God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 835: The meaning of the millstone (10)

The divine light surged from the scepter, rushed out of the sky, hung in the starry sky, exploded suddenly, and divided into seven rays of light, six of which fell into the six realms.

The remaining one rushed to the distant God Realm.


The Ten Thousand Monsters Sky Turtle released the blue shield, covering all the big monsters, and with a thought, all the creatures inside the blue shield could not move.

He looked down at the group of monsters, and said with a sneer, "I want you to feel complete fear!"

In fact, he didn't dare to make a move.

Look at Gu Ziqing, if Fan Du is forced to rise, then he must summon the powerhouses of the six realms to show his majesty in front of these big monsters.

So, he pushed the boat along.

As for why?

very simple.

In the past, he made mistakes in the God Realm, was banned by the God King Baiyu, and entered the sea of ​​​​Northern Darkness in the human world.

Until now, he had only fought for a few points of restraint, but he was not satisfied.

In order to seek God King Baiyu's forgiveness, he chose to destroy the Ancient God, seek the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Precept of Returning to the Ruins, and use meritorious deeds to eliminate his sins.

And Gu Ziqing is the apprentice of God King Bai Yu, so he wants to praise him even more.

"Hey! I can feel everyone's awareness, but if you do this, there is really no hope!"

Ye Que couldn't move, because the energy in the starry sky was exhausted, so he couldn't use the second ethereal journey.

"Actually, even if you enter the Ancient God Realm, you won't be able to hide."

Bai Yechen sighed lightly.

"I understand everything! I just didn't expect this day to come so soon!"

Di Xiwei spoke softly, standing on the head of the unknown star-splitting tortoise, and sent the original source in to heal the star-splitting tortoise.

You are sad and determined.


The origin of the human world and the three steps of yin and yang are here.

Daoyuan of Ten Thousand Beast Realm and Yin-Yang Three-Step Realm also came.

The underworld, the Dao source and the Yin-Yang three-step realm of the Shura world also came.

The world of evil spirits has been wiped out, and there are no strong ones.

In the ruined fairyland, Luo Wushen stepped on the chaotic cauldron of the ancient fairy court and came alone.

Many strong men gathered in the eastern wasteland of the world, all silent, all exuding coldness.

Gu Ziqing gripped the scepter tightly, and said with a sneer, "Ancient God, did you see it? The Six Realms also have to obey the orders of the God Realm! Let alone you!"

Reach out, condescending.

"Hand over the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Ring of Return to the Ruins!"

His voice spread far away.

Even Zhu Jiuyin, who was on the road to death, heard it.

Blocked by the twisting space, his eyes contained more and more divine light.

At the end, a trace of sarcasm flashed in his eyes, and then he slowly closed his eyes, hiding in the depths of the road to death.

The east of the world.

Ye Que turned into an ancient god, and when a strong man from the six realms saw the star pattern on the ancient god's forehead, his eyes flickered.

He stared around.

Not to mention the Ten Thousand Monsters and Turtles, just the strong people around them can make them powerless to resist.

I thought of many ways in my mind.

However, there is no way to save yourself.

Basically no solution.

After being silent for a while, he raised his head and said, "I will give you the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Guixu Ring, they will live! I will die!"


The beasts were in an uproar.


The Ten Thousand Monsters and Turtles agitated their power, forcibly suppressing the noise.

Gu Ziqing was very satisfied, and looked down at Gu Shendao: "Actually, whether you hand it over or not, I have the means to let you take out the Guixu Ring and the Six Paths of Reincarnation! Do you think you have the qualifications to negotiate terms?"

The ancient **** said grimly, "So we can't talk anymore?"

Gu Ziqing laughed loudly, looking up to the sky and laughing loudly: "Of course we can't talk about it! You..."

When his eyes fell to the sky, his words paused slightly.

There was something strange on his face, which made Ye Que look up.

When he looked at it, he saw a huge void formation, rippling with ripples, covering the world and the sky.

A terrifying formation enveloped the boundless world.

How much does it cost to make it.

"Who opened the potential formation above? Turn it off!"

Gu Ziqing shouted loudly.


The Ten Thousand Monsters and Turtles were very sensible, and turned into a blue light, charging straight up, trying to break the formation.

However, as soon as he rushed up, he was suppressed.

Boom! !

The sound of Buddha resounds through the world.

The golden light of the Nine Lotus Buddha Seat shines all over the world, fading away all the darkness.

Tathagata sat on it, pressing down with one hand.

The terrifying palm of the Tathagata, covering the sky and the sun, pressed down rumblingly, pushing down the Ten Thousand Monsters and Turtles from the sky.

With a bang, the boundless earth was torn apart.

The Ten Thousand Demons and Turtles were suppressed with a single palm.

The Ten Thousand Monsters and Turtle screamed, and the secret technique he used dissipated under the serious injury.

The ancient **** and many creatures from the ancient **** world escaped, but they were stunned.

What's happening here?

"What are you going to do? Do you want to rebel?"

Gu Ziqing yelled at Tathagata.

But what responded to him was a dark golden iron rod.

The magic monkey threw a stick from the sky, rumbling to bury Gu Ziqing.

Gu Ziqing's pupils shrank, and he activated the divine scepter. With a buzzing sound, the divine scepter burst into divine light, blocking the blow.

"Aren't you afraid that the Six Realms will be destroyed by the God Realm? The light just now has led to the God Realm! Anyone who dares to mess around will die!"

He roared at the top of his lungs.

boom! boom! boom!

The powerhouses of the six realms shot at the same time, and all kinds of mystical powers fell into the light of God, trying to destroy the defense of the scepter of God.

Gu Ziqing was dumbfounded, this time he realized it.

The Six Realms really wanted to rebel against the God Realm.

The formation that enveloped the world was prepared to deal with him.

As for why the powerhouses of the Six Realms came here so honestly, it's very simple.

When he came here, he was going to take him, not to help him.

"It's over for you! The God Realm will definitely send troops, and the Six Realms will be wiped clean!"

Gu Ziqing used the power of the divine scepter to jump one after another, wanting to leave the world.

"That light has long been blocked by us!"

"God, haven't you ever thought about the meaning of the millstone?"

The white-haired and plain-clothed senior, Gu Ziqing was knocked back with a single strike.

Ye Que returned to his senses, and murmured: "Are you really going to rebel against the God Realm?"

"Mopan is to hide the whereabouts of your six realms of reincarnation from the God Realm, and it is also to prevent people from the God Realm from coming! But your growth is still too slow!"

Tathagata speaks leisurely, telling the truth.

Ye Que's pupils shrank and his body shook.

It turned out that the Six Realms already knew his identity, and knew that the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Ring of Return to the Ruins belonged to him.

From the beginning of the Six Realms, they were ready to fight against the God Realm.

"Back then, when the Star Demons attacked, the God Realm controlled the Six Realms as a shield, destroying 90% of the Six Realms! We will never forget this sad history!"

Baiku stared deeply at Ye Que.

"Our lives are under our control! Even if the star demons attack, we have the ability to resist and hide freely, instead of being used as cannon fodder by the God Realm!"

The source of the world tells the truth.

"Then why, didn't you tell me earlier?"

Ye Que couldn't laugh or cry.

"There are reincarnated gods in the six realms, and there are also gods who are lurking and spying on the six realms! Let me tell you in advance, whether it is a disaster or a blessing! Besides, our arrangement was not perfect at that time."

Human Daoyuan glanced at the formation in the sky, shook his head and sighed, quite helpless.

boom! boom! boom!

Gu Ziqing was frightened into talking nonsense and making various threats as many powerful men were attacking the divine light released by the divine scepter.

"The Myriad Demons and Turtle and Gu Ziqing are typical examples! The God Realm was almost notified! Hmph! You're lucky, kid!"

Dao Yuan in the Asura Realm didn't like Ye Que, but he had to carry out the task of the Six Realms.

Ye Que heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Since you have already taken action, it means the arrangement is over, right?"

"Not at all! The attack of the Ten Thousand Monsters and Turtle disrupted our plan, forcing us to make a move!"

These words are quite stressful.

The looks of many strong men are not good-looking.

If the defense is not completed, if the God Realm attacks, there will be heavy casualties.

But it has come to this point, there is only one way to go to death.

"Boy, let the Lord of the Six Realms be born as soon as possible, so that the Six Realms can escape the control of the God Realm!"

Dao Yuan from the Asura Realm threw the sword of Asura to Ye Que.

There were only two fragments left on the body of Shura's sword, and those two fragments were already in Ye Que's body.

"Phew! In order to hide these gods, I'm not bad at acting, the reincarnated world lord?"

Yama of the Ten Palaces all laughed.

It was precisely because of these rumors that Gu Ziqing was deceived when he came to the underworld to inquire about news.

Ye Que took Shura's sword and said with a smile, "Amazing!"

"this is yours!"

Luo Wushen concealed it and threw the remaining fragments of the fairy world to Ye Que.

"You also participated in the plan? I refuse to accept it!"

Ye Que was upset, this guy was only in the Life and Death Realm before, why?

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