God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 827: Ares Tower (2)

"Hehehehe, there are only ten eternal cities, and they are all occupied by those third and second steps. What if I take an immortal city? You also have this idea yourself, so why blame me?"

The voice in the city was very arrogant, wanting to rob the city.

"She is the wife of the city lord, do you think it is wrong for her to guard the city?"

Ye Que flew into the air and supported Di Xiwei.

Surprise flashed in Di Xiwei's eyes.

"Hahaha, this ant is very good at talking, she is indeed the wife of the city lord, she is very suitable for me! Come here obediently!"

A haggard old man, with a heel bone crutch, walked towards the void step by step, looking at Di Xiwei from a distance, turning a blind eye to Ye Que next to him.

Di Xiwei ignored the haggard old man at all, hadn't seen Ye Que for a year, and even missed him, asking non-stop.

"In two years, I will be able to complete the tribulation. Now you only have to go to the fairyland, right? Hurry up and go to the fairyland to cross the tribulation."

Ye Que took out the treasure and gave it to Di Xiwei.

The withered old man looked gloomy, and Ye Que was full of murderous intent, and asked coldly: "You will easily lose your life if you do this."

"Yes, it's really easy to lose your life if you do this."

Ye Que turned his head and stared at the withered old man indifferently.

When the old man heard this, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

This person is a little crazy.

"This seat is at the peak of the first step, and it is rare to meet an opponent in the same realm, little friend, you are too crazy, no good."

He stretched out his hand and reached out to Ye Que.

The hand grew bigger in an instant, covering the sky and the sun, trying to crush Ye Que.

Ye Que blew one breath, and the giant hand collapsed, rumbling and trembling.

The old man snorted, stepped back three steps, and looked at Ye Que with a shocked expression, with horror in his eyes.

"Step two? Step three?"

He couldn't believe that in this kind of immortal city, he would meet such a strong person, it shouldn't be.

"I'm also at the peak of the first step, but I'm not as crazy as you."

Ye Que stepped in front of the old man, and sent his fist flying.

The old man vomited blood and retreated uncontrollably. In the end, he lost control altogether and sped up to escape.


Ye Que shrunk to an inch in one step, approached the old man in an instant, and crushed him with two punches.

Killing the first step is like killing chickens and dogs.

He took away the person's treasure, threw it to Di Xiwei, and asked, "When will you be promoted?"

"With the Daoyuan power you gave, it's coming soon."

Di Xiwei didn't refuse, and took it away calmly.

"I'm going to the God of War Tower, you go to the fairy world to cross the catastrophe."

Ye Que wants to win the Shura Soul Flower.

The yin and yang three-step realm of the God of War Tower is divided into three levels.

After passing the first level, you can get many top-level resources beyond the border.

After passing the second level, you can get Shura Soul Flower, a great medicine of Yin-Yang level.

In the past, Di Xiwei couldn't enter the second challenge, and it was difficult to get the Shura Soul Flower.

Now, Ye Que has the ability to challenge.

One step to the small tower in the center of the city.

Every city has the entrance and exit of the God of War Tower.

Entering the small tower, he was instantly teleported to the hall entrance of the God of War Tower.

The God of War Tower was built within the Holy Mountain of Asura.

The Shura creatures are warlike by nature and have a lot of hatred for the other five realms. They always want to start a world war. Later, for some reason, they restrained themselves and turned to build the God of War Tower.

The appearance of the God of War Tower just happened to vent the warlike nature in their blood.

As soon as you enter the hall, the strong gather.

Ye Que's appearance as a human race attracted the attention of many Shuras as soon as he entered.

They all hated Ye Que, but they didn't dare to make a move.

"It should be a yin and yang level power, but it can't be beaten."

These guys do have B numbers, and they know that the strong ones who can come to other realms must be in the Yin-Yang three-step realm, or in the Daoyuan realm.

"Hmph! So what! How dare he act presumptuously in my Asura world?"

A one-eyed Shura with wings on his back said coldly, his realm is no more than that of Emperor Wu. In saying that, I don't know who gave him the courage.

All the Shuras were taken aback, and when they looked at that Shura, they were taken aback again.

"He is a disciple of Asura Sacred Mountain, no wonder he is so arrogant."

Shura sneered in a low voice, looking at Ye Que with a bit of schadenfreude.

Ye Que looked at the one-eyed Shura, without any disturbance, walked into a formation in front, opened the teleportation, and entered the challenge.


One-eyed Shura saw that Ye Que didn't dare to fight back, so he sneered, enjoyment appeared in his eyes.

Provoking the Yin-Yang three-step realm in public, the other party dared not provoke him.

This feeling is so cool.

The eyes around him were full of admiration.

No matter what race of beings, once they drift away, their minds can easily get stuck.

"It's just a mere human race, but you still come to my Asura Realm to challenge and compete for resources! You are very courageous! Don't even look at where this is!"

One-eyed Shura with his hands behind his back, looked down at Ye Que, with arrogance and comfort in his eyes.

The surrounding Shura admired him more and more, what's more, he also wanted to say a few words of congratulations.

"Yes! The human race is very courageous, dare to come to me..."

A three-eyed Shura at the Martial Emperor Realm also wanted to challenge the Yin-Yang Three-Step Realm.


Amidst the muffled sound, One-eyed Shura's mind trembled violently. As he retreated, he vomited blood, his body cracked, and he screamed continuously.

The three-eyed Shura froze in the middle of speaking.

"You can't eat half of the meal, and you can't finish the conversation, so let's finish."

Ye Que walked out of the formation, staring at Shura with three eyes coldly.


The three-eyed Shura was frightened and paralyzed to the ground, his face pale, his body trembling, and he was speechless.

The rest of the people who just wanted to say hello shut their mouths when they saw this scene, and looked at Ye Que in horror.

The hall was silent, and no one dared to speak.

"You dare to kill me! I am a disciple of Shura Holy Mountain. If you, a human race, dare to kill me, you are finished!"

One-eyed Shura knelt on the ground and screamed, extremely angry.

"Yes, you are finished! This is the Asura Realm, and it is the area of ​​the Holy Mountain, not your human territory. If you hurt my creatures in the Asura Realm, you will be punished by the strong of the Holy Mountain!"

"The three steps of yin and yang are majestic, bullying the weak and fearing the hard, if you want to destroy Emperor Martial Shura, shameless!"

Shura accused him angrily.

As the saying goes, the law does not blame the public, and with their backs on the holy mountain of the Asura Realm, they don't have much fear in their hearts when facing this outsider.

The corner of Ye Que's mouth twitched, he stared at the one-eyed Shura and said, "Finish, it's time to go on the road!"

All the Shuras were suffocated, and the one-eyed Shura was so shocked that his body became stiff and he couldn't speak.

"Is it over? I'll take it as if you're done!"

Ye Que stretched out a finger and pointed at One-eyed Shura.


A coercion of Yin-Yang three-step realm came in from outside the hall.

"Your Excellency is too presumptuous! This is the Shura world, not the human world!"

It is the yin-yang level power of the Shura world who has come.

"Get out of the Asura world!"

"What kind of thing is the human race, dare to be presumptuous here!"

"Using the big to bully the small, what kind of Yin-Yang three-step realm!"

All the Shuras were overjoyed, and they looked at Ye Que with eyes full of playfulness.

"Look, this is my yin-yang level power, you can't afford it."

One-eyed Shura grinned.


His body exploded.

There was another silence in the hall.


A monstrous murderous intent came from outside the hall, heading straight for Ye Que.

"Do you know how much trouble you have caused?"

The yin and yang three-step realm suppressed anger, but murderous intent shrouded Ye Que.

He is very annoyed.

In front of him, this human race dared to kill his people, so arrogant.

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