God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 825: Giant tortoise in the world of seeking gods (3)

Ye Que didn't forget to look for the giant tortoise in the God Realm. If it can devour it, the turtle's form will undergo a huge transformation, maybe it will directly transform into a **** body.

"Tell me in detail!"

Hearing Bai Yechen's words, he suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked seriously.

"In the deepest part of the Beiming Sea, someone discovered that giant tortoises hundreds of thousands of meters high once haunted them."

It cost Bai Yechen a huge price to get this news.

"Enough! Wait for me to check it myself!"

Ye Que left with the golden stick on his shoulder.

The stick was conceived by his Dao power, and he has not yet become a Dao soldier, but it is not far away.

As soon as I flew out, I saw a group of big monsters playing cards there, and some big monsters read novels obediently, waiting for Ning Yu to update.

This is Ye Tiandian, a proper entertainment place, even some big shots come to Ye Tiandian occasionally.

These bigwigs were very serious at the beginning, and they wanted to preach with Ye Que, but later they played cards, bragged, went to brothels, etc. with a group of people, and they all became depraved.

No, another Yin-Yang three-step realm is here.

This guy is from Nanling, he looks like a young man with a literary name called Chu Mo, but he is actually similar to Jin Duande.

When he first came to Ye Tiandian, he still had the demeanor of a strong man, but after eating, drinking and having fun with those Ye Tiandians, his true colors were immediately revealed, and he degenerated over time.

"Hey, where is Lord Ye going?"

Chu Mo yelled.

Ye Que didn't bother to talk to him, this guy ate and drank in Ye Tiandian every day, hung out with Jin Duande, and did some immoral things, ruining Ye Tiandian's reputation.

Although Ye Tiandian had his own reasons, Ye Que relied on him.

"Hey! Just ignore me, you will be struck by lightning if you go out!"

After Chu Mo complained, Jin Duande went to watch a movie again.

Ye Que ran in the void, shrinking the ground into inches step by step, and came to the death road in a short time.

The dark wasteland is full of ravines and rifts, where no life lives, desolate and full of death.

The translucent twisting space, like an upside-down bowl, envelopes the place.

As Bai Yechen said, the coverage area has shrunk.

He opened the ancient **** eyes to peek into it, but he felt dazed, and it was still difficult to get a glimpse of the truth. He didn't know if Zhu Jiuyin was still there, and he didn't know if the only remaining divine essence had disappeared.

"I can use the power of the stars now. Although the power of the gods is great, I don't have much interest! I mainly want to talk to Zhu Jiuyin, who almost killed me back then!"

Shaking his head, his hand was covered by Jietian Daoli.

Today's Jietian Dao has absorbed the original source of wind and thunder, coupled with the influence of discussing Dao with the strong, it is several times stronger than before.

Moreover, his own strength was also driven by the growth of the ancient gods, and his strength became stronger, so he could easily fight against the second step.

Clenching a fist tightly, the golden heaven-cutting power is contained in it, shaking the void.

With a punch, it hit the twisting space.

Still, nothing moved.

A special secret technique has been applied, a journey into the ethereal.

The strange secret technique of Wuheng Patriarch can quietly pass through various restrictions and formations, and can even penetrate some supernatural powers.

The strength of the stars in the body was almost bottomed out, so he barely used the Ethereal Journey. However, touching and twisting the space was still unsuccessful.

Cannot move through space.

"Wait for my Daoyuan to come again!"

He also walked decisively, going straight to the sea of ​​the Northern Darkness, while absorbing the power of the stars to replenish the depleted star power in his body.

Running wildly in the void, shrinking the ground into inches one after another, this guy ran from the Eastern Wasteland to the Northern Darkness.

On the boundless sea, looking at the collapsed Beiming Immortal Sect, memories appeared in his eyes.

The Heavenly Lord of Life and Death in the past told him many secrets, and he verified that most of them were false.

For example, the battle between immortals and gods took place 50,000 years ago, not in modern times. There is still a layer of fog on the bodies of the first ancient gods.

He couldn't understand more and more about the life and death of the first ancient gods, but he had a hunch that there must still be some big secrets in the Six Realms.

Flying on the sea, when I met a warrior, I went to ask for more information about the giant tortoise.

However, almost no one has seen it.

He simply drilled into the bottom of the sea and asked about the sea monsters.

When passing by a seabed, there is a gate at the bottom.

That door leads to the fairyland.

It was told by the Heavenly Lord of Life and Death.

This reminded him of Luo Wushen.

Luo Wushen is in the fairyland, so he should be rebuilding the fairyland, right?

"In the past, did you fake your death to avoid sight, or to give yourself an explanation?"

Ye Que muttered, his attitude towards Luo Wushen was complicated.

Sighing lightly, I feel that I have become sentimental, probably because I have experienced a lot, and everything I see has the past.

Shaking his head, shaking his head these hypocritical things, he swam past the gate.


A 10,000-meter-long squid flew out of the abyss under the sea, and grabbed Ye Que with its tentacles.

Ye Que slapped him across the face, slapping the squid in a daze.

"Say, have you ever seen a giant tortoise?"

He was fierce, like a bandit, frightening the squid into a daze.

"I've only seen a huge black shadow, but I don't know if it's a giant tortoise."

Squid is the overlord of the local area, and he is used to being arrogant, but the villain still needs to be tortured by the villain.

Ye Que's eyes lit up, and he asked in a deep voice, "When did you see it? Where did the black shadow go?"

"I saw it once a thousand years ago, and once last year, and disappeared towards the extreme north."

The squid was very cowardly, for fear that the other party would roast it.

"last year!"

Ye Que was a little annoyed, he was in the World of Beasts last year, otherwise he would probably have found the giant tortoise.

Without any trace of ink, he went straight to the deep sea in the extreme north.

This time, I went for three months.

For three months, he consulted many overlords in the sea. Those guys were very arrogant, but they were all subdued by his slap.

Whatever he asked, the other party answered.

The answer he got made him very excited.

There are sea overlords who have seen giant tortoises passing by in the Beiming sea, but they disappeared soon.

"The giant tortoise in the God Realm appeared and disappeared in Beiming, but did not return to the God Realm. Could it be that this girl is seriously injured?"

Ye Que didn't have a good impression of the God Realm, if he could swallow the giant tortoise of the God Realm, he would not hesitate.

Standing in the sea, facing the heavy rain, staring further north, he sneered and said, "My time in the human world is almost over, I should go to other realms! Good luck! But next time I come back, I will prepare a lot of equipment to take you Captured!"

Between the words, slowly turned to leave.


Amidst the storm, a huge shadow appeared in the extreme depths of the sea.

When Ye Que turned his head, he glanced out of the corner of his eye, and with a bang, he killed him.

Roar! !

A gigantic turtle shadow at least 300,000 meters high appeared amidst the thunderstorm and thunder, raised its head and let out a long howl.

The figure was too huge, wisps of vicissitudes of life spread in the rainstorm, and the surrounding creatures trembled.

boom! boom!

Ye Que ran wildly, possessed the Tianjie armor, the golden stick in his hand, the Yuanjue Miaoming Art was activated, infinite sword control, infinite virtual flash, Jietian Dao, and many top secret techniques accumulated in his body.

"It must be you! The giant tortoise of the gods!"

He was ready for the first battle, and he was also ready to flee if the situation was not right.

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