God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 833: life and death (8)

The remnants of the fairyland.

Ye Que was walking in the ruins of a palace, and he didn't know which force left behind, it was desolate and desolate.

Suddenly, there was a wave in the void.

He looked up and saw that it was a boundary gate.

Two people walked out of the boundary gate.

One is Gu Ziqing, and the other is a silver-haired middle-aged man.

As soon as they appeared, Ye Que felt a throbbing.

This is the connection between God and God.

"who is he?"

Ye Que was vigilant.

"Hehehehe! One of the top ten forbidden eyes in the God Realm, Wan Yaotong, let me lend you a look, who is he!"

The silver-haired middle-aged man stared at Ye Que coldly.

Gu Ziqing's eyes were instantly silvery white, and the dark golden pupils stood upright, seeing through Ye Que.

"Bronze complexion, with covered star patterns on his forehead! Ancient God!!"


Gu Ziqing bloomed with supernatural power, and in his fury burst out the terrifying aura of the second step.

He said coldly: "You are an ancient god!"

Ye Que's pupils shrank, and his first reaction was to kill him with a golden stick.

"Want to kill someone? You should honestly hand over the Six Realms of Reincarnation!"

The silver-haired middle-aged man sneered.


Ye Que tore through the void, splitting the sky with a stick.

"Well, you ancient god, you overheard all my secrets! What is your relationship with the fallen ancient **** from the God Realm? Do you have six reincarnations?"

Gu Ziqing turned away in a blink of an eye, avoiding the stick, and during the interrogation, a flash of light flashed in his mind.

He pointed at Ye Que in amazement and yelled: "That ring in your hand! Is it the Return to the Ruins Ring?!"


Ye Que burned the golden divine flame, attached to the sky-cutting armor, quasi-nine star patterns appeared on his forehead, the left ancient god's eye, and the right blood wheel eye.

Holding a stick, there are bursts of thunder, and the invincible belief is in my heart.

Step out one step at a time and create a realm of no eternity.

With a thought, the infinite sword system occupies the realm of infinity.

"I didn't expect the accident to happen so quickly! Then I have to kill you today!"

The first thing Ye Que thought of was the avatars of Di Xiwei, Xue Lingluo, Huang Youyao, Die Tinghan, etc., as well as the Ancient God Realm that bred all beings.

He couldn't let all of this be destroyed by the God Realm.

Therefore, he chose to kill and silence.

Unlimited sword system!

Rumble! Rumble!

Countless swords surrounded Gu Ziqing and the silver-haired middle-aged man.

Step by step and stick at the same time.

Cut out the ninth floor of Jietian Dao one after another.

The various secret techniques obtained by the ancestor Wuheng were cast one after another.

The Heavenly Demon Sound vibrated the void, creating billowing cracks.

Liujia Secret Blessing, all fighters in front of the army are arrayed in front, and nine arrays of void killing are activated.

He turned into Nine Dao Killing Body, besieged the two of them, and wiped out nine and one in the void.

"Don't leak the secret! You can't even tell the Six Realms, otherwise they will throw me to the God Realm in order to protect themselves!"

Ye Que wanted to forcibly give birth to the Lord of the Six Realms, even if it would prompt the God Realm to suppress the Six Realms.

He is very selfish, but he has to be responsible to the Ancient God Realm.

She tried her best, and her eyes were bloodshot.

One forbidden technique after another was played, and the power reached the peak of the second step, infinitely close to the third step.


A blue light shield erupted on the silver-haired middle-aged man, blocking all attacks.

He sneered coldly: "Seeing that you want to kill us so much, you should have everything the God Realm wants on you! Six Paths of Reincarnation, Guixu Ring! Do you have them all?"

"Myriad demons and tortoises, you are an existence in the Shenxu realm. Although your strength has only recovered one-thousandth, it is more than enough to destroy him. Let's do it, take away the six reincarnations and the return to the ruins ring, your guilt, the master will relieve you! "

Gu Ziqing stared at Ye Que indifferently, his face indifferent.

Ten Thousand Monsters and Turtle sneered, and pinched lightly.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

All the secret techniques Ye Que used exploded out of thin air.

"Go to hell!"

Ten Thousand Monsters and Turtle made a move, and the blue light shield instantly expanded, trying to crush Ye Que.

Ye Que choked for breath, pulled away and left.

"You can't go!"

The tortoise stretched out his hand a little, and the world here was slightly frozen, and Ye Que couldn't move.

"Destroy you, everything is over!"

Gu Ziqing cast a cold glance at Ye Que before turning around to leave.

Ye Que felt a crisis in his heart, and boundless pressure swept over him.

"I can't die!"

He can't die, let alone lose the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Ring of Return to the Ruins.

Now that he has come a step further, he has come to his senses.

Staring at the tortoise and Gu Ziqing, especially the tortoise, Ye Que said ferociously, "You're the one who forced me again!"

"So what?"

The tortoise grinned.

Whoever the blue light shield touches will be shattered.

Seeing the blue light shield approaching, Ye Que whispered indifferently: "The Ethereal Journey!"

The star power in the body was instantly emptied.

And he shuttled through the blue light shield and disappeared instantly.

Seeing the blue sky and the earth again, Ye Que burned his blood and shrunk the ground into inches.

After thousands of steps, I found Di Xiwei.


After pulling up Di Xiwei, he tore apart the fairy world and fled to the human world.

"What's wrong?"

After Di Xiwei finished speaking, she suddenly found a terrifying force coming from behind her.


Ten Thousand Monsters and Turtle stretched out its hand, tearing apart the boundless space, trying to catch Ye Que back.

"Eight Door Dunjia!"

When Ye Que crossed the boundary, there was a buzzing sound, and the light green light turned into eight void shields, protecting him and Di Xiwei.


The claw shattered the shield, but fortunately it exhausted most of the force and hit the body.


Ye Que vomited blood and was seriously injured.

That's right, even if the shield loses its strength and uses his body as a body refiner to resist that claw, he will be seriously injured in an instant.

The only advantage is.

He still escaped from the fairyland.

As soon as she entered the human world, without Ye Que saying much, Di Xiwei opened the space channel with a grim face.


The sky turned blue, and there was a boundless sea pouring down on the human world.

A terrifying giant tortoise hundreds of thousands of meters high, exuding a power even more terrifying than the peak of Daoyuan, emerged from the boundless sea, and its coercion enveloped the world.

"Are you planning to flee to the Ruins Ring? There is a broken world in the Ruins Ring, isn't it? Hehehe!"

The Ten Thousand Demons and Turtles are here.


Ye Que and the two entered the space channel and came to Ye Tiandian in an instant.

"All creatures from the Ancient God Realm, return to the Ancient God Realm!"

Ye Que couldn't hide it anymore, and with a thought, he opened the channel to return to the Ruins.

The expressions of the creatures from the ancient **** world changed.

The ancient **** issued an order in public, opening up the ancient **** world.

This can only show one thing, the Ancient God Realm has been discovered.


Xuanwu, Guixu and other big monsters left their affairs behind, no matter how important they were, and entered the tunnel one after another.

Jin Duande didn't even need his shoes, so he flew into the Ancient God Realm grabbing Cardinal Gu.

Bai Yechen was stunned for a while, and he hesitated, then turned around suddenly, and embraced the golden crow beauty: "Sorry, it's too late, forget about me!"

The golden crow's body was stiff, and when she regained consciousness, Bai Yechen had already flown into the tunnel in the air.

The rest of the ancient gods, no matter how important the things in their hands, discarded decisively, rumbled into the passage, and returned to the ancient gods.

"This seat should have thought that you came from the Guixu Ring! The Guixu Ring is a broken world! You have been hiding in it!"

Ten Thousand Monsters and Sky Turtle stretched out its head on the sea pouring down into the sky, destroying the world with one kick.

Ye Que didn't hide anything.

The Ancient God Realm, Returning to the Ruins, and the Six Paths of Reincarnation are already connected and inseparable.

The Ancient God Realm couldn't cover up the exposure of the Six Paths of Reincarnation and the Ring of Return to the Ruins, so it didn't matter if he said it in public.

Seeing that kick coming, he turned into an unknown star-cracking tortoise, which grew to 200,000 meters in an instant, propped up on all fours, and the tortoise's shell stretched up to the sky, trying to block the blow of the ten thousand demon sky tortoise.


He shouted.

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