God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 831: Infinite months... (6)

Ye Que was dumbfounded.

The ancient **** world born in the ring of returning to the ruins?

"I'll go, no wonder I'm in the starry sky, I can't find the Ancient God Realm no matter how I search, it turns out that the Ancient God Realm has always been in the Guixu Ring!"

He was startled.

This is so dramatic.

If he hadn't become the Yin-Yang Three-Step Realm and allowed the power of the Return to the Ruins to activate, he might not have noticed it in his entire life.

What surprised him even more was that the girl was about to start the world.

"In the past, every time I went to a world, the system would remind me to let the Wushui Spirit evolve and open a certain way, but I have been in the world for so long, but there is no reminder at all!"

He pondered carefully, suddenly there was a sudden look in his eyes, followed by complex expressions.

It turns out that the problem lies with Xue Lingluo.

The frantic mood gradually calmed down.

Ye Que raised his head, looked at the sky, and murmured: "Because, the former girl is also a human being. But her parents were killed and her family was wiped out. She has long since hated people."

People are the source of a girl's disgust.

Therefore, when the girl came to the world, the system did not display any prompts.

Until now, when the ancient gods supported the girl, they were forced to let the girl open the way of the world forcibly.

"Brother Ye Que, I don't want to evolve!"

The girl flew out, wearing an ordinary white dress, she was so pitiful, she seemed to have had a nightmare, and her eyes were red when she knew something.

Ye Que hugged her, felt the trembling of her body, felt the fear in her heart, and sighed softly.

Back then, he witnessed the girl's journey from innocence to darkness, and saw the girl killed with his own eyes, which left a deep impression on her.

That was the first time he had seen what is called extreme evil.

"What's up with her?"

Di Xiwei flew over in surprise.

Ye Que stared deeply at Di Xiwei, and said in a deep voice, "Didn't you say that you are very similar to a girl?"

Di Xiwei was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly startled, and said in a low voice: "She, is she going to face those things?"


Ye Que said sadly.

The girl is his treasure, who has accompanied him all the way to the present.

If the girl feels bad, he will feel bad too.

"Brother Ye Que, I don't want to face it! I don't evolve!"

The girl was very resistant, the deepest estrangement in her heart had already changed her world view.

For her to face it, maybe only by changing her memory can she do it.

"Then brother will accompany you to evolve, okay?"

Ye Que didn't want the girl to face it alone.

He will always stand behind the girl and be an indomitable backer.

The girl raised her head with red eyes, looked at Ye Que, and cried, "Brother, I don't want to evolve."

This was the first time she had rejected Ye Que.

Ye Que hesitated for a moment, then gently coaxed: "If you don't evolve, brother will die, are you willing?"

It's not a lie, it's the truth.

And he also believed that the girl would make the right choice.

Facts have proved that Ye Que is the only reliance in the girl's heart, with an unshakable tenderness deep in her heart.

When Ye Que said this, the girl was stunned, and then cried, but she agreed again while crying.

It seemed that the darkness that she least wanted to face in the world couldn't match the tenderness in her heart.

"Xiwei, go to the fairy world to find fragments, and come back when you encounter danger!"

Ye Que hugged the girl tightly and said softly.

"I wish you success!"

Di Xiwei sighed, and went straight to the fairy world.

"System, I want to accompany the Unsullied Spirit to evolve!"

"The Wugou Spirit needs to evolve in the Ancient God Realm, and the host, as the master of the Ancient God Realm, is eligible to participate!"

"Ding! Is the host willing to accompany Wugou Spirit to undergo transcendental evolution and open the way of the world?"

"I am willing to accompany you!"

"Ding! The countdown to transcendental evolution begins: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6...3, 2, 1."

"Ding! Start evolving!"


Ye Que and the girl were absorbed by Guixu Ring at the same time and entered the Ancient God Realm.

At that moment, they set foot on the past years, traveled across time and space, and traced the remnants of memory.

Everything, back to the origin.

As time went by, the ancient God Realm was still so boundless in their eyes.

In the past, they only had that small pond in their eyes, and never imagined the boundless ocean in the future.

Starry night.

call out-

A palm-sized tortoise, sneaky like a **** mouse, ran into Xue's warehouse, greedily devouring all kinds of treasures.

And the fateful encounter begins here.

In the darkness, Ye Que and Xue Lingluo appeared in this unbearable memory.

Looking at this familiar scene, they were overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions.

"Brother, it turns out that you are stealing my treasure."

Xue Lingluo held Ye Que's hand, a little nervous, but the scene of being eaten by the little turtle relieved a lot.

Ye Que was a little embarrassed, how should I put it, maybe this is called not being acquainted.

Today's overlord of the ancient gods never imagined that he would also have the experience of being a thief.

Back then, he was as shameless as ever.

But at that time, he still knew how to restrain himself, he was a little bit young, he would steal food whenever he wanted, and said nervously.

This has to be put aside for now, according to the urine nature of this product, you don't need to steal or grab it, just rely on your family to eat and drink, the kind that doesn't even want to be shameless, can make people sick.

This is cheap sublimation.

From green to blushing and heart beating.

From stealthy to shameless, but also quite proud of the kind.

Xue Lingluo wasn't really naive, comparing the changes of Ye Que's brother like this, he lost his nervousness in a daze.

"Ding! Transcendence evolution success rate increased by 10%!"

Ye Que said:? ? ?

He never dreamed that the sublimation of his cheapness could actually increase the girl's chances of success.

But, what should come still has to come.

The killer's surprise attack at night made the girl depressed instantly.

The guard of the Xue family was killed, the servant girl fell to the ground, and the blood flowed like a river. The change in an instant was like a sharp bayonet piercing the heart, and the pain was unprepared.

This is a memory that the girl doesn't want to face.

"Ding! Transcendence evolution failure rate increased by 90%!"

Ye Que quickly covered the girl's eyes, feeling the pain in his heart, not only the chance of failure in evolution, but also what happened to this girl.

"No! Once she sees her parents killed, she will directly fail to evolve!"

Ye Que gritted his teeth and chose to compromise with Xue Lingluo.

With a wave of his hand, he cast an illusion, changing the **** scene.

Otherwise, the unexpected bloodshed will break the girl, and the evolution will definitely fail.

"Girl, go back with your sword! You can change everything!"

Ye Que finished casting the spell and disappeared quietly. When the girl saw this memory again, she was stunned.

She became that thirteen or fourteen-year-old little princess, hiding behind her parents, nothing has changed, and everything is still in time to be saved.

The **** Xue family is like hell, killers are raging, besieged, everyone sneers, showing the horror of this place.

Mother Xue is beautiful and skilled, very similar to Xue Lingluo, but a woman is weak at heart, and she is a strong mother, showing the strength that a mother should have in this kind of life and death.

My father is strong, holding up the sky for Xue Lingluo.

Xue Lingluo, who was hiding behind them, wept, her face turned pale with distress.

However, Ye Que had already slowly ascended into the sky, with his back to the full moon, opened his hands, and whispered in a low voice like a god: "You want your parents to be alive, friendly with each other, without fights and pains! I will satisfy you! Unlimited monthly reading... Bah, Wrong door!"

This guy slapped himself, smiled embarrassingly, cast spells with both hands, and waved at this world, whispering like a god: "Forbidden Art of Dao Origin, the realm of no eternity!"

Ye Que weaves a beautiful world, satisfying all the fantasies the girl wants.

"This time, I will not choose to run away! I want to save my parents! I want to find brother Ye Que! I want everyone to be together forever!"

The girl was on the scene, but she didn't notice it, or in other words, she knew it was a memory, but she was willing to sink into it.

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