God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 858: The Birth of the Battle Goddess, the Opening of the Way of Heaven (4)

"Ding! Final transformation progress...19%...20%...21%..."

There is still more than half of the progress of the transformation.

The ancient gods stepped on the ancient plate in the starry sky, supported the star nirvana array with their hands, and faced the three gods face to face.

There is only a gap between the two sides, but there is a big difference between inside and outside.

"We will give you one last chance, give up resistance! Hand over the six realms of reincarnation, and we will not slaughter the creatures of the six realms!"

The real **** spoke in a deep voice, and with a wave of his hand, a galaxy swept across, suppressing the Shura world on a large scale.

"A bunch of hypocrites, disgusting enough, do you think I will believe it later?"

The ancient **** shouted, and the power of the Jieshen fist was continuously released into the star nirvana formation through his right hand, which was used to support the defense of the formation.

"It was right to exterminate the ancient gods back then! Everyone, don't talk too much, just attack and annihilate them!"

The three ancient gods didn't persuade them any more, and they attracted star rivers one after another, smashing the Asura world to tremble, and almost being broken many times.

"You all said that, I didn't say anything, it's really hard to face you!"

The ancient **** suddenly transformed.

Both the dark ancient **** and the ancient giant **** form came out, and they were fused to become the dark giant **** form.

boom! !

Forcibly support the Star Nirvana Formation!

"I'm waiting!"

At the passage, armies from the human world and the underworld rushed in, and they were all covered by Taoist soldiers to prevent the Shura world source from being absorbed.

"Defend to the formation!"

"We have brought a lot of resources, all of which can be used for ancient inheritance!"

With the help of the armies of the two worlds, each of them used their meager strength, such as a formation, to strengthen the defense.

Although everyone is weak, a single spark can start a prairie fire, and when gathered together, they can also slaughter gods.

Rumble! !

They were stunned to block the attack of the God Realm army in this kind of attack all over the sky.

"Ding! Final transformation progress...51%...52%...53%..."

The chrysalis is still transforming, and all living beings are sticking to it.

One piece after another of the galaxy in the starry sky was summoned, and it hit the Asura Realm hard, which can be said to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

This star field is resounding with the sound of impact, and large areas of the starry sky collapse and rebuild.

The gods are trying their best to attack the Asura Realm.

Just as the two sides were fighting in full swing (tu), there was another star field far away.

Endless star demons are running wildly.

There are stars ahead, break through them.

There is a group of meteorites further ahead, but they are still smashed through.

Rampage all the way, even if there are countless galaxies in front, it is difficult to stop their collision.

Suddenly, there is a starry sky race in the star field ahead.

"It's an alien race in the starry sky!"

"There is a star nirvana! It's delicious! Destroy them!"


The star demons are invincible and invincible, and the alien races in the star field were eaten by the star demons in an instant.

Even the existence of the Star Nirvana Realm was powerless to resist in front of the Star Demons.

boom! boom! boom!

The star demons were ruthless and ravaged this star field all over the place.

Suddenly, they discovered a huge star field teleportation array.

"The teleportation array must lead to a nearby star field, and there must be aliens in the nearby star field!"

"Roar! All step into the teleportation array and destroy the living creatures within it!"


All the star demons drilled into the star field teleportation array like a frenzy.

Let's talk about the Shura world.

The attack of the gods cannot stop the determination and perseverance of the Six Realms.

With all the power of many realms, all sentient beings were dragged until Zhan Tiannv was born before the God Realm broke through the Shura Realm.

"Ding! Final transformation progress...99%...100%!"

"Ding! The final transformation of the Wugou Spirit has been completed! The final transformation form: Zhantiannv!"

"Ding! The final transformation of the Wugou Spirit has been completed! The final transformation form: Zhantiannv!"

The dark giant **** turned his head and looked down at the black pupa below.

The black pupa shattered with a click.

The voice was very small, but very sharp, and the bodies of all living beings shook, and they all looked away.


The chrysalis shattered.

There is black light blooming in it.

hum! !

The Shura King Slashing Sword that was inserted obliquely on the ground charged forward with a bang.

In an instant, the black chrysalis exploded completely, and the black light was like a big sun, shining on the Shura world.

All beings were shocked, and so were the gods.

When the black light was subdued, a girl stepped out, wearing a dark Shura armor, with black streamers all over her body, highlighting the power of Shura.

There is a Shura rune on its forehead, which rotates slightly, mysterious and mysterious.

His eyes are Shura's eyes as deep as the starry sky, and he holds the Shura King Slaying Sword in his hand.

One step out, the power of the goddess of war shakes the world of Shura.

She glanced around.

All Shura sentient beings are in awe.

All the gods in the God Realm are murderous.


The gods were furious and used all their strength to destroy the Shura world.


Without waiting for the giant dark **** to open her mouth, Zhan Tiannv held up the Shura sword and said indifferently: "Sura!"

With a bang, the Asura King Slashing Sword in his hand soared into the sky, hanging under the Star Nirvana Formation and above the ancient plate in the starry sky.


The Asura King Slashing Sword oscillated with black light, which resonated with the source of the Asura Realm, and then a terrifying force was sent out from the source of the Asura Boundary, and cooperated with the Shura Sword to completely stabilize the wall of the Asura Boundary.

Even its damaged boundary wall is being quickly repaired.

At the same time, the threat of the God Realm's attack was completely gone.

All beings breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed to the ground.

The feeling of the rest of my life after the catastrophe is only exhaustion.

on the starry sky.

God King Bai Yu silently stared at Zhan Tiannv below, and said coldly: "This is the Lord of the World."

"It's just a false world master! During the period when the six worlds were under the control of the God Realm, my God Realm cast a spell. Only by letting the false world master have a **** body can he become the world master. But if the Six Realms are out of the control of the God Realm, she will be alone. World Lord."

The **** stared at Zhan Tiannv, and said coldly, with deep eyes, as if thinking about something.

The giant dark **** is always paying attention to the starry sky. Hearing this sentence, he finally understood why he was able to combine with the girl.

When the Six Realms are controlled by the God Realm, the God Realm casts spells to control them. One of the basic conditions for the birth of a Realm Lord is to have a **** body.

But the girl doesn't have a **** body, she's just a fake world master, but he has one, so when she combines with one, she becomes a world master.

Of course, even without a divine body, the false world lord can affect the world.

However, this is beside the point.

"This also made me realize that once the Lord of the Six Realms is born and the Six Realms is out of the control of the God Realm, the power of the Lord of the Six Realms will be completely released! And girl, there is no need to combine with me!"

He looked far away in the Asura Realm, and sent a voice transmission to Zhan Tiannv: "Go to the human world."

"Aren't you going to the Immortal Realm, brother?"

The battle goddess echoed.

"The Broken Immortal Realm is occupied by the gods, let's go to the Death Road, there is also the remnants of the Immortal Realm!"

Ye Que had already thought about all this.

Of course, God Realm is not vegetarian.

"We, go to the world of beasts!"

During this attack, the gods realized that the Six Realms were trying their best, and it was difficult for them to break through in a short time.

That being the case, go to the weakest world and break into it by force.

And this also made what Ye Que was most worried about happen.

The Ten Thousand Beasts Halberd has not yet been found, so it is very difficult for a girl to become the master of the Ten Thousand Beasts Realm.

And at this moment, all the three ancient gods appeared. Although two of them were reflected, their strength was enough to shock the star field.

If the God Realm's army goes to the Ten Thousand Beast Realm, even if the Ten Thousand Beast Realm gathers resources from other worlds, it will be difficult for the Ten Thousand Beast Realm to survive for a day.

Unlike the Shura world, it only takes less than an hour for the world lord to be born, and use the Shura king-slaying sword to stabilize the world in time.

But the Ten Thousand Beast Realm is different, the Beast God Halberd has not been found, and the Realm Lord cannot be born at all.

As for the army of the God Realm, once they attack continuously for more than one day, there will be a 90% chance of breaking through the Ten Thousand Beast Realm.

At that time, everything will be empty.


The rumble resounded through the starry sky.

The army of the God Realm moved, there were also the God Ruins, there were also the God Kings, and even the gods cleared the way and went straight to the Ten Thousand Beast Realm.

Here comes, the God Realm is about to start the ultimate battle.

The three eyes of the dark giant **** were terrified, and said in a deep voice: "Seventy percent of the power of the world of beasts, the underworld, and the world of humans, all go to the world of beasts!"

Yes, the final battle is coming.

If the Ten Thousand Beast Realm cannot withstand the attack of the God Realm, all previous efforts will be in vain.

He saw the plan of the God Realm, and the Shura powerhouse also saw it.

Everyone's heart is heavy, but they can only cheer up and inform the experts from all walks of life to go straight to the world of beasts.

"Girl, let's go to the Road of Death!"

Ye Que took out the fragments of the Dao of Heaven, and asked the girl to activate the power of the Dao of Heaven.

There was fighting intent in Zhan Tiannv's eyes, she listened to her words, turned around and turned into a girl in a white dress.

The girl took the fragments of the heavenly way, was hugged by the dark giant god, and went straight to the death road in the world.

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