God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 855: King of People (1)

The girl has grown up and is as beautiful as a fairy, but at this moment she has tears in her eyes, staring at Ye Que, whispering softly: "Brother Ye Que, are you really my brother Ye Que?"

Ye Que was stunned for a moment, seeing that the girl's hands were trembling, he said, "I..."

"Ding! Transcendence evolution failure rate increased to 50%!"

Before he could finish his sentence, the system's warning came.

"Brother Ye Que, tell me, girl, listen."

The girl said softly.

Ye Que was scared and didn't dare to speak.

The girl wanted to ask him the truth.

But the system prompt sound was clearly telling him that the Unsullied Spirit's mood was fluctuating violently.

If an answer is not good, the girl who is addicted to fantasy and unable to extricate herself will have a nervous breakdown and fail to evolve.

"You can never wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, let alone a girl who is willing to pretend to be asleep."

There was pressure in Ye Que's heart, it was helpless to tell lies or tell the truth.

In the future, there will be survival and death in the six realms, and the sentient beings will question, and in the past, there will be the success or failure of the girl's evolution.

He was caught in the middle, he was not human inside and out, and only he knew the pressure in his heart.

But even so, he had to calm down.

Ye Que took a deep breath, stared at the girl's beautiful eyes, hesitated for a while and asked, "Which brother Ye Que are you talking about?"

He didn't know what the question the girl asked meant.

The so-called my brother Ye Que.

Is it the Ye Que in the girl's fantasy, or the real Ye Que?

"Ding! Transcendence evolution failure rate increased to 75%!"

Obviously, this question should not be asked.

This is clearly to remind the girl that this world is created by illusion, and Ye Que has two.

One was in her fantasy and one was real.

The girl's body trembled slightly, and the way she looked at Ye Que changed.

"Ding! The failure rate of transcendental evolution has increased to 80%!"

"Ding! The failure rate of transcendental evolution has increased to 85%!"


She backed away subconsciously, her gaze fell to her surroundings.

Quiet small courtyard, with autumn leaves in the wind and cozy in the warm sun.

This is what she wants.


Above the sky, in the starry sky, the gods attacked, and the star nirvana formation undulated like waves, which would break at any moment, and the ancient disk of the starry sky was running sluggishly, faintly falling.


Countless mountains collapsed, the earth shook, and great rivers flowed backwards.

The sky is gone, only the endless starry sky and the killing intent of the gods.

"let's go."

Many people's eyes were calm, and they saw through a lot, and they went home one after another to reunite with their relatives.

Even some Daoyuan also quietly exited in the corner, and returned to the cultivation cave to enjoy the last time of drinking tea.

The armies of the Underworld, the Asura Realm, and the Ten Thousand Beast Realm slowly withdrew.

"If it weren't for the Ten Thousand Monsters and Heavenly Turtle, we would have been able to give birth to the Lord of the Six Realms without making a sound, and quietly leave the God Realm."

Patriarch Chongshan held hatred, and there was unwillingness in his eyes.

"It's all fate."

"Wait, there are still four days left, I'm waiting for a miracle!"

Some lament and some believe.

Ye Que is not in the world, and the pressure is also great.

Seeing that the probability of failure increased to 85%, he crushed the teacup unknowingly, and said with a smile: "I am the elder brother Ye Que in your heart, didn't you ask me to marry you? I married you a long time ago, have you forgotten?" ?”

The girl stepped lightly.

The beep also disappeared.

Ye Que walked over to wipe her tears, and said with a light smile, "Girl, why are you crying?"

The girl didn't resist, and snuggled into Ye Que's arms.

The notification tone completely disappeared.

Ye Que sighed softly.

The evolution of the human way is really the most difficult way in the six worlds, and it is also the way that affects the safety of the six worlds.

But all of this needs to be chosen and inherited by the innocent spirit.

After being gentle for a long time, the girl stared at Ye Que with tension in her eyes: "Brother Ye Que, I will take you to meet my parents."

Ye Que stared deeply.

"Ye...Brother Ye Que...you...don't you want to see him?"

The girl subconsciously squeezed Ye Que's sleeve tightly.

"I want to see you!"

Ye Que agreed.

Thus, the two most real people, one sinking and the other cooperating, rushed to the deepest part of the illusion.

At dusk, the red glow reflects the sky, and the dazzling brilliance covers this beautiful illusion world.

Some people are obsessed.

approaching night.

In the depths of Ye Tiandian, the main hall of the Xue family.

The girl took the person she relied on the most, and walked into Xue's house step by step.

Every time you take a step, the red clouds in the sky at dusk become more dazzling.

In the autumn wind, with a touch of warm sun, it hit Ye Tiandian lightly.

Entering Xue's compound, the girl smiled lightly, also imagining that the fresh white dress on her body gradually turned red, as bright as blood.

Gradually, the white dress becomes a red dress, the red dress becomes a red dress, and the red dress becomes a wedding dress.

He wears a phoenix crown on his head, a red cedar inside, a red robe on his coat, a Xiapei on his shoulders, a red skirt on his lower body, and flowered shoes on his feet.

A young girl in the blooming season, who is all over the country and the city, and the ten miles of spring breeze, is not as good as you.

And she, already wearing her wedding dress, stepped into the high hall step by step.

The spectators around are derived from fantasy, including servants of the Xue family, maidservants, and uncles and aunts from Qingfeng Town.

Di Xiwei, Huang Youyao, Die Tinghan, Qi Wangshu, Jin Duande, Gu Cardinal, Bai Yechen and others, all derived from fantasy, surrounded her and entered the high hall.

Ye Que was stunned: "No, has it already been married?"

Waiting to see him, dressed in red, has become a groom.

"Brother Ye Que, the person I most want to marry in my life is you! The person I miss most is my parents!"

The daughter of the Xue family, with tears and joy in her eyes, smiled softly: "I'm afraid that you won't agree, but I'm also afraid that my parents won't see this scene, you, help the girl, okay?"

Ye Que stared at the girl, suddenly, his mind was shocked, his pupils shrank slightly, and an unspeakable excitement surged slowly from his heart.

"Ding! The failure rate of transcendental evolution has been reduced to 50%!"

"Ding! The failure rate of transcendental evolution is reduced to 20%!"

"Ding! The failure rate of transcendental evolution is reduced to 10%!"

"Ding! The success rate of transcendental evolution has increased to 10%!"

It turns out that some people have already awakened, but in this beautiful world of illusion, there are some souvenirs, and there are still unfinished things in their hearts.

Today, Ye Que went to help her finish it.

He held the servant girl's hand tightly and said sincerely: "From now on, you only belong to me."

"Ding! The success rate of transcendental evolution has increased to 20%!"

"Ding! The success rate of transcendental evolution has increased to 40%!"


The reminder sounded non-stop, Ye Que took the girl into the high hall, and faced the girl's parents, who were also his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

"Father, mother, the girl is doing well. Brother Ye Que has always protected me and regarded me as a treasure! You see, he even married me! From now on, don't worry about the girl!"

The girl knelt on the ground, tears and joy gathered in her eyes.


Beat the gongs and drums and worship the high hall.

Ye Que knelt together, looking at the mess and corpses of the Xue family in front of him.

The girl looked forward, seeing that her parents were still alive, she smiled with satisfaction, and she completely let go of the inability to let go of the child in her eyes.

"Bow to heaven and earth!"

"Ding! The success rate of transcendental evolution has increased to 80%!"

"Second obeisance to the high hall!"

"Ding! The success rate of transcendental evolution is 100%!"

"Ding! The Unsullied Spirit is evolving!"

"Ding! The evolution progress of the Unsullied Spirit: 10%...50%...80%..."

"Husband and wife salute!"

"Ding! Wugou Spirit's transcendental evolution has been completed, gained the power of the human world, became a Xuantian girl, and possessed the form of a human king!"

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