golden world suddenly turned into an endless starry sky.

With the control of his mind, the starry sky continued to enlarge until it came to a starry sky that shocked Ye Que.

Within the Milky Way is the solar system.

In the solar system, with the sun as the center, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Earth, Venus and Mercury are arranged from far to near.

These are the eight planets of the solar system, and they are also Ye Que's hometown.

Ye Que's world view collapsed, and he murmured: "Senior, we agreed to travel through rebirth, and then fight for hegemony in the fantasy world? You want to give me love and magic?"

This funny comparison made Gu Yuan's face turn black.

"Look how big this universe is, and there are countless civilizations. Isn't it normal for tiny technologies to appear?"

"As for the system... I don't need the power of the shield of good fortune. With my power, I can control micro-technology in a single thought. In order to train you to become stronger, and to adapt you as soon as possible, I decided to turn it into a system."

"Actually, I can also pretend to be the soul of a peerless powerhouse, or something that can help you, but I think the system is more suitable for you."

Gu Yuan came slowly and explained everything clearly.

"The Milky Way is a small star field in the wilderness of the universe. The Creation Shield is the true **** weapon left by the true **** of creation in the universe. It has chosen you among the countless lives in the universe! It will train you to become the third ancient god. "

It turned out that he was only brought from the frontier star field to this distant and unfamiliar star field, which can be regarded as a kind of rebirth through time travel.

Ye Que was horrified, could this be the legendary cosmic level Ouhuang, the super lucky one?

He stared blankly at the boundless starry sky, slowly digesting and adapting to this piece of information.

After a long time, among countless doubts, he chose a question that was neither painful nor itchy: "The third ancient god?"

"Go to the endless starry sky to find the true god's 13-star ancient god. You and I are the only three ancient gods left in the universe."

Gu Yuan sighed softly, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, and said vicissitudes of life: "My time is running out, child, I will tell you everything you want to know!"

The universe was created by the true God of Creation. (Look carefully, the next core plot will be tested at the end of the semester!)

The true **** of good fortune is the king of the ancient gods of the ancient gods.

It can be said that this universe was created by the ancient gods.

However, hundreds of millions of years ago, the true **** of good fortune disappeared inexplicably, and the weapon of the true **** also fell apart, turning into the good fortune shield, the good fortune gate, the good fortune star, and other five unknown good fortune things.

Even the ancient scriptures of the true gods have been transformed into five heavenly books of good fortune, which are the original true interpretation, the book of the universe, the book of stars, the legacy of the gods, and an unknown book of good fortune.

The eight creations and the five heavenly scriptures are scattered all over the universe.

When the true **** disappears, the universe has no owner, and the star field is chaotic, adding to the wandering of the creation and the heavenly scriptures.

The battle of heroes in the universe has begun.

There are top-level scientific and technological civilizations participating in the war to seize the objects of creation and the heavenly scriptures of creation, and there are also countless starry sky clans appearing one after another.

Even the followers of the ancient gods, the guards of the ancient gods, and the servants of the ancient gods, that is, the gods, also participated in it.

This kind of war lasted for 200 million years.

All parts of the universe shook, and countless star fields collapsed.

Ye Que was sweating profusely when he heard this.

I drop a tortoise.

Thanks to the fact that the Milky Way is at the edge of the universe and has not been affected, otherwise the Milky Way will be gone.

"The God Realm should be called the Ancient God Realm. It is the hometown of my ancient **** clan. In the era when the true gods disappeared, countless starry sky races launched an attack on my ancient **** realm! My ancient **** clan has guarded the **** realm for hundreds of millions of years and has never lost it. , but never thought, God..."

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